SpeedProject's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: SpeedProject Homepage: http://www.speedproject.de/enu/txquickview/index.html All Plugins and Files by SpeedProject
TxQuickView is a universal file viewer plugin for Total Commander. It embeds Windows Media Player, QuickTime and RealPlayer for multimedia files and shows all information (including resources) for executable files. The viewer for Delphi forms can be easily extended with your own derived Delphi classes by adding them to TxQuickView.ini. TxQuickView hosts the Internet Explorer for viewing HTML and PDF. If a folder is selected in TC, TxQuickView displays a tree view with subfolders and their sizes. Support for many file formats: Image files, Multimedia files, Delphi forms, Executable files including resources, Font files, HTML files
554 KB - Updated: 4.12.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 49857 times