Unofficial database of all Total Commander plugins and addons  

SmartNewFile 0.01

A small tool to create folders or text files in Total Commander

Total Commander has a built-in folder creation function (default: F7) and several plugins to extend its functionality.

* Features

1. Replaces the F7 function, invoking this tool to create either a folder or a file.
2. Folder creation:
- If the input has no extension (e.g., `subfolder`), pressing Enter creates a folder.
3. File creation:
- If the input includes an extension (e.g., `.txt`, `.ini`, `.md`), pressing Enter creates a file.
4. Toggle action (Shift+Enter):
- Switches behavior—e.g., create a file named `subfolder` or a folder named `name.txt`.
5. Two Toggleable options:
- Write clipboard content (F1): Pastes clipboard text into the new file (ignored for folders).
- Open after creation (F2): Opens the created file with the default Windows program, or folder in totalcmd.
6. Two Manual buttons:
- Folder (Enter): Forces folder creation, regardless of input.
- File (Shift+Enter): Forces file creation, regardless of input.
7. Configuration file (`NewFile.ini`):
- Automatically generated when pressing F1/F2 to save preferences.
- This part uses [ini-parser]( (credits included).
8. Reverse "open after" behavior (Ctrl+Enter):
- If "open after" is enabled, skips opening; if disabled, opens the file/folder. Useful when you don't want to change the `Open after creation (F2)` option.
9. Custom file extensions (`txtformat`):
- Default: Text files (e.g., `.txt`, `.md`, `.ini`).
- Add extensions manually in the INI file (e.g., `.mp4`, though not meaningful), separated by commas.
10. Total Commander path:
- Must specify `totalcmd.exe` or `totalcmd64.exe` path in the INI file.

* Example INI File

autowriteclipboard = True
autoopenaftercreated = True
totalcmd = C:\Path\To\TOTALCMD64.EXE
txtformat = .txt,.md,.ini,.py,.xml,.cs

* How to use this?

1. Download the `NewFile.exe`, put it under `%COMMANDER_PATH%\Plugins\addons\newfile\*`.
2. Create a command in `usercmd.ini` like:

3. Configure the totalcmd shortkey `F7` to `em_F7`.
488 KB - Updated: 26.03.2025 - Downloaded  152 times

ImageMetaData for JPG comment, Exif, IPTC and XMP metadata

Using the ImageMetaData plugin Total Commander can display and edit (almost any) JPG comment, PNG comment, Exif tags, IPTC datasets and XMP properties of image files.

The ImageMetaData plugin is based on the Exiv2 Image Metadata Library v0.27.7 (with support for HEIF enabled).

List of supported Exif tags, IPTC datasets and XMP properties

List of supported image formats
1410 KB - Updated: 17.03.2025 - Downloaded  69807 times

PE Viewer

The plugin is designed to view information about modules of PE, MZ, NE, LE and ELF formats (EXE, DLL, SO, DRV, SYS, OCX, COM, etc.).
- summary information about the file: size, timestamps, hashes and entropy.
- statistics from
- signature analysis of "PE Sniffer" and "PEiD".
- detailed information about sections and module headings.
- functions exported by the module.
- imported external modules and their functions used. With the ability to open the selected external module in a separate instance of the plugin.
- resources contained in the module. With the ability to view, copy to the clipboard and save all resources.
- digital signatures and certificates. With the ability to check the validity of the signature of the module itself and the validity of the certificates used.
- debugging structures with detailed analysis.
- load configuration structure with detailed analysis.
- CLR header of the .Net assembly. With the ability to display the versions installed in the OS ".Net Framework" and ".Net Core".

Make sure that there is no detect line for the plugin in the wincmd.ini configuration file. Allows you to open files without filtering by extension.
2183 KB - Updated: 16.03.2025 - Downloaded  19697 times

TC IrfanView Plugin 2.62

Plugin for viewing images in Total Commander.
The plugin supports animation in files and IrfanView keyboard shortcuts.
The 2.X plug-in line differs from the 1.X line in that a clean one is launched
by F3 IrfanView, without integration with Lister Total Commander. This allows
you to use the entire IrfanView toolkit, increases the smoothness when
displaying the image. You can also now use Total Commander and IrfanView of non-
matching bit depth. The lines are developing in parallel.
510 KB - Updated: 7.03.2025 - Downloaded  25157 times

TCWinDjView Plugin 1.1

Plugin viewing DJV, DJVU for Total Commander.
The formats are supported: DJV, DJVU.
ATTENTION: the plugin works only with the WindjView version included in the
730 KB - Updated: 7.03.2025 - Downloaded  657 times

GPSInfos 2 Google Earth

GPSInfos2GE is a small command line program that extracts the GPSInfo values of the Exif section of pictures from digital cameras and displays them in Google Earth or a web browser.

GPSInfos2GE uses the Exiv2 Image Metadata Library v0.27.7 (with support for HEIF and XMP metadata enabled).
1030 KB - Updated: 7.03.2025 - Downloaded  314 times

TC IrfanView Plugin 1.17

Image viewer plugin for Total Commander.
Supported formats are: ACR,ANI,AVIF,ARW,AWD,B3D,BMP,CAM,CDR,CIN,CLP,CR2,CR3,
The plugin supports animation in files and IrfanView hotkeys.
512 KB - Updated: 5.03.2025 - Downloaded  28044 times

Total Commander extDir (Utility) 1.8.3

Extended directory & file creator utility (F7 replacement) for Total Commander.

What is it good for?

In a few words: This small utility extends your Total Commander's directory & file creating capabilities - after installing it, you can create a bunch of (even multi-leveled) directories and/or files with a single click or keypress, with numerous possibilities...

Main Features:

- [ NEW / 1.8 ] Complete Unicode support

- [ NEW / 1.7 ] File creation capability

- [ NEW / 1.6 ] Ability to create your own plugins (special variables)
- [ NEW / 1.6 ] Ability to set the directory/file attributes
- [ NEW / 1.6 ] Batch directory creation (Decimal / Roman / ABC)
- Normal & Extended directory creation mode
- Full integration to Total Commander (F7, Shift + F7, or any other key combination)
- Support for multi-leveled directory creation (create directories with more than one subdirs)
- Templates - create directory with predefined templates (e.g. "New Directory (%D-%N-%y)")
- Replacements: use environment variables (like %OS% or %USERNAME%) in the name of the directory
- Basic & special variables: use vars like %s (current second), %h (current hour), %x (unix time), {pc} (current PC name) etc
- Built-in installer & uninstaller for easier usage (run the utility out of TC's directory to activate the installator)
- Multi-language support (Translators needed: click here if you'd like to translate the utility to your (native) language)
- English, Hungarian, Russian, Dutch, Spanish, German, Danish, Chinese, Ukrainian, Korean, Polish, Italian, Slovenian language support (built-in)
- Configuration & Template Manager dialogs
- 6 built-in window color themes (optional)
- Ability to create & use your own color themes (more info on the forum)
- Realtime replacements (optional)
- Full portability
- ... and much more! (see the complete list at the official forum topic)


- >= Total Commander 7.00 (heavily tested under 7.56a & 8.01)

Known bugs, limitations:

- Installation problems? Run this utility with administrator rights directly from Total Commander (out of Total Commander's directory)
- Limitation: lack of Unicode support atm (unicode version is already under development)
- Complete documentation will be ready in the final 1.6.5 version!
733 KB - Updated: 4.03.2025 - Downloaded  25593 times

PHSM-Calendar 17.30

PHSM-Calendar is a Window Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 Desktop gadget

A perpetual calendar that shows Week numbers, Leap year, Number of day, Daylight saving time and Time zone info.

* PHSM-Calendar supports Flash player clocks - currently there are up to 225 different Flash clocks available (41 types).
* PHSM-Calendar supports html5 clocks - currently there are up to 110 different html5 clocks available (25 types).
* PHSM-Calendar also provides a Countdown / Stop Watch timer and 4 Alarm Clocks.
* The format of Date and Time can be set by the user.
* The Week format (Sunday or Monday as first day of the week) can be set by the user.
* The Week numbering (first week = week with 1st of January / first week = week with first Thursday) can be set by the user.
* The clock can be set to Strike the Hour with various selectable sounds.
* User defined marking of events - for example birthdays - is possible in the calendar part.
* Audio-Visual notification of the marked events is possible.
* Alarms can be set for the individual events.
* Extensive function for searching in the events.
* Different sets of events can be loaded from separate datafiles. NEW!
* Easter Sunday is calculated, so events can be entered relative to Easter.
* The calendar shows when Daylight Saving Time changes.
* The calendar shows the four Equinox and Solstice days.
* Julian calendar date and Julian day number can be shown for all dates.
* Islamic and Hebrew calendar date can be shown for all dates.
* Islamic and Hebrew events can be entered with Islamisk and Hebrew date.
* The calendar is a proleptic Gregorian calendar with astronomical numbering of the years (includes year 0).
* The Islamic dates are calculated according to the tabular Islamic calendar system (fixed lenght of all month except 12th month at leeap year).
* Choices beteeen two Islamic epochs an four types of calculation of Islamic leap year.
* The conversion to Islamic dates can also be done according to the Umm al-Qura calendar.
* The calendar can show calculated Moon phases.
* The calendar can show the Zodiac signs.
* English and Danish are supported.
* PHSM-Calendar can be run as a gadget under Windows 8, 8.1, 10 & 11 after installing 8GadgetPack from
* PHSM-Calendar can be used as an Active Desktop item under Windows XP.
* PHSM-Calendar can be run in a browser also on a SmartPhone. Try it here or here...
* PHSM-Calendar can be inserted in an iframe or a frame on a webpage.

Download script to re-enable Flash after Adobes block in January 12th 2021
Download installation program to re-establish Flash ActiveX in Windows 10 or 8.1 after Microsofts KB4577586 opdate
Download installation program for installation of Flash ActiveX in Windows 7, Vista or XP

Click here to read more.
Online demo.

Video showing how to use the calendar as a Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome Browser App.

Click here for Unicode version

See also: PHSM-Event countdown Gadget

8070 KB - Updated: 3.03.2025 - Downloaded  21630 times

TC SumatraPDF Plugin 1.18

The TCSumatraPDF plugin is designed to view AI, AZW, AZW3, CB7, CBT, CBR, CBZ,
using SumatraPDF.
The plugin is written for a specific unofficial version of SumatraPDF,
in which has additional functions for processing PDF files. But it works with
any versions and bit depths of SumatraPDF.
The main difference between the plug-in and analogues is the correct operation
of the Esc key for SumatraPDF x86 to Total Commander x64 and double use of '4',
'N' and 'P' which are essential for both TC Lister control and SumatraPDF
ATTENTION: For the plugin to work properly, you must change the value of the
parameters UseTabs = true to UseTabs = false and
RememberOpenedFiles = true to RememberOpenedFiles = false.
118 KB - Updated: 28.02.2025 - Downloaded  30203 times

TC Language Bar 1.22

Languagebar v. 1.22 for Total Commander 11.51

This buttonbar is mostly meant as an easy way for testers to switch
between different languages for Total Commander, and to have all current
available languages at their disposal.

The languagebar files are installed like any other Total Commander
addon, by double-clicking on the .zip file.

After installation just drag the file:
to Total Commanders buttonbar.

When clicking on the new button, a small menu bar opens up. You can
either have the Languages bar shown as a new Buttonbar by clicking the
first button, or you can have it shown as a Menu by clicking the second

The Return button in the Language buttonbar takes you back to Total
Commanders - if you are not using this file for your default
buttonbar, then edit line 4 in the the file to point to
your default buttonbar.

There are two blank buttons meant for your custom Language/Menu file or
just your custom Menu file. You have to edit the Parameters field of
those two buttons to point to your actual files (change XXX).

The Languages button bar comes with all currently available languages
for Total Commander. Some of the languages are not (yet) updated to
version 11.00 of Total Commander - those languages are marked with an
asterisk (*).

All the languages are installed and opened from the Language\Extra
folder in Total Commanders program directory. Therefore they do not
show up in Total Commanders Language configuration dialog - unless the
same language file exists in Total Commanders Language directory. If
the language does not exist in the Language directory then "English"
will be marked as the current language.

The "Main menu file" field will show the correct path to the chosen .mnu
file in %COMMANDER_PATH%\Language\Extra\ though - hence give you a clue
that it is not the language file in the Language directory that is used,
but the one in the Language\Extra directory.

I have made it this way, to not interfere with the users present
language files, and to make it easy to "uninstall" the addon again.
Also you don't need to have installed the extra languages when you
originally installed Total Commander - they come with the Languagebar

To "uninstall" - just delete the %COMMANDER_PATH%\Language\Extra\
directory and delete the button in your buttonbar.

I have had to fix a single error in the file wcmd_mk.lng to make
it work correctly - otherwise all files are as they come from

Discussion and new releases:,
13211 KB - Updated: 20.02.2025 - Downloaded  5316 times

TC Dark Help 11.51

Dark Help files for Total Commander 11.51

Darkhelp has a white background in the left menu panel.

Darkhelp 2 has a dark background in the left menu panel, but
menu items has a white background.

It is unfortunately not possible to make the left menu panel background all

The TotalcmdDark.chm (English Dark Help) file has to be placed in
Total Commanders PROGRAM directory in order to work.

The Wcmd_deuDark.chm (German Dark Help) file AND the Wcmd_deu.chm
file both has to be placed in Total Commanders LANGUAGE directory in
order to work.

Download of DarkHelp 2

Discussion and new releases:
1813 KB - Updated: 20.02.2025 - Downloaded  2789 times

Extended English Menus for Total Commander 11.51

Extended Menus for Total Commander - Combined 32bit and 64bit:
* Download Menus for Windows 10 (22H2) / 11 64bit
* Download Menus for Windows 8.1 64bit
* Download Menus Windows 7 64bit version

Extended Menus for Total Commander - 64bit:
* Download Menus for Windows 10 (22H2) / 11 64bit
* Download Menus for Windows 8.1 64bit
* Download Menus for Windows 7 64bit

Extended Menus for Total Commander - 32bit:
* Download Menus for Windows 10 (22H2) / 11 64bit
* Download Menus for Windows 8.1 64bit
* Download Menus for Windows 8.1 32bit
* Download Menus for Windows 7 64bit
* Download Menus for Windows 7 32bit
* Download Menus for Windows XP 32bit

6519 KB - Updated: 20.02.2025 - Downloaded  2064 times

Udvidede Danske Menuer for Total Commander 11.51

Udvidede Menuer for Total Commander - Kombineret 32bit og 64bit:
* Download Menuer for Windows 10 (22H2) / 11 64bit
* Download Menuer for Windows 8.1 64bit
* Download Menuer Windows 7 64bit version

Udvidede Menuer for Total Commander - 64bit:
* Download Menuer for Windows 10 (22H2) / 11 64bit
* Download Menuer for Windows 8.1 64bit
* Download Menuer for Windows 7 64bit

Udvidede Menuer for Total Commander - 32bit:
* Download Menuer for Windows 10 (22H2) / 11 64bit
* Download Menuer for Windows 8.1 64bit
* Download Menuer for Windows 7 64bit
* Download Menuer for Windows 7 32bit
* Download Menuer for Windows XP 32bit

6612 KB - Updated: 20.02.2025 - Downloaded  945 times

Total Commander 11.51

Total Commander is a file manager replacement that offers multiple language support, search, file comparison, directory synchronization, quick view panel with bitmap display, ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling plus plugins, built-in FTP client with FXP, HTTP proxy support, and more.
5970 KB - Updated: 19.02.2025 - Downloaded  4898071 times


Plugin allows working with NTFS reparse points data fields:
+ gets file indexes and number and paths of hardlinks
+ gets target path for reparse points and real path for all objects
+ supports symbolic links (new in Windows Vista/7)
+ get/set target path for symbolic links and junctions
+ fastest hardlinks comparison (within same volume)
+ Unicode and long paths support

You may choose between natural and symbolic output mode - in symbolic mode volume names for mount points are not resolved to mounted path names. If TC supports Unicode (TC 7.50+), plugin returns Unicode strings.

In order to create NTFS links you can use NTLinks Maker tool.

(discussion is here, see Readme file for more detailed description)
23 KB - Updated: 5.02.2025 - Downloaded  35539 times


Viewer/editor for source code files. Based on ATSynEdit component and CudaText editor.

Supports "lexers" to highlight many syntaxes, they are files in the "lexers" subfolder. You can install more lexers by unpacking zip files from . You can select any lexer, or encoding, via click on the statusbar. You can edit current file, by unchecking "Read only" in the context menu, can save file on exit too. You can call Options dialog, via right-click menu.
4743 KB - Updated: 22.01.2025 - Downloaded  48060 times

TCIMG 35.0

TCIMG - utility to execute a certain command Total Commander and perform additional actions.
Powerful tool to extend the functionality Total Commander and other programs.
Aims to automate monotonous operations associated with the file, system, software, window operations. Fully portably, ie requires no installation and does not contribute to the registry or anywhere else for more information.

The archive utility to help the description of all the teams and more than 16.600 examples of the utility.

• Allows you to issue commands Total Commander + internal + custom + special
• Opens the specified path in the right panel + + in a new tab + support opening multiple paths in new tabs + support go directly to the file
• Emulates keystrokes in the active window
• Switches keyboard
• Delays at the time of executing the following command
• Supports Clipboard + Writes text to the clipboard + Returns the text from the clipboard + Modifies and adds the information to the clipboard + Converts search and replace with regular expression support + encodes, decodes + Encrypts, decrypts + Stores, cleans + more than 30 sub-parameters
• Summons + program, depending on the bit system. +, Depending on the system name. + + Allows the parameters to pass to parameters in the cycle list of objects + allows the transmission parameters of the way objects + allows the transmission line parameters from the clipboard window + hide + wait for the completion of the program + use a progress bar to show progress
• support for special folders
• Allows you to work with ini files + rename, delete, record + clean, replace section
• Works with the registry + Opens the specified branch in the registry + Imports. reg file to the registry + Exports the specified section / option in the reg-file + recursively copies the section, including sub-sections and parameters + Delete key or value + Creates a registry key or value in the registry
• Renames + elements with different conditions (size, attributes, masks, templates ...) + c addition of information from wdx plugins + for regular expressions + + correction coding using clipboard + with + input the necessary information to support display all the files without subdirectories ...
• Copies the elements + with + display progress bar with customizable conditions + renaming + registered in the folders you create ...
• Move items + more than 30 sub-parameters
• Creates lists from different parts of the selected items + more than 30 sub-parameters
• Restarts + Total Commander + program by process name
• Create a folder in the list + + with the transition to the newly created folder + + with the necessary conditions of a predetermined number
• Drops files + + empty the contents of the clipboard + encoded + list + template • Create a library of icons
• Extract icons from files
• Opens the link in a given browser
• Clears the cart on all drives
• Allocates + different objects from the list, clipboard with ... + different conditions (size, attributes, masks, templates ...)
• Removes / Sets attributes for files and directories + with different conditions (size, attributes, masks, templates ...)
• Deletes files and folders + with different conditions (size, attributes, masks, templates ...)
• Has the language file (may be translated into other languages)
• Creates a pop-up window with the image
• Works with window classes + allows click on the buttons in different windows without emulation keystrokes + show / hide the specified window + prohibit / allow access / drawing window + set + to change the transparency of the window title bar text. + Assign attribute "top" + read information from windows + expect + to expect the appearance of the window closes the window + expect + availability window element set the text to the specified items + transfer window focus to the window / window element
• Create Shortcut + regular + relative + + more than 15 sub-parameters opens a relative path shortcut in Total Commander
• Assigns folders icons
• Changes the modification, creation, last access 15 + more subparameters
• archives using WCX plugins Total Commander + with specified conditions + with automation actions under the same names in the background + + expects completion packaging
• Batch changes in text files information
• Batch add / remove / replace the object comments
• Manages Winamp
• Advances tray slides or CD-drive
• Uploads reference list
• Add / Remove associations in Total Commander
• Batch extracts / converts and stores various information contents of text files
• Combines text files with advanced formatting
• Creates customized popup with text
• Creates varying difficulty entering information dialogs + + + select information display information
• Plays mp3, wma (mini player)
• Viewing color codes + reads codes any place of the screen displays the color code + Clipboard + supports selecting and configuring the color prints + color code to the clipboard in a specified format
• Turns on / off / volume Changes in the system
• Changes the title text of the specified window
• Sets the size / weight of the font in Total Commander
• Set the size of the icons in the file panels in Total Commander
• Displays various information objects, system, Total Commander
• Makes switching between the circle
• Changes Total Commander + menu highlights one of the system colors + sets / clears the status unavailable (gray) menu + is specified menu item
• Completes / Restarts process
• Closes / keeps tabs Total Commander
• Starts the help files CHM, with the introduction of the search string and the transition section.
• Encrypts / decrypts files
• Runs the list of commands from a file + + section of
• Archives / unzip zip

and more ...
Discussion Ή1 -
Discussion Ή2 -
Discussion Ή3 - (Telegram)
Online Help -
Help with dark style
Help in Chinese (translation Li Zhijun)
21075 KB - Updated: 4.01.2025 - Downloaded  446863 times

Extended English Menus v9.11.50

Extended menu file for Total Commander v11.50 or newer including virtually (almost*) all internal commands in meaningful categories and sub-categories.

This menu file was released at TC v11.50 release point to incorporate the additions since v11.02.

* Excludes duplicated commands that apply individually on the right and left file panels and customizable commands where user interpretation is needed. A sample layout is present only as a starting point for your needs.
27 KB - Updated: 3.01.2025 - Downloaded  27806 times

xmltab 1.0.8

View XML files

* Mixed tree and grid view
* Column filters
* Sort data by column click
* Beautifier and highlighting
* Supports ANSI, UTF8 and UTF16
* Open source
63 KB - Updated: 4.12.2024 - Downloaded  15326 times

Used cars from Japan


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TOTALCMD.NET © 2004 Personal project
Idea, design and programming © Andrei Piasetski aka Ergo
This is an unofficial Total Commander site
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