Alexander Afonin's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Alexander Afonin Homepage: All Plugins and Files by Alexander Afonin
urlData wcx plug-in version 0.2
This is a Total Commander plugin that allows to extract resources stored in HTML and css files.
-- = = Capability = = --
- Decode quoted-printable, base64, 8bit, 7bit, binary, uuencode
127 KB - Updated: 4.04.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 3809 times
MhtUnPack wcx and wdx plug-in version 2.4
This is a Total Commander plugin that allows to extract resources stored in MHT files.
-- = = Capability = = --
- Decode quoted-printable, base64, 8bit, 7bit, binary, uuencode
- Open file create with brouser IE, Opera, etc.
- Open file create with mailer (*.msg)(Outlook not supported)
- Open *.b64, *.uue, *.xxe file
- Handling name in KOI8-R, UTF-8, UTF-7
- Decode name from quoted-printable, base64
- Delete file from archive
- Pack file to archive
- Search in unpack files
- Wdx-functional
157 KB - Updated: 23.03.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 77328 times
firstByte wdx plug-in version 0.5
This is a Total Commander plugin that allows to extract data from file byte/word/dword hex/dec/char format.
Offset may be set in configure file
-- = = Capability = = --
- getting first byte/word/dword hex/dec/char format from file
- getting last byte/word/dword hex/dec/char format from file
- getting by offset byte/word/dword hex/dec/char format from file
97 KB - Updated: 15.05.2018 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 4988 times
MhtUnPack wcx and wdx plug-in version 2.2
This is a Total Commander plugin that allows to extract resources stored in MHT files.
-- = = Capability = = --
- Decode quoted-printable, base64, 8bit, 7bit, binary, uuencode
- Open file create with brouser IE, Opera, etc.
- Open file create with mailer (*.msg)(Outlook not supported)
- Open *.b64, *.uue, *.xxe file
- Handling name in KOI8-R, UTF-8, UTF-7
- Decode name from quoted-printable, base64
- Delete file from archive
- Pack file to archive
- Search in unpack files
- Wdx-functional
131 KB - Updated: 28.04.2018 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 8091 times
DmpView plugin for TotalCommander v 0.2.3
This is a Total Commander plugin that allows to view *.dmp file,
creating Microsoft Windows when system has blue screen.
-- = = Capability = = --
- Show information about *.dmp file
155 KB - Updated: 17.08.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 18561 times
WhoOpenDoc plugin for TotalCommander v 0.3
This is a Total Commander plugin that allows to view ~$*.doc file,
creating when Microsoft Word open file.
That allow view, who open file. Usefull for the multiusers work with the document.
-- = = Capability = = --
- Show information about ~$*.doc,~$*.dot,~$*.docx,~$*.rtf file
46 KB - Updated: 20.12.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 17176 times
This is a Total Commander plugin that allows to generate TTH checksum for files.
-- = = Installation = = --
1. Copy "tthGen.wcx" into "TotalCommander \ Plugins" directory.
2. Go to Configuration -> Options... -> Packer -> Additional packers -> Configure packer extension WCX's
3. Enter "tth" into the edit box
4. Press "New type", browse for plugin, then press "Open"
5. Press all "OK" buttons
This plugin is compatible with TC's automatic installation procedure.
63 KB - Updated: 18.04.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 6543 times
This plugin can show information about nm2 files.
6 KB - Updated: 18.04.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 5450 times
LineCount plugin for TotalCommander v 0.3
Handled project's C, C++.
This is a Total Commander plugin that allows to calculate lines of source files.
Sample result file:
Files Total Lines Code Lines Comments Empty Lines Ratio % Name
5 928 495 299 177 53 LineCount
118 KB - Updated: 18.04.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 7908 times