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Frumento Enrico's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET

Author Profile: Frumento Enrico


All Plugins and Files by Frumento Enrico

UPX4TC 1.1 beta

A set of setup files useful to add support to TC and it's extension Multiarc for the UPX compressing program
393 KB - Updated: 24.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  19844 times

ExAddon 1.0

TC MultiArc config addon for EX_ and DL_ compressed windows files
8 KB - Updated: 24.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  17171 times

TCIcons 1.0

A set of nice icons for Total Commander I'm using in everyday TC's life. Them were been collected on the net, you can freely use them.
451 KB - Updated: 24.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  42824 times

WALaunch4TC 1.1

Correctly launch WinAmp 3.0 and following on selected files in TC. New version of WinAmp 3.0 and 5.0 doesn't work well with TC, because it's not able to read lists created by TC with %L or %l (see TC help). So this program takes the list sent by TC and append an header to create a temporary m3u list.
All these operations happens in the TC's temporary folder and all produced temporary files are deleted just after WinAmp read them.
The optimal usage is in a button in TC, that once pressed sends the selected files to WinAmp.
An interesting usage is with CTRL-B selecting only those files you area interested to ear.
In this archive there are also the setting to be used for the button.
43 KB - Updated: 24.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  13844 times

SymbolView 2.1.2 beta

Dumps .lib export maps (exported functions),IDL of COM objects and PE file structures, contained inside .ocx, .tlb, .dll or .exe in a human readable way (it uses the Microsoft's Interface Description Language).
Supported extensions: .lib, .ocx, .tlb, .exe, .dll and all PE file (starting with "MZ" signature)
All executable PE format files, are recognised by this application, them are recognised using the "MZ" signature (the first two bytes in ascii are "MZ").

Unique feature, also with respect to FileInfo is the dump of COM, OCX TLB and Lib files too.
588 KB - Updated: 24.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  19979 times

Par4TC 1.0

Modified version of PAR for MultiArc 1.11 including support .addon files and a PAR customized version able to work with MultiArc. PAR for whom that don't know it, is a program able to decompress as it would be a packed file all the .prc and .pdb PalmOS files, letting you to see inside resources and code section as if they would have been packed files (PalmOS files are indeed similar to little databases). You can also add/extract. Unfortunately it didn't work with TC and specially with MultiArc. In order to fix this PAR limitation (;-)) I changed it a bit (mainly how the output is created). Modifications are specific for TC only and to distinguish it from the official release (updated rarely indeed) I renamed it as 0.05.02 Included in this package there's is also the offical PAR manual, which of course can still be used as a DOS command. Some of the supported operations indeed don't have sense inside TC and I left them out. You can think of specific usage, for example using custom buttons of TC's command bar (i.e. the creation of a pdb file streaming into a text is one of these less useful funtions with respect to an integration into MultiArc).
40 KB - Updated: 24.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  13953 times

SystemInfo 3.0

This plugin retrieves a lot of system informations through different sources and ways (more that 15) and shows it when viewing files with .systeminfo extension
204 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  22866 times

SyntaxColorizer 1.1

It colorize C and C++ sources, using standard colors. It colorizes also .rc, .mak and .def files. Supported extensions: .c, .cpp, .h, .hpp, .hxx, .cxx,. mak, .def
20 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  20886 times

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