Marian Denes's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Marian Denes All Plugins and Files by Marian Denes
Beside the plain text in one of the tabs shows the occurrences of letters and digits in the other tabs:
- in the tab with sortable list of letters, their occurrences and percentages
- in the tab with histogram of occurrences of letters
- in the tab with sortable list of digits, their occurrences and percentages
- in the tab with histogram of occurrences of digits
- in the tab with two static vertical lists, the left column ordered alphabetically and the right by occurrences
- in the tab with static horizontal text, the upper ordered alphabetically and the lower by occurrences
In the tabs with sortable lists is possible to change order of the columns by dragging their headers.
Tab with two vertical static lists shows also percentages of occurrences and the sum of all occurrences.
The font size and bold style of the most tabs is adjustable in the Settings tab.
The font size, the last chosen tab and the order of the items of the individual sortable lists are saved and automatically restored at the opening the next file and at the new opening of the Lister, and even after exit and restart of the Total Commander.
427 KB - Updated: 22.01.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 10381 times