This little tool is designed to act as mediator between MultiArc console and archiver and allows asking user for some information to be sent to console if specific text is found in console output.
Primary task is asking user for encrypted archive's password (usually Total Commander just freezes when you enter such archive or extract files from it).
To use ConPaste for reading archive contents with 7z.exe archiver within Total Commander you should modify your addon's List parameter like this:
List="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Enter archive password:\" \"Enter password\" %PQA l {%S} %AQA"
Also you need to modify commands for other operations in similar manner (parameters Add, Extract, ExtractWithPath, Test and Delete). File ConPaste.exe should be placed to MulitArc folder.
To use ConPaste with InnoUnp.exe archiver modify your List parameter like this:
List="ConPaste.exe /s /h%AQ /c%AWQ /p\"Enter distributive password:\" \"Type in a password\" %PQA -v -m %AQA"
Category: TC MultiArc Addons
Status: freeware
Author: MVV
Added: 3.10.2010
Updated: 3.04.2016
Downloaded: 11195 times
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