Alexander Asyabrik aka Shura's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Alexander Asyabrik aka Shura Homepage: All Plugins and Files by Alexander Asyabrik aka Shura
TweakTC is designed for advanced configuration of Total Commander (more than 65 options) without manual editing its INI files (usually wincmd.ini and wcx_ftp.ini).
Also you may try my freeware utility:
Registry Trash Keys Finder v.3.9.3
(release date: 12/25/2014)
86 KB - Updated: 25.09.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 148482 times
The simple utility which allows you to decrypt all encrypted FTP passwords (as well as passwords for accessing to firewall) usually stored in Total Commander wcx_ftp.ini file.
Also you may try my freeware utility:
Registry Trash Keys Finder v.
(release date: 7/20/2012)
16 KB - Updated: 22.10.2006 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 154307 times
ReloadTC features:
1) operates exactly with TC copy from which ReloadTC was called
2) ReloadTC command line translation into TC command line
3) special command line parameter for ReloadTC - /w=xxxx, where xxxx is numeric value for number of milliseconds (by default 300) on which the start of TC will be delayed.
Also you may try my freeware utility:
Registry Trash Keys Finder v.
(release date: 7/20/2012)
13 KB - Updated: 8.09.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 25557 times