WinScript Advanced 1.7
WinScript Advanced 1.7
WinScriptAdv content plugin runs your scripts for files and folders and displays returned from script info into columns.
You can write your own scripts for getting any useful information from the file\folder or parse its name, for sorting files in a desired order, for complex file renaming with Multi-Rename Tool, etc.
You can activate unlimited scripts count in one group of columns (in one panel) - they will work together.
Each script can have multiple columns (up to 21) and display info simultaneously with other scripts that also can be with multiple columns.
* Multiple columns per one script (up to 21);
* Unlimited number of simultaneously working scripts in one group of columns;
* Custom title name for any column;
* Supported scripting languages:
Python (*.py)
AutoHotKey (*.ahk)
PHP (*.php)
AutoIt (*.au3)
PowerShell (*.ps1)
Category: Content plugins
Status: Freeware
Author: AlexShy
Added: 11.06.2016
Updated: 27.06.2016
Downloaded: 8416 times
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