Yuri Gershanov's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Yuri Gershanov All Plugins and Files by Yuri Gershanov
This plugin is intended for viewing MS Word, Excel, Write and other files for which a convertor into RTF format is installed and configured in the office.ini file. Convertors for Word, Excel, Write and HTML formats come with MS Office and can be found in \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextConv directory.
11 KB - Updated: 22.08.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 67519 times
IE-based file viewer plugin for Total Commander. The plugin uses MS WebBrowser control to view files, so it automatically supports all formats which IE supports. This includes, of course, native to IE file types like HTML/XML, many MS Office file types if you have the MS Office installed, PDF through AcrobatReader/IE integration, all the formats Quick View Plus supports if you have the QVP installed, and so on. Even more, if you enable this plugin to open directories, then in QuickView mode select a directory, the second panel magically becomes fully functional Windows Explorer 8-) WARNING: Since HTML and MS Office files can contain macros or scripts, measures must be taken to prevent possible script/macro viruses from working. By default, scripting is disabled in the IEView.ini file. If you enable scripting, then make sure a good antivirus program is installed on your system, or DO NOT use IEView for viewing files of unknown origin that can contain malicious scripts or macros.
18 KB - Updated: 22.08.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 28484 times