Dmitry Kolomiets's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Dmitry Kolomiets Homepage: All Plugins and Files by Dmitry Kolomiets
This plugin provides the console for Total Commander.
Support more than 100 consoles.
Can work with bash, csh, or default Windows shell.
Support ctrl+c in console window.
Support hotkeys.
Requirement: Windows 5.1 and newer.
279 KB - Updated: 2.11.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 32507 times
BarEditor is a editor of *.bar files.
It looks like TC dialog "Change button bar".
Support some additional abilities:
Copy\Paste in TC clipboard format
Useful to edit bar files separately of TC.
210 KB - Updated: 2.11.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 14700 times