Pavel Dubrovsky's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Pavel Dubrovsky Homepage: All Plugins and Files by Pavel Dubrovsky support for Total Commander. Download link (binaries and source code):
0 KB - Updated: 7.10.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 237 times
+ Work with winamp playlist like with filesystem. Just copy whatever to plugin filesystem. All supported files can be added to Winamp playlist. Also you can copy files from playlist and delete it as usual!
+ MP3 ID3 tags editor. Just press Alt+Enter on mp3 file to call editor.
+ Saving playlist. Type "save" in commandline, and playlist will be saved in specified directory.
+ User columns support (NEW!). Now plugin support custom columns with mp3 ID3 tags. You can configure it in Custom columns section of TC Options.
+ Thumbnails support (NEW!). Press Ctrl+Shift+F1 in plugin filesystem, and plugin will search for tracks associated thumbnails.
247 KB - Updated: 3.12.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 22476 times
2986 KB - Updated: 28.07.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 46309 times
The plugin is intended for work with mail accounts via POP3/SMTP directly under in Total Commander.
Following features supported:
- Viewing information about the messages in the user columns without messages delivery (download only headers -> reduction of traffic).
- Removing messages from the server.
- Messages delivery from the server.
- Viewing size of a mail box without uploading messages.
- Saving messages in eml-files.
- Message viewer.
- Message editor/sender.
- GMail supported.
825 KB - Updated: 5.02.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 51264 times
564 KB - Updated: 13.08.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 6612 times
Because of lack of time and loss of interest this plugin has been deserted. In spite of the fact that it is quite efficient, there are some subquality work and is not fixed bugs.
Therefore has been solved to publish source codes of a plugin in free use.
877 KB - Updated: 11.08.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 9484 times
Plugin allow work with Winamp playlist as filesystem content. Supports copying from playlist, track import, full playlist export, mp3 id3 tags editing and other features.
285 KB - Updated: 8.02.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 45222 times
Small application, which allow you to move any window for any its part (how it made in Linux XWindows).
171 KB - Updated: 30.11.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 14047 times
Transliteration plugin used to tranliterate Russian, Greek, Sanskrit etc. words with english characters. It can be very useful for multirename purposes. Plugin uses external transliteration tables (possible to add any languages).
71 KB - Updated: 15.11.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 58938 times
Sorry, no description avialable now.
306 KB - Updated: 5.07.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 31065 times
Allows to use all content plugins for Total Commander in just one column. You will not need to have a lot of column combinations for different file types. The super column is a universal one. It will show only proper information for different file types. For example for images it will show dimentions, for mp3-files - id3 tags, for text files - descriptions, etc. You will need to configure it by running SSettings.exe before using.
Plugin help file
578 KB - Updated: 23.04.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 41929 times
Plugin allows assign files and directories to user groups, create user columns and store descriptions for files in global file.
297 KB - Updated: 27.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 19513 times
TCALLO is a small and easy to use utility for Total Commander and Apollo mediaplayer users. Just run TCALLO.exe, and title of currently played track will shown in Total Commander window caption.
Note: use "TCALLO.exe /active", for active window mode (currently played track will shown in active window caption).
148 KB - Updated: 20.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 13770 times
TCAMPER is a small and easy to use utility for Total Commander and WinAmp users. Just run TCAMPER.exe, and title of currently played track will shown in Total Commander window caption.
Note: use "TCAMPER.exe /active", for active window mode (currently played track will shown in active window caption).
148 KB - Updated: 20.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 16613 times
TCFS (Total Commander Full Screen) - The small external program which can turn TC in the "full screen" (switching off all TC panels (command line, function keys, buttons bar, drive buttons, tabstop header, status bar etc.) and back in one click.
393 KB - Updated: 20.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 26194 times
Not avialable
288 KB - Updated: 29.05.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 25533 times
Winamp control plugin
370 KB - Updated: 26.05.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 36940 times