Juergen Luethje's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Juergen Luethje Homepage: http://luethje.eu/prog/ All Plugins and Files by Juergen Luethje
Sequences is a FILE SYSTEM PLUGIN for Total Commander (TC)
It allows to build sequences of serially numbered files, e.g.
kitten01.jpg, kitten02.jpg, kitten03.jpg => kitten[01-03].jpg
(by: Juergen Luethje)
117 KB - Updated: 28.11.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 8429 times
mbox.wcx is a 32-bit Windows DLL for reading and writing Unix mailbox files (mbox format). This packer plugin basically makes it possible for Total Commander to treat mbox files like "directories" of mail files.
141 KB - Updated: 4.11.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 21872 times