SynPlus Files
Lister-plugin for vieweing and editing files in HTML, C++, PHP, XML, PERL and other formats with syntax highlighting.
Source code package contains the component SynUniHighlighter for highlighting arbitrary syntax. To install it, the component library SynEdit is needed.
1497 KB - Updated: 11.02.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 133432 times
Modelica® highlighting scheme for SynPlus editor and viewer plugin.
2 KB - Updated: 18.07.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 8883 times
This is an actualized German LNG file, because the archive of the plugin authors contents an old one. Some parts of the plugin can't be translated because the LNG files have no items. Sorry.
5 KB - Updated: 20.07.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 9270 times
13 KB - Updated: 21.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 16501 times
Highlighter for Clips (*.CLP) by Vladimir Silchenkov
3 KB - Updated: 8.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 10580 times
This is tool for quick view and edit highlighter files of SynPlus (*.hgl).
335 KB - Updated: 8.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 14212 times
Executes text transliteration
Transliterations table in file char2translit.lng
13 KB - Updated: 5.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 12461 times
12 KB - Updated: 5.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 11218 times
Allows "to comment" ("quote") text area.
Symbols beginning and completions quoting tune in in comments.lng
13 KB - Updated: 5.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 11394 times
Allows sort lines in file.
35 KB - Updated: 5.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 13083 times
SynPlus module Delphi source code sample
4 KB - Updated: 2.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 12160 times
Allow make screen shot of SynPlus window.
47 KB - Updated: 2.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 11886 times
Allows show standard file properties window.
12 KB - Updated: 2.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 11975 times
Allow execute files.
11 KB - Updated: 2.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 12182 times
- Highlight scheme is intended for easy edition of text with UBB tags (pseudo-HTML) usually used in forums etc.
- Quote tags are highlighted, other tags are grayed.
- Smiles are highlighted, but not within tags.
- Supported quotes: one line, within tags, within tags with specified author.
- Text style tags: [b], [i], [u] can be combined. Work within quotes.
- List tags: [list], [list=1], [list=a], [*].
- Links highlighted by www, http and mailto prefix. Titled link, link with picture tags.
- Image tag: [img].
- Files for installing "UBB File" type in the system. It is added into "New" menu. There is icon file in the archive.
29 KB - Updated: 1.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 11358 times
Converted reserved chars in HTML files
(Russian only)
23 KB - Updated: 20.10.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 11564 times
This is pack of various highlighters for SynPlus.
They are devided in three groups:
• Standard 1.3 - Standard SynPlus Highlighters
• Addons - Various highlighters of different people
• Old_Highlighters_Pack - Old Highlighters Pack by Vitaly Nevzorov.
815 KB - Updated: 11.10.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 16140 times
Syntax highlighting scheme (SynPlus) for sources of Visual Lisp (AutoCAD).
4 KB - Updated: 24.08.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 10972 times
Highlighters for SQL by Karen Avanesov and Vitaly Nevzorov.
38 KB - Updated: 29.07.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 13161 times
Standard color schemes for SynPlus. They can be upgraded before upgrading plugin!
73 KB - Updated: 28.07.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 12427 times
Syntax highlighting scheme for Quake 3 Arena configuration files (*.cfg) for SynPlus plugin.
6 KB - Updated: 8.05.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 10924 times
Syntax highlighting scheme for Apache web-server configuration files httpd.conf) for SynPlus plugin.
2 KB - Updated: 24.04.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 11614 times
Syntax highlighting scheme for Windows PowerPro scripting language for Total Commander plugin - SynPlus. For SynPlus 2.0 beta 2 or higher.
3 KB - Updated: 28.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 10868 times