Black Dog's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Black Dog Homepage: All Plugins and Files by Black Dog
Windows/Total Commander History of all changes from Version 1.00 (25.9.93) to 6.03a (16.04.04)
82 KB - Updated: 6.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 11424 times
MultiArc configuration for UHARC.
Uwe Herklotz
1 KB - Updated: 14.09.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 37113 times
MultiArc configuration for 7-zip (with SFXs support).
Yuri Bomstein
Alexey Klimin
Milykh Alexander
Black Dog
2 KB - Updated: 14.09.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 25811 times
Archive contents:
Wcmd_exp_eng.mnu - Expanded English version of main menu for Total Commander 6.x;
Wcmd_exp_eng.lng - English language interface file for Total Commander 6.x with some interface improvements;
shortcuts.txt - [Shortcuts] wincmd.ini section for customized shortcuts support;
user.txt - [User] wincmd.ini section for customized menu functions support;
filters.txt - [Colors] and [Searches] sections (as a bonus %);
FAQ.txt - Answers for most frequently asked questions.
• All menu entries mapped to internal command numbers, not names, so menu works even w/o TOTALCMD.INC.
• All menu entries have accelerators.
• A lot of menu entries use additional KBD shortcuts and internal commands you can find in shortcuts.txt and user.txt. To make them work you have to add [user] and [shortcuts] section from shortcuts.txt and user.txt files to your wincmd.ini (it would be a good idea to close Commander first).
• This menu basically intended for NT-family operation systems.
• This is not an "all commands" menu (I suppose such an approach stupid and
cumbersome though tastes differ), but it contains most of TC internal commands.
• I tried not to redefine default shortcuts in shortcuts.txt to avoid any interference with default ones, the only exception I made - "F9"&"F10".
• You can make some interface improvements with Wcmd_exp_eng.lng (a lot of accelerators added/changed, "User" instead of "Start", "Alt+X Quit" instead of "Alt+F4 Exit" etc.).
• Color filters include time-based "Forge" scheme by HuKO/\Au KOPOBuH (seven filters, from 1 min to 2 days), "Filter for future" for files with incorrect date, filters for files with compressed and read only attributes, temporary files, etc.
10 KB - Updated: 11.09.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 21237 times
StarCraft sound theme for Total Commander and TConsole. Build mostly on Protoss sounds. Compressed by Blizzard MoPaQ, use MPQ plugin to unpack.
393 KB - Updated: 6.12.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 23063 times