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All Plugins and Files by Athari

Boot Screen View 1.1 release

NOTICE! The plugin has been temporarily removed due to antivirus detects.

Windows XP boot screens preview plugin. Features:

• Previews “.bootscreen”, “.bootskin”, “.tbs” skin files, screens from kernels “ntoskrnl.exe”, “ntrnlmp.exe”, “ntkrnlpa.exe”, “ntkrpamp.exe”.
• Automatic detection of palette and progress bar position for all versions of Windows XP kernels.
• Conversion (also batch conversion) between skin formats (conversion to Windows XP kernel is not possible, but conversion from it is.) “.tbs” skins can be unprotected from editing.
• Information from INI files (skin properties) is displayed and edited.
• Thumbnails creation.
• Explorer integration: context menus of skin files.
• Imitates technical limitations: palette, screen border, specific artefacts (except “.bootskin” skins which do not imply kernel modification.) Overlays (Pro/Home etc.) are displayed according to the installed version of Windows.
• Progress bar animation.
• Respects Lister view options (centering, fitting of images etc.)
• Zoomimg with antialiasing.
• Help in Russian and English.
666 KB - Updated: 10.02.2008 - x32 - Downloaded  73077 times

Imagine: Russian language beta 5

(only for Russians)
5 KB - Updated: 29.12.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  15691 times

SynPlus: UBB Text highlight scheme 0.4.1

- Highlight scheme is intended for easy edition of text with UBB tags (pseudo-HTML) usually used in forums etc.
- Quote tags are highlighted, other tags are grayed.
- Smiles are highlighted, but not within tags.
- Supported quotes: one line, within tags, within tags with specified author.
- Text style tags: [b], [i], [u] can be combined. Work within quotes.
- List tags: [list], [list=1], [list=a], [*].
- Links highlighted by www, http and mailto prefix. Titled link, link with picture tags.
- Image tag: [img].
- Files for installing "UBB File" type in the system. It is added into "New" menu. There is icon file in the archive.
29 KB - Updated: 1.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  11371 times

Resource Extractor 1.1.1

- Decompilation of 32-bit PE executables (EXE SCR) and libraries (DLL OCX CPL BPL), resource files (RES DCR).
- Automatic detection of 32-bit executables and libraries by format. Resource files are detected only by extension.
- Resources with primary language are placed in both resource directory and resource type directory. "Primary" means the following: plugin searches for resource that better fits keyboard layouts.
- Resources can be deleted either internally (fast, but not safe; file may be damaged) or using Resource Hacker (you can get it from Backup copy with name "filename.ext.!!!" is created.
- Supports almost all standard resources. Styles for common controls can be decompiled as named constants.
- Decompilation process is fully customizable. Options can be stored either in the regsitry or in the ini-file.

- Icons (ICO) and cursors (CUR). They can be extracted as a whole or as particular format. Formats have names like "16x16 256 Colors" or "48x48 True Color (XP)". "(XP)" mark in the format name means that it is 32-bit icon with alpha channel.
- Dialogs - both standard and extended (RC). Types and styles are decompiled as named constants for controls: Button, Static, Edit, ScrollBar, ListBox, ComboBox, ToolbarWindow32, RichEdit, SysAnimate32, SysDateTimePick32, SysHeader32, SysListView32, SysMonthCal32, SysPager, SysTabControl32, SysTreeView32, msctls_hotkey32, msctls_progress32, msctls_statusbar32, msctls_trackbar32, msctls_updown32, ComboBoxEx32, ReBarWindow32, ToolbarWindow32, RichEdit20A, BorBtn, BorRadio, BorRadio, BorCheck, BorStatic, BorShade. Styles for unknown controls are decompiled as hex values. All window styles are decompiled as named constants.
- Menus - both standard and extended (RC)
- Borland forms (DFM) are decompiled into the text format.
- Version information (RC)
- String and message tables (RC)
- Accelerator tables (RC). Keys are decompiled into the "VK_" constants.
- XP Manifests (XML)
- Toolbars (RC)
- Registry scripts (RGS)
- Registry installation (INI)

- Bitmaps (BMP DIB)
- Text (TXT). If the first KB of resource does not contain non-printable symbols, it is detected as text
- Web resources (HTM HTML GIF JPG JPEG XSL)
- AVI video files (AVI)
- Wave sound files (WAV)
- Metafiles (WMF)
- Executables (EXE)
- Virtual devices (VXD)
- Resources with unknown format have "BIN" extension
- Corrupted with exe-compressors resources have "!!!" extension
- Resources with incorrect format have "!" extension
462 KB - Updated: 20.02.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  71611 times

Used cars from Japan


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