Motorocker's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Motorocker Homepage: All Plugins and Files by Motorocker
SEO HTML content SEO plugin for Total Commander
Show content of HTML tags
Title page's title, words and chars count
Meta Description page's description, words and chars count
Meta Keywords keywords, words and chars count
H1 first level header
H2 second level header
Also show lenght of text and words count.
Show count of links (tag A), also by types (external, internal, mail) [experimental]
Check brocken internal links [experimental]
Help to SEO site optimize.
26 KB - Updated: 17.06.2008 - x32 - Downloaded 8461 times
NSCopy - wcx plugin for Total Commander
Copy unreadable files from any media, using program Non-Stop Copy.
Unreadable positions fills zeros (#0).
Program Non-Stop Copy copies files 3 times faster than Total Commander.
69 KB - Updated: 17.06.2008 - x32 - Downloaded 27393 times
Graphics Converter - Packer plugin for Total Commander
Converts files from most graphic formats to
BMP, GIF, JP2, JPG, PNG, TIFF (Uncompressed, LZW, Packbits, ZIP)
Image processing (currently) not supported.
Multilanguage: Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, German, Spanish, Chinese, France, Swedish, Hungarian.
716 KB - Updated: 15.06.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 32249 times