Unofficial database of all Total Commander plugins and addons  

TC Lister Plugins

PE Viewer

The plugin is designed to view information about modules of PE, MZ, NE, LE and ELF formats (EXE, DLL, SO, DRV, SYS, OCX, COM, etc.).
- summary information about the file: size, timestamps, hashes and entropy.
- statistics from
- signature analysis of "PE Sniffer" and "PEiD".
- detailed information about sections and module headings.
- functions exported by the module.
- imported external modules and their functions used. With the ability to open the selected external module in a separate instance of the plugin.
- resources contained in the module. With the ability to view, copy to the clipboard and save all resources.
- digital signatures and certificates. With the ability to check the validity of the signature of the module itself and the validity of the certificates used.
- debugging structures with detailed analysis.
- load configuration structure with detailed analysis.
- CLR header of the .Net assembly. With the ability to display the versions installed in the OS ".Net Framework" and ".Net Core".

Make sure that there is no detect line for the plugin in the wincmd.ini configuration file. Allows you to open files without filtering by extension.
2183 KB - Updated: 16.03.2025 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  19625 times

TC IrfanView Plugin 2.62

Plugin for viewing images in Total Commander.
The plugin supports animation in files and IrfanView keyboard shortcuts.
The 2.X plug-in line differs from the 1.X line in that a clean one is launched
by F3 IrfanView, without integration with Lister Total Commander. This allows
you to use the entire IrfanView toolkit, increases the smoothness when
displaying the image. You can also now use Total Commander and IrfanView of non-
matching bit depth. The lines are developing in parallel.
510 KB - Updated: 7.03.2025 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  25070 times

TCWinDjView Plugin 1.1

Plugin viewing DJV, DJVU for Total Commander.
The formats are supported: DJV, DJVU.
ATTENTION: the plugin works only with the WindjView version included in the
730 KB - Updated: 7.03.2025 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  619 times

TC IrfanView Plugin 1.17

Image viewer plugin for Total Commander.
Supported formats are: ACR,ANI,AVIF,ARW,AWD,B3D,BMP,CAM,CDR,CIN,CLP,CR2,CR3,
The plugin supports animation in files and IrfanView hotkeys.
512 KB - Updated: 5.03.2025 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  28012 times

TC SumatraPDF Plugin 1.18

The TCSumatraPDF plugin is designed to view AI, AZW, AZW3, CB7, CBT, CBR, CBZ,
using SumatraPDF.
The plugin is written for a specific unofficial version of SumatraPDF,
in which has additional functions for processing PDF files. But it works with
any versions and bit depths of SumatraPDF.
The main difference between the plug-in and analogues is the correct operation
of the Esc key for SumatraPDF x86 to Total Commander x64 and double use of '4',
'N' and 'P' which are essential for both TC Lister control and SumatraPDF
ATTENTION: For the plugin to work properly, you must change the value of the
parameters UseTabs = true to UseTabs = false and
RememberOpenedFiles = true to RememberOpenedFiles = false.
118 KB - Updated: 28.02.2025 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  30125 times


Viewer/editor for source code files. Based on ATSynEdit component and CudaText editor.

Supports "lexers" to highlight many syntaxes, they are files in the "lexers" subfolder. You can install more lexers by unpacking zip files from . You can select any lexer, or encoding, via click on the statusbar. You can edit current file, by unchecking "Read only" in the context menu, can save file on exit too. You can call Options dialog, via right-click menu.
4743 KB - Updated: 22.01.2025 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  48013 times

xmltab 1.0.8

View XML files

* Mixed tree and grid view
* Column filters
* Sort data by column click
* Beautifier and highlighting
* Supports ANSI, UTF8 and UTF16
* Open source
63 KB - Updated: 4.12.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  15308 times

DataView 0.6b

The plugin is designed to graphically display tabular values of the functional dependencies from text and binary files. For example, the data obtained from the digital instruments or computer programs. Text files containing two columns of numbers can be read at once. Files with more complex internal formats require writing scripts in Lua.
3574 KB - Updated: 20.11.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  6225 times

Code Viewer 1.7

Plugin for viewing source code with syntax highlighting. An interface is provided for configuring file associations and color schemes. Based on the TTextEditor component from Lasse Rautiainen.
8940 KB - Updated: 30.10.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  9432 times

ASNView 1.2

A plugin for viewing the structure of ASN.1 files in BER (CER and DER) encoding. These are mainly files related to cryptography and public key infrastructure - keys, certificates, etc. The content is displayed in tree view and in binary form. Base64 encoding (pem files) is supported. Default extensions are ber, der, cer, pem, key, pfx, p10, p12, p7b, p7s, sig, sgn, stl, cat, crt, csr, crl.
3149 KB - Updated: 28.10.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  1971 times

XML Review 3.8.2

Plugin for viewing XML and JSON files. Three viewing modes:
- Formatted text with node tree. It is possible to filter nodes based on XPath.
- Source file with or without xsd schema validation.
- Converted file based on the specified xslt template.
Default extensions are xml, xsd, xsl, xslt, wsdl, json.
7963 KB - Updated: 28.10.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  21357 times

TC AkelPad Plugin 1.16

Plugin for viewing text files in Total Commander.

The TCAkelPad plugin allows you to use AkelPad in both x86 and x64 bits.
Moreover, they can be used both with Total Commander x86 and x64.
You can use AkelPad of one bit depth for both bit depths at once
Total Commander.
The plugin allows you to use AkelPad in two modes. In edit mode and
in viewer mode.
The plugin provides double use of the keys '1'..'8', 'N' and 'P'.
When focus is in TC Lister, '1'..'8', 'N' and 'P' work as in TC Lister.
If the focus is in the AkelPad window and editing mode is enabled, the keys
'1'..'8', 'N' and 'P' are used to enter text.
Switch focus between TC Lister and AkelPad using the Ctrl+Tab key combination.
ATTENTION: The performance of the plugin directly depends on the AkelPad
settings. If you are using pseudo multi-window mode (PMDI) in the AkelPad, you
must allow the launch of multiple copies of AkelPad. To do this in
the file AkelPadL.ini and/or AkelPadQ.ini in the [Options] section set the value
SingleOpenProgram=0. Otherwise the plugin will not be able to process files
correctly if there is a separate running copy AkelPad.
120 KB - Updated: 10.08.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  10029 times

TC 1by1 Plugin 1.6

Plugin for listening to track music and MIDI Total Commander files.
Supported formats: CMF, KAR, MID, MIDI, MIZ, RMI, 669, AMF, FAR, IT, ITZ, MDZ,
WARNING: 1by1 hangs when using the latest version of the BASSMIDI module if 1by1
or close the plugin when a midi file is playing.
It is enough to add the BASSHLS module and the freeze disappears. When using
1by1 with parameters (when the option to close the player via ESC is enabled) a
module is also required BASSWEBM.
Other modules may also be required. I don't have test papers files of all
formats supported by 1by1 to find out. Therefore, if you want to use the plugin
to play other formats, it’s better to install all available BASS modules.
With the BASSMIDI library version included in the archive of the plugin
1by1 is closed always correct without connecting additional libraries.
The plugin allows you to play any other audio formats, supported player 1by1.
2478 KB - Updated: 22.07.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  3348 times

CertView 2.9.2

Plugin for viewing X.509 certificates, CRLs, CSRs, CTLs, keys and digital signatures saved in files cer, der, pem, crt, sst, p7s, p7b, p7x, p10, p12, pfx, sig, sgn, crl, stl, cat, csr, key, also exe and dll.
2757 KB - Updated: 11.07.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  14053 times

TCTorrent 2.1.4

TCTorrent is wlx/wdx/wcx plugin for retrieving and viewing info.

* retrieve almost all available info
* fully unicode (if torrent in UTF-8)

Content part:
* caching info

Lister part:
* higly configurable presence (icons, fonts, colors etc.)
* fast loading and displaying of big torrents

When moving from version 1.x to 2.x it's recommend to remove old version (but you can preserve configuration file).
1928 KB - Updated: 25.06.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  75126 times

TCFlashPlayer Plugin 1.2

Plugin for viewing SWF files in Total Commander without installation Adobe Flash Player.
Supported formats: SWF.
102 KB - Updated: 20.05.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  2445 times


GisViewer Lister plugin for Total Commander

1. What's this?
This is a lister plugin for Total Commander, to view ESRI shapefiles.

2. How to install?
For this to work, you need first to install .Net Framework (>=4.5.2), and .Net Interface 1.4 for Total Commander (only need to install once). Links is provied at the end.

Then install the plugin itself.

3. How to use?
Move the cursor to any of the collection files of a shapefile, view it like any other lister. It can properly tell if a file belongs to a shapefile or just a single file. So try giving this a high order at the lister list.

Accepted extensions: .shp, .shx, .prj, .dbf, .sbn, .sbx, .shp.xml

4. Contact

5. Links:
● GisViewer:
● Official website of .NET:
● Official website of .Net Interface 1.4 for Total Commander:
● You can also download and install the interface from:
13711 KB - Updated: 7.02.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  5320 times

csvtab 1.0.7

View CSV files

* Auto-detect codepage and delimiter
* Column filters
* Sort data by column click
* Supports ANSI, UTF8 and UTF16
* Open source
47 KB - Updated: 26.01.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  15241 times

jsontab 1.0.7

View Json files

* Mixed tree and grid view
* Column filters
* Sort data by column click
* Beautifier and highlighting
* Supports ANSI, UTF8 and UTF16
* Open source
97 KB - Updated: 21.01.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  13354 times

WLX Markdown Viewer 2.5

Another markdown lister plugin for Total Commander (64-bit version)

The plugin is based on HTMLView source. Markdown files are converted into HTML and then displayed using HTMLView.

601 KB - Updated: 23.11.2023 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  15542 times

sqlite-wlx 1.1.4

View SQLite3 files (*.db, *.db3, *.sqlite, *.sqlite3)

* Quick column filters
* Sort data by column header
* Data editing (off by default)
* Doesn't require SQLite library (built-in)
* Supports huge tables
* Open-source

The plugin has standalone version.
698 KB - Updated: 21.11.2023 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  14929 times

odbc-wlx 1.0.6

View Access (*.mdb, *.accdb), Excel (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsb) and Data Source (*.dsn) files through ODBC interface. 64-bit version requires Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable or 2016.

* Quick column filters
* Sort data by column click
* Open-source
45 KB - Updated: 21.11.2023 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  13355 times

WLX Edge Viewer 1.0.7

Universal lister plugin for Total Commander (32/64-bit version), based on the modern Chromium engine.

1532 KB - Updated: 31.10.2023 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  4356 times

DirCBMLister 0.2.0

DCL - DirCbmLister.WLX V0.2
(Deutsch weiter unten)

Plugin for TotalCommander to view CBM (Commodore Business Machines) disk images with the PETSCII char set.
Enjoy the old CBM disk directory art.

Currently the following disk image formats are supported:
-D64 (1541 images incl. 40 track formats)
-D71 (1571 images)
-D80 (8050 images)
-D81 (1581 images)
-D82 (8250 images)

- view the disk images with the original C64 char set
- gives additional info about the disk image like format, D64 40-track type and if error info is available
- use it with F3 or Ctrl-Q
- shows BAM and error map too
- switch between Upper/Graph, Lower/Upper char sets, BAM and error map (if available) with the word wrap key 'w'

- added BAM view (via 'w' key)
- added error map view (if available, via 'w' key)

- first release


Thanks to:
- user "mhoney" at TC forum for the original idea in 2015
- "Comos" (CZ) for testing and ideas
- the people at for the C64 monospace true type font

Downloads, ideas, suggestions and comments:

or write e-mail to
loo66 {at} users {dot} sourceforge {dot} net

Please change {at} to at-sign and {dot} to a dot.

29 KB - Updated: 16.09.2023 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  864 times

Imagine 1.1.6

Imagine - Image & Animation Viewer for Windows

* View and save image/animation files with very fast speed
* Support for numerous image/animation file formats:
* Support for digital camera raw image file formats:
* Support for numerous archive file formats:
* Support for high dynamic range image file formats:
* Extract single/all frames from animation files
* Show detailed information of image/animation files
* Show Exif/IPTC information
* Show or hide transparency
* 64-bit version available
* Unicode version available
* Multilingual support:
English, German, Spanish, Russian, Danish, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, etc.
* Thumbnail browser
* Batch conversion
* Slide show
* Batch rename
* Capture screen
* Tiled view
Check textures for seamless tiling, very useful for game developers/modders
* Create animations
* Create multiple page images
* Manipulate and edit images:
Flip vertical and horizontal
Rotate left, right and free
Change color depth (1, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32 bit)
Swap colors
Resize per pixel, percentage or standard dimensions.
Several resample filters available.
Effect filters, including a handy Preview browser
Import, export and edit palettes
Set and remove transparency
* Customizable shortcuts for Keyboard and Mouse
* Command line parameter support
* Shell extension support
* Add-on plugin support
* Total Commander lister and packer plugin
* No write unnecessary registry (ini-based configuration)
* Fully optimized binaries (tiny, pure, fast, neat)
914 KB - Updated: 31.08.2023 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  420298 times

NTFS Stream Viewer 0.9.4 Beta

Plugin for view NTFS files and folders data streams (ADS).
1540 KB - Updated: 16.08.2023 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  3680 times

TC ModPlug Plugin 1.4

Plugin for listening to track music in Total Commander.
Supported formats are: 669,AMS,AMF,DBM,DMF,DSM,FAR,IT,MDL,MOD,MOL,MTM,MED,NST,
329 KB - Updated: 5.06.2023 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  3797 times

PhotoViewer 0.18 Beta

Plugin for view images.
This is 64-bit replacement basic functions of SGViewer plugin (
Supported formats: BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, PSD, JPEG2000, EMF, WMF, DICOM, Camera RAW. Animation not supported.
10123 KB - Updated: 20.12.2022 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  46441 times

SQLite Viewer 2.17

Simple plugin for TC for view SQLite3 database files. Supports *.db, *.db3, *.sqlite, *.sqlite3 and *.fossil extensions.

Supports up to 2TB files, no sqlite3.dll needed.
Supports data types described in this document:

About auto creating any additional files when some database viewing (and open these databases from read-only sources):
6726 KB - Updated: 17.11.2022 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  141988 times

JSON Viewer 1.3.1

Simple lister plugin for view JSON files (*.json).
2427 KB - Updated: 11.08.2022 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  19306 times

ExifToolView 1.2

Plugin to view info provided by exiftool.exe.
2232 KB - Updated: 11.08.2022 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  4854 times

PDFView 1.09

pdfview.wlx is a basic lister plugin for Total Commander 5.5x and above to display pdf-files (portable document format), ps-files (postscript) and eps-files (encapsulated postscript).
144 KB - Updated: 29.07.2022 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  131076 times

Audio Tag View 1.6

Plugin for TC for view tags from music files.
Supported extensions: mp3, flac, ogg, m4a, m4r, m4b, wma, ape, wav, opus, dsf, dff, wv, mpc.
2913 KB - Updated: 31.05.2022 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  45066 times

ICLView 25.3.2023

Show icons in files.
Supported extentions: ico, icl, exe, dll, scr, ocx, bpl, wlx, wfx, wcx, wdx, cpl, acm.
Also supporting:
- extract one or all icons;
- renaming icons in libraries;
- adding icons to libraries;
- rearranging icons in libraries dragging by mouse.

Danish, German, English, Russian, Dutch, Polish translations.

Support available via e-mail.
1998 KB - Updated: 30.03.2022 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  207612 times

eBookInfo WLX

Lister-plugin to show headers of ebook files: MOBI/AZW/AZW3 (for Amazon Kindle) and FB2, EPUB, PRC.

Shows pictures of book titles (jpeg, png) and basic headers.

Author: dimasic
614 KB - Updated: 27.01.2022 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  20105 times

unhide-wlx 0.9.4

View deleted rows in SQLite3 files.

* Quick column filters
* Sort data by column header

* Maximum database size is 10Mb (for free version)
* Only UTF8 encoding
* BLOBs are unsupported
59 KB - Updated: 18.12.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  3172 times

wlx_fb2 2.3

Plugin for view cover of FictionBook (FB2), EPUB, MOBI and AZW files in thumbnail view mode.

Initial developer and sources - Dmitriy Roshka aka bookmist (

Only view cover of FictionBook (FB2) files in TC thumbnail view mode.
Don't show anything in Lister.
Supports epub, mobi, azw, fb2 extension and compressed (zip extension must be added manually if needed).
1738 KB - Updated: 19.11.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  9674 times

IniEd 2.0

TC Lister-plugin for viewing and editing settinds files (*.ini, *.inf, *.reg).
1535 KB - Updated: 10.08.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  45829 times

SVGView 1.4.5

Plugin for view SVG files.

It can use RSVG (rsvg-convert.exe) or ImageMagic or Inkscape for convert SVG files to bitmap.

Unpacked version of RSVG (from used by default and included to archive.
For open SVG files with Unicode symbols plugin copy these files to temp folder and open it.
4185 KB - Updated: 5.06.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  37208 times


This plugin is to view variable information about archives: size, number of files, folders, size of dictionary, compression method, ration, comments, etc.

Support archives:

Support wcx-plugins Total Commander.

Source code Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.

Continue work started by Hudyakov Aleksey aka Parcan.
392 KB - Updated: 5.06.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  6971 times

mthumbs.wlx 20210405

mthumbs is a WLX thumbnail and Lister/Quickview plugin to preview most of various existing Videos, Audios, Images, Comics and Albums formats.

- Various extensions are supported (Supporter version only): (more or less exhaustive list: maybe not all are properly supported, send me some feedback in that case)

Videos: 3g2, 3gp, 4xm, anm, apm, asf, av1, avi, avr, avs, bfi, bik, bik2, bk2, bmv, c93, cam, cdg, cdxl, cine, dash, dcr, dfa, dv, dxa, film_cpk, fits, flic, flv, frm, gdv, gif, gxf, h261, h263, h264, hevc, ivf, ivr, jps, jv, kux, lvf, lxf, m2t, m2ts, m4v, mj2, mjpeg, mkv, mod, mov, mp4, mpc, mpeg, mpg, mtv, mv, mvi, mxf, nsv, nut, nuv, ogm, paf, pmp, pns, pva, r3d, rl2, rm, roq, rpl, scc, ser, smk, sup, swf, thp, tmv, tod, ts, ty, vc1, vfw, vivo, vmd, vob, webm, wmv, wtv, wve, xmv, y4m, yop, yuv

Audios: 3ga, aa, aac, ac3, acm, act, adx, aea, afc, aif, aiff, aix, alaw, amr, apc, ape, au, bfstm, bit, brstm, caf, cdr, cpt, dsf, dss, dts, dtshd, eac3, flac, fsb, g722, g726, gsm, hca, hdp, ics, iff, ircam, it, m4a, mlp, mmf, mp3, musx, ogg, oma, opus, pvf, qcp, ram, raw, rf64, rso, sap, sbg, sds, sdx, sf, shn, sid, tak, tta, u8, vag, voc, vqf, w64, wav, wma, wv, xa, xwma

Images: 3fr, ai, apng, arw, b3d, blp, bmp, cgm, clp, cmx, cr2, crw, dcm, dcx, dds, dib, djvu, dng, dwg, dxf, ecw, emf, eps, erf, exr, fit, fpx, g3, ids, iiq, im1, im24, im32, im8, ima, img, iw44, j2k, jls, jng, jp2, jpc, jpe, jpeg, jpf, jpg, jpm, jxr, kdc, lbm, mng, mos, mpo, mrw, nef, nrw, orf, pbm, pcc, pcd, pcx, pdf, pdn, pef, pgm, plt, png, pnm, ppm, ps, psd, psp, raf, ras, rgb, rgba, rle, rw2, rwl, sff, sfw, sgi, srf, sun, svg, tga, tif, tiff, ttf, urt, wbc, wbmp, wbz, wdp, webp, wmf, wsq, x3f, xbm, xcf, xcfbz2, xcfgz, xpm

Comics: cbr, cbz (with shortest image path as output priority)

Albums/Archives: apk, epub, jar, rar, waz, zip (with '*cover*', '*folder*' and '*preview*' output priority)

- 3D and VR support with overlay (will show an unique picture instead of left/right or top/bottom)

- Optional sharpening and jpeg picture quality to get better visualization from thumbnails.

- An ini file that will be found in the plugin's folder can allow extensions and settings changes, on the fly (ini file changes is checked by filedate everytime a thumbnail is requested from the main app)

- Since it rely to external tools like Ffmpeg or Irfanview, it does not require any installed codecs on the system to work, while allowing quick updates for supporting new formats.

- Optional ADS support: It can save cached thumbnails using the NTFS ADS system, which gives volatile support, allowing various thumbnail sizes at once (%file%:preview.jpg and %file%:cache.ini. Or for e.g. %file%:p224x176.jpg in case of multiple sizes enabled from settings).

- ADS is also allowing automatic refresh from a thumbnail only when necessary, e.g. if the related format setting from the ini file or the plugin was changed since the last time.

- Using the cm_ReloadSelThumbs on a thumbnail, allows rotating pictures on the fly (see PercentPosition ini entry), in case of an undesired picture is returned from a video (black or intro screen, ect...) If ADS is enabled, the lastest position will be remembered into the %file%:cache.ini file (when not matching the PercentPosition value)

- ADS save will be automatically canceled in case a file is from a read-only path. But if a file has simply a read-only attribute, ADS will work properly by restoring the RO attribute after saving the cached thumbnail.

- Can be also used through Symbolic links without problem.

- Some extra info like the video time, height in overlay is optional.

Installation and update:

- Install the plugin where you want to and register it to your main app as usual (TC, DC, ect...)

- Recommended: If you are updating, replace the existing file by the provided ones, including the ini files.

- Download and decompress the external tools (ffmpeg and irfanview) to the plugin's bin\ folders (download links can be found in the bin\*\install_url.txt)

- Remember to give the priority to this plugin: For TC, go to the menu: Configuration -> Plugins -> Configure button for WLX -> then move to the top the listed mthumbs.wlx filepath.

- Ensure the thumbnail filters are set correctly: For TC, go to the menu: Configuration -> Thumbnails -> Enable "Get from Lister plugins for:" and set editbox to: *.*

- For Lister and Quickview support, it is necessary for some extensions like MPG or WAV to add the detection string "MULTIMEDIA" to the detection string (automatic process if you freshly (re)installed the plugin, after 2021.04.01 versions)

- Recommended for Lister and Quickview support: for TC, go to the lister menu: Configuration -> Edit/View -> Configure internal viewer... -> Multimedia -> Check "Use plugins or load bitmap as graphics at startup"

- Check the mthumbs.ini file to see if changes are needed (!!!read first the section "Editing the plugin's settings (mthumbs.ini)" I have seem some people misunderstanding some of the ini entries in forums)

- IMPORTANT: ADS caching is disabled by default. ADS caching was made with volatility/portability and speed as main advantage. Thus if you decide to use it, it is recommended to TURN OFF the internal file manager's caching. (for TC, configuration -> Thumbnails -> Empty the database location) Note: ADS or not, if speed is important for you, i recommend you try to disable the custom fields and fields by type (unless they using some cache). They may be useful but often are way too slow for some formats. Give it a try :)

- Additional note: If you currently using the plugin cbxthumbs.wlx, you can uninstall it since mthumbs is the continuity and offers better functions: now support JPG, PNG, GIF and TGA + albums support.


- Just turn on the thumbnail mode as usual on your file manager. Lister and Quickview for previewing the file.

- Important: It is recommended to not use your main ffmpeg or irfanview tools for this plugin. Since the needs are not the same, it is probably better to use separated thus dedicated versions. Just use the \bin\ folder from the plugin folder.

- Tip: When using the ffplay.exe on the lister, you can right click to jump at the percentage position. e.g. Right click at 90% horizontaly, to jump to 90% of the total playing time

- Tip: When using irfanview on the lister, left click to draw the zooming zone. You can also press CTRL+SHIFT while the mouse is above the picture to enable the magnifier (then mouse wheel to increase/decrease the magnifier magnitude)

- Tip: Some recommended value for thumbnails (hybrid ratio): 176x136 or 224x176 or 304x240

Read mthumbs.readme.txt for more details.
691 KB - Updated: 17.04.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  14503 times

Rhinoceros Preview

The Rhinoceros Preview plugin shows the embedded preview bitmap of Rhino 3-D models. It can also be used for the thumbnail view.
1932 KB - Updated: 17.02.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  17716 times

RVLister 2.1

The lister plugin that supports files:
- DocX (Microsoft Word Document)
- RTF (Rich Text Format, better than the built-in viewer)
- RVF (the format of TRichView editor).
The plugin does not require MS Word or any other third-party software.
Source code is included (Delphi).
4627 KB - Updated: 26.01.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  20197 times

CSV View Beta

Lister plugin for view CSV files (*.csv).

This is new independed version of CSV Viewer plugin (
1636 KB - Updated: 24.09.2020 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  23948 times

EMLView Beta

Lister plugin for view e-mail message files (*.eml and *.msg).
This is new independed version of EML Viewer plugin (
1482 KB - Updated: 12.09.2020 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  21243 times

AnyELF 1.6

ELF File Viewer

The viewer is capable to dump ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) format files for seamlessly all OS and target architectures. This includes (Linux and bare board, object and executable files for x86, ARM, PowerPC, etc platforms). The viewer works with 32- and 64-bit ELF files.

Source is available at SourceForge.
636 KB - Updated: 23.08.2020 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  19716 times


lister plugin, shows content of Emulator files for GDR 8-bit homecomputers Z9001, KC85, KC87.
- used filetypes are TAP, KCC, SSS, ZBS.
- decodes Basic, Basicode, Forth, Assembler, Text
- converts between TAP and KCC Format
- with source (Delphi 5)
- more Information (in german) at
603 KB - Updated: 17.04.2020 - x32 - Downloaded  4953 times

Nothing 1.0

Lister plugin for show nothing.

+ can show nothing for all type of files;
+ very fast;
+ support TC Dark Mode.
108 KB - Updated: 1.04.2020 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  3273 times

SWFView 1.4.1

Plugin for view Flash SWF files.

*** Features ***

- real crop (window background) color setting for Show All, No Scale and Fit Big Only modes;
- can start in Show All, No Border, Exact Fit, No Scale or Fit Big Only modes;
- full screen view;
- only one Flash FSCommand processed - "quit".

If Flash not installed on your computer then install Adobe Flash Player.
1576 KB - Updated: 23.03.2020 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  123680 times

XML Viewer

Simple lister plugin for view XML files (*.xml).
1717 KB - Updated: 10.03.2020 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  11273 times

Firebird DB Viewer Beta

Plugin for view Firebird and Interbase database files (*.fdb, *.gdb, *.ib).

Required Firebird installation ( with gds32.dll install.
Embedded DLL is also supported.
6034 KB - Updated: 5.03.2020 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  20617 times

HexViewer Beta

Simple plugin for view/edit files in hex mode.

This is new independent version of FileView plugin (
1583 KB - Updated: 5.03.2020 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  9876 times

MATLAB MAT-file Viewer

The MATLAB® MAT-file Viewer plugin is three plugins at the same time.

1. It adds packer support for the MAT-file type, i.e. you can treat MATLAB MAT-files (Version 4, 5 and 7) like archives. For example, it is possible to view variables of a MAT-file, to compare the variables of two open MAT-files, to delete variables from a MAT-file, or to add real numeric data from a text file to a MAT-file.

2. It can be used as content plugin, too, showing information about MAT-file version, platform (Version 5 and 7 MAT-file only), creation time (Version 5 and 7 MAT-file only) and number of variables.

3. The lister view shows the variables of a MAT-file, their size (number of elements), their size in Bytes and their class. Based on the lister plugin interface of the MAT-file Viewer plugin a simple stand-alone MAT-file Viewer utility has been added.

It is strongly recommended to read the Readme for installation details and MATLAB dependencies.
232 KB - Updated: 20.10.2019 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  73402 times

Solid Edge Preview

The Solid Edge® Preview plugin shows the embedded preview thumbnail of Solid Edge CAD files. It can also be used for the thumbnail view.
122 KB - Updated: 27.08.2019 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  2881 times

Autodesk Inventor Preview

The Autodesk® Inventor® Preview plugin shows the embedded preview thumbnail of Inventor files. It can also be used for the thumbnail view.
122 KB - Updated: 27.08.2019 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  3330 times

AKFont 2.8.1

Shows font files. Supports TrueType (ttf), OpenType (otf), Adobe Type1 (pfm+pfb), .ttc, .fon.

(by: Alexey Konoplev, Site)
2285 KB - Updated: 7.07.2019 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  37312 times

Autodesk Revit Preview

The Autodesk® Revit® Preview plugin shows the embedded preview thumbnail of Revit files. It can also be used for the thumbnail view.
128 KB - Updated: 7.07.2019 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  4864 times

Access DB Viewer

Plugin for TC for view MS Access database files (*.mdb, *.accdb).
Replacement for Access Viewer ( but for view data.

64-bit version need installed Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable ( or Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable (
32-bit plugin version depends of Windows version and installed (or not) MS Office version.
5234 KB - Updated: 25.04.2019 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  11435 times


Plugin Office2007wlx rebuilt for 64-bit architecture and minor improvements.

The plugin allows to view Office2007 documents as plain text. The Office suite itself is not required.
321 KB - Updated: 1.02.2019 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  42786 times

MarkdownViewer 0.2

Markdown lister plugin. Supports .md and .markdown extensions.

Requirements: .NET Framework 4; additional dependencies should be installed by running TcPluginSetup.msi before using the plugin.

Author: Wang Zhfeng
355 KB - Updated: 9.12.2018 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  4202 times

Folder Picture 1.2.4

Plugin for show picture thumbnail for folder. Used folder.jpg or other pictures. Don't show anything in Lister.

After first use plugin creates (in his folder) file ListOfFiles.txt with used file names. You may change it. Only file names with extensions is supported.
1785 KB - Updated: 11.08.2018 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  9696 times


New version of plugin based on work by Denis Veretennikov (

Plugin for viewing video with MPlayer. For work it is necessary to have MPlayer, it is possible to take it on or optimized for you processor on For DiVX, XViD, mpg codecs are not required, for the others types see readme.
136 KB - Updated: 3.07.2018 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  6215 times

Aml View 2.02 (2016.06.12)

Allows to view Aml Pages documents in Lister.

212 KB - Updated: 12.05.2018 - x32 - Downloaded  7391 times

DBFViewer 1.4.2

Plugin for view DBF database files.

This is new independed version of BaseView plugin (
5260 KB - Updated: 17.11.2017 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  17409 times

SynWrite 6.40.2770

Text editor (application installer and Lister plugin) with widest feature set:

» syntax highlighting for lot of languages
» fully customizable highlighting
» code folding
» panels:
»»» tree structure for source code
»»» project management
»»» FTP/SFTP-client
»»» clipboard history
»»» mini-map
»»» tools output
»»» search results
»»» text clips
»»» file explorer
»»» tabs list
» coding helpers:
»»» auto-completion
»»» code templates
»»» expansion of html tag names by Tab key
»»» sync. editing of all id occurances
»»» support for Zen Coding/ Emmet
»»» color picker + color preview
»»» inserting of image tag
»»» portable bookmarks
»»» column markers
» support for almost all encodings
» search/replace with regular expressions
» search/replace in multiple files
» support for external tools, capture of console output, errors navigation
» strings extraction feature
» tabbed interface
» bookmarks
» sessions
» toolbar themes
» customizable hotkeys
» export to RTF/HTML
» HTML Tidy support
» and more...

Application installer
15025 KB - Updated: 29.08.2017 - x32 - Downloaded  171269 times

FileInfo 2.23

This Lister plugin display Version Information, Header Information and Symbol for MZ, NE, LE, LX and PE format (programs, DLLs,...). Dump of LIB, OBJ, EXP files. for PE format, DLL dependencies are tested and missing functions are shown.
typelib information is displayed if present (OCX, DLL, TLB,...)

this zip file contains both 32 and 64-bit version of Fileinfo either in the statically linked version or the dynamically linked one. Use the plugin auto-install interface and try to install first the DL variant of this plugin. if TC display an error message then you are missing MFC9 DLL so install the statically linked version of this plugin.

Major changes :
- new tab with Manifest resource if present
- in 'DLL dependency' & 'Imports/Exports' tabs You can now press F3 key to open a new fileinfo window of the highlight DLL
1004 KB - Updated: 18.05.2017 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  203223 times

LookFits 1.0.1

Lister-plugin (WLX) for view files in FITS format (astronomical image format).

- viewing the header and data block in digital form or as an image
- conversion of header and data into other format
- supports all BITPIX values of Single Image
- supported extensions: *.fits, *.fit, *.fts, *.fis

Project page:
3664 KB - Updated: 15.04.2017 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  3724 times

TCPlayer 1.05

NOTICE! The plugin has been temporarily removed due to antivirus detects.

Total Commander Audio Player plugin & standalone player written in C#, based on bass.dll components.


* Supports various audio formats: MP3, MP4, AAC, OGG, WAV, FLAC, WavPack, Apple Lossless (ALAC), WMA, AC3, CDDA, APE, MPC, MP+, MPP, OFR, OFS, SPX, TTA, DSF, OPUS
* Support MIDI & tracker files playback: midi, mid, rmi, kar, xm, it, s3m, mod, mtm, umx, .mo3
* Supports various playlist formats: PLS, M3U, WPL
* 64 bit & 32 bit support
* Supports Windows 7 & 8 Shell features: Taskbar progress & Taskbar preview buttons

##Requirements to run
- Windows 7/8/8.1/10
- Total commander for the plugin install (tested with 8.51a x64)
- .NET Framework 4.5

Issue reporting & source code at:

8658 KB - Updated: 23.10.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  14170 times

ANSI viewer plugin 2016-10-09

Simple lister plugin for viewing ANSI text/graphic files. Handy for viewing old ANSI drawings and BBS adverts.

(Requirement: TC6.0 + a good fixed-width DOS font)
103 KB - Updated: 9.10.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  18607 times

DmpView 0.2.3

DmpView plugin for TotalCommander v 0.2.3

This is a Total Commander plugin that allows to view *.dmp file,
creating Microsoft Windows when system has blue screen.

-- = = Capability = = --
- Show information about *.dmp file
155 KB - Updated: 17.08.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  18612 times


Plugin that renders Qt .ui interfaces.

The plugin allows to view and to print UI sketches.
8422 KB - Updated: 11.04.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  4383 times

DirSizeCalc Charts 1.10

DirSizeCalc Charts displays a list of all files and folders contained in a folder sorted descending by size. A bar chart is displayed next to the items to illustrate the size dimensions at first glance.

The linked download is the standalone version of DirSizeCalc Charts. Alternativelly you may download the addon version. Please make sure the latest version of DirSizeCalc is installed:
434 KB - Updated: 19.08.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  14162 times

Total DICOM Lister 2.0.0

TotalDcmLister is a Lister Plugin (wlx) for the Total Commander.

It's for displaying metadata of DICOM files in the Lister or QuickView window of Total Commander and will be enabled for the file extension .dcm / .DCM.

The set of DICOM attributes to be listed is fully configurable by user.
1352 KB - Updated: 5.06.2015 - x32 - Downloaded  4714 times

decMaffWLX 2015.03.21

Allows to view MAFF files from Firefox (they're zip files with HTMLs).

(author: Dec)
1814 KB - Updated: 1.04.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  6614 times

AmpView 3.3 beta 3

AmpView is a Lister-plugin for Total Commander, which can play WAV, MP3, MP2, MP1, Ogg Vorbis, WMA and MIDI files, using BASS sound system (bass.dll, basswma.dll). It also supports MOD music and MO3 music(MO3, IT, XM, S3M, MTM, MOD, UMX formats) using BASS's native function. Also you can open PlayLists (m3u and pls).
580 KB - Updated: 16.03.2015 - x32 - Downloaded  177816 times

CharsOccurrences 1.7.2

Beside the plain text in one of the tabs shows the occurrences of letters and digits in the other tabs:

- in the tab with sortable list of letters, their occurrences and percentages
- in the tab with histogram of occurrences of letters
- in the tab with sortable list of digits, their occurrences and percentages
- in the tab with histogram of occurrences of digits
- in the tab with two static vertical lists, the left column ordered alphabetically and the right by occurrences
- in the tab with static horizontal text, the upper ordered alphabetically and the lower by occurrences

In the tabs with sortable lists is possible to change order of the columns by dragging their headers.

Tab with two vertical static lists shows also percentages of occurrences and the sum of all occurrences.

The font size and bold style of the most tabs is adjustable in the Settings tab.

The font size, the last chosen tab and the order of the items of the individual sortable lists are saved and automatically restored at the opening the next file and at the new opening of the Lister, and even after exit and restart of the Total Commander.
427 KB - Updated: 22.01.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  10397 times

inSCR 4.0

inSCR is a lister-plugin for Total Commander for viewing ZX Spectrum picture files.

- Flash color support
- Automatic border color mode
- Thumbnails view support
- Several view modes (black-and-white (without attributes), invert, postprocessing filters)
- Conversion to BMP
- Support for Total Commander 64-bit

Formats supported:

- Standard screens: 6144, 6912 and 6913 (with border color) bytes
- Gigascreen (two screens blended)
- 3-Color
- 48K/128K Snapshot (.sna)
- Multitech/MB02+ (grayscale multicolor)
- Timex multicolor
- All of the above in hobeta format
163 KB - Updated: 10.01.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  17565 times

decID3WLX 2014.12.08

Shows info from audio files.

(by: Dec)
2026 KB - Updated: 8.12.2014 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  5286 times

Dune aai 1.0.1

Allows to view aai images, for Dune player
8 KB - Updated: 22.10.2014 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  5107 times

Mmedia 2.62

This viewer can play (wth appropriate codec) and display tags and informations from many multimedia files. Informations are extracted by the MediaInfo library (from if present. the player is based on MCI, Mediaplayer 6.4+ or WMP 7.0+ players. Please follow "Readme.txt" instructions to add compatibility with more format.

the linked zip file contains only the new Unicode version but ANSI version can be download directly
on the plugin site. both 32 and 64-bit version of Mmedia either in the statically linked version or the dynamically linked one are included.

Use the plugin auto-install interface and try to install first the DL variant of this plugin. if TC display an error message then you are missing MFC9 DLL so install the statically linked version of this plugin.
1035 KB - Updated: 28.09.2014 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  207100 times

WDXGuideInLister64 1.04

The WDXGuideInLister64 plugin is a replacement of good old WDXGuideInLister using WDX Guide to display installed content plugins in lister window of Total Commander.
42 KB - Updated: 15.09.2014 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  9190 times


1590 KB - Updated: 24.07.2014 - x32 - Downloaded  69991 times

inAlasm 3.01

inAlasm is a lister plugin for Total Commander allowing to view the files of ZX Spectrum assembler Alasm.
78 KB - Updated: 22.05.2014 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  9256 times

sLister - view more file formats 

This is no plugin. The text only describes how you can view other file formats which are supported of SumatraPDF.exe by using the sLister plugin.

You will find an English and a German descrption.
1 KB - Updated: 25.03.2014 - x32 - Downloaded  13268 times


498 KB - Updated: 16.02.2014 - x32 - Downloaded  7732 times


1032 KB - Updated: 16.02.2014 - x32 - Downloaded  6700 times

APlayer v0.1 

633 KB - Updated: 14.02.2014 - x32 - Downloaded  7090 times


Applications loader
This plugin allows you to open chosen files using the associated applications in cases where it is possible to use the internal viewer (Lister).
The main feature of this plugin is that you can open the file in any application of these modal windows Total Commander as «Find Files» and «Synchronize directories» as well as in the Overwrite dialog, which can not be done by any other means.
No less pleasing is provided feature to run associated application by means hotkey for an already opened file in the Lister.
Also plugin can work with selected files, has a flexible configuration of execute conditions, and feature to disable using the Scroll Lock key.

Examples of convenient use
• Use in modal windows.
You no longer need to run another copy of Total Commander, if the need arises, for example, open a document in Microsoft Word or play video with the handy player in «Find Files», «Synchronize directories» or Overwrite dialog. Just configure associations for convenient applications.
• Use to open files from FTP-servers and WFX-plugins.
You no longer need to pre-copy file on the local disk to view or extract the contents. Just configure associations for convenient archiver.
• Working with selected files.
You need to open a group of files in separate tabs of text editor or print them in one motion? Just select the appropriate application and correctly configure the associations and command line parameters.
• Association application with folders.
Want to open in a player the entire season of your favorite series? Make sure that your player is able to work with folders and set associations.
• Launching applications for already opened file in Lister.
You have viewed the file in Lister and realized that you need to edit it? Just assign hotkey to launch the associated application and do not forget to use it :)
• Copy searched text to clipboard.
You already have appreciated all plugin features and use it to the full in «Find Files» dialog? Then this function is for you. If you're searched for files with option «Find text» plugin will automatically copy the search text to the clipboard, and you can paste it later in the search dialog of associated application.

You may be interested in the Ultimate Calendar by Maximus's Solutions.
85 KB - Updated: 12.01.2014 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  35181 times

WhoOpenDoc 0.3

WhoOpenDoc plugin for TotalCommander v 0.3

This is a Total Commander plugin that allows to view ~$*.doc file,
creating when Microsoft Word open file.
That allow view, who open file. Usefull for the multiusers work with the document.

-- = = Capability = = --
- Show information about ~$*.doc,~$*.dot,~$*.docx,~$*.rtf file
46 KB - Updated: 20.12.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  17217 times

2D CAD View Plugin: DWG DXF HPGL SVG CGM 9.1.5

CAD Plugin for Lister. Supported: DXF, DWG (12 - 2013), HPGL / HPGL2, SVG, CGM. Navigation is convenient and simple: right-mouse pan, mouse wheel zoom. Export to BMP, EMF, WMF, JPEG, GIF.
2051 KB - Updated: 2.12.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  105040 times


About TotalHLT
TotalHLT (Total Highlight) is a Lister plugin for TotalCommander. The major function is to display source code files with syntax highlight. This is a very preliminary version. It's based on the hlight v1.1 (source is available by the link below).

Both hlight and TotalHLT are built on the excellent library Highlight (
This version (v1.7.0.160) features:
1). It supports "Space" and "Shift+Space" for pagedown and pageup.
2). It supports themes.
3). Pressing "L" key can change the line spacing to double line spaced.
Pressing "Shift + L" can change the line spacing to single line.
4). Pressing "T" key can increase the font size by two points.
Pressing "Shift + T" can decrease the font size by two points.
5). Supports TotalCommander 8 win32/x64.
6). Supports setting width for line numbers and whether to print the leading zeros of
line numbers.
7). Supports font size set in the theme file.

Double-click then it can be automatically installed
(assumed that you are using the latest version of TotalCommander).

No special requirement, provided that you are using a relatively new computer
and Windows OS.

In TC, when the selection bar is on a source code file, press "F3" or Ctrl+q",
you will see the content of the file with nice colors.

Copyright (C) 2004-2013 W. Dong,
License to copy, use, and redistribute this software for any purpose is granted
provided that this notice may not be removed from this document.

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
use of this software.
557 KB - Updated: 10.10.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  25243 times

Modules Player 0.3

Plugin can be used to play music module files with following extensions: *.mod, *.mtm, *.s3m, *.xm and *.it. It also show samples or instruments names. It use bass.dll library by Un4seen Developments ( Dll mentioned above is included in plugin file. Plugin was tested on following systems in PL language: Windows 98, Windows XP Home X86, Windows 7 X64 and Windows 8 X64. Plugin was written in Borland Delphi 7 Personal.
More information in included readme.txt file.
262 KB - Updated: 13.09.2013 - x32 - Downloaded  5264 times


Plugin shows images using OS codecs. E.g., formats jpg bmp png tiff gif webp.

(from: Dec)
533 KB - Updated: 10.08.2013 - x32 - Downloaded  6126 times

MP3 Tag View 1.1.1

Plugin for view tags from MP3 files.
1896 KB - Updated: 6.07.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  9959 times

AnyCmd 1.2

AnyCmd is a Total Commander lister plugin that permits redirect standard output and error streams of any program to Total Commander lister view.

Inspired by AnyELF Total Commander plugin , an idea came – why limit yourself with a special file formats only. Why not permit to user define a custom dumper, text filter, lister or file viewer? After all, there are a lot of command line text processing utilities that already do this job. Definitely, you may use file associations or just use command line window for this purpose. But, would not be it is just great if you could do the job within Total Commander itself? I mean - do anything! You can sort lines of text, compile a program, launch your favorite Perl (really, Perl?) script, and so on.


Download the file and save it in a temporary location. Open Total Commander, locate the file and double click on it (or just press “ENTER”). Total Commander will prompt you to install the plugin. Accept it. A list of installed plugins will appear. Just press “OK”. That is all.

More instructions and recent source code can be found at
99 KB - Updated: 17.05.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  10780 times

RedDOC [02.04.2013]

RedDOC - MSWord binary document viewer plugin for Total Commander

This plugin can serve as a substitute of ListDOC, it allows to view classic DOC and DOT documents.
Document contents is currently shown without formatting - only plain text.

It works without any installed MS Word

Try also WordArc packer plugin.
1529 KB - Updated: 2.04.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  20604 times

RedHTML 2013.03.22

Opensource HTML viewer that works without any installed browser (document rendered directly). Initial alpha version.
3291 KB - Updated: 22.03.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  11725 times

RedCell [22.03.2013]

Simple MS Excel documents viewer, that works without Excel application. Possible replacement of Excellence in 64 bit TC
2384 KB - Updated: 22.03.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  21273 times

SolidWorks Preview

The SolidWorks® Preview plugin shows the embedded preview bitmap of SolidWorks Assembly, Drawing and Part Documents. It can also be used for the thumbnail view of TC.

Note: The plugin fails to show the embedded preview bitmap of SolidWorks 2015 files.
73 KB - Updated: 5.01.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  37509 times

PdbView 2 - 1.1

Lister plugin for Total Commander to view Palm OS DOC files (.pdb or .prc).

Initial developer and sources - Yurik.
1791 KB - Updated: 27.12.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  7975 times

MKInfoLS 1.0.5

MKInfoLS is Lister plugin for getting information about Matroska files (MKV, MKA, WEBM).

Optionally can be used for other media formats (additional extensions should be defined in .ini file before plugin installation).

(by: Starsoft)
2003 KB - Updated: 24.12.2012 - x32 - Downloaded  9381 times

Autodesk 3ds Max Preview

The Autodesk® 3ds Max® Preview plugin shows the embedded preview thumbnail of 3ds Max files (Version >= 3). It can also be used for the thumbnail view.
157 KB - Updated: 3.12.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  56574 times

ruDWGPreview New 1.0

Lister plugin for view embedded thumbnails in AutoCAD files (*.dwg). Supports verions: R13 (no WMF support), R14, 2000, 2000i, 2002, 2004 and 2005.
Support TC thumbnails view.
This is new independed version of ruDwgPreview plugin (
Based on module for DWG thumbnails view by author of ruDwgPreview.
1243 KB - Updated: 30.11.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  10584 times

SynWrite x64 Edition 3.0.610

x64 Edition of SynWrite text editor. Included are x64 executable and Lister plugin. Based on SynWrite 3.0: removed docking, removed themes support, some opts disabled.

Many issues are present comparing to x32 version - see almost full list in Readme\ReadmeX64.txt.
4712 KB - Updated: 21.09.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  31275 times

TC Jad - Java Decompiler Plugin 1.1

JAD Lister plugin for Java binary .class files. Uses jad to decompile the .class file and displays the resulted code highlighted in TC Lister window.

- View any java .class file decompiled by jad in TC Lister window
- The code is highlighted, selectable and searchable as the plugin uses the default Lister window so all other default Lister functions are available
- The source is opened and included in
- Fast as it is written in C++
- Win XP/Vista/7 and TC x32/x64 compatible

Easy to install - just open the zip in Total Commander or follow the instructions in README.txt file for manual installation

421 KB - Updated: 17.06.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  18602 times

PE Viewer 2.0

PE Viewer is intended to view the information on PE executable format modules (EXE, DLL, OCX, etc.). Plug-in shows functions imported and exported by the module, the detailed information about sections and headers of the module, and also the contained resources.

1285 KB - Updated: 16.06.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  77453 times

Imgview 2.0

Lister plugin for the Total Commander file manager (image viewer for JPG files and 20 other image file types)

• Supported image file types: ANI, BMP, CUR, EMF, EPS, GIF, ICO, JPEG, JPG, PCX, PIC, PNG, PSD, PSP, PSPIMAGE, SCR, SGI, TGA, THM, TIF and WMF (WMF safety gap taken care of)
• Rules for automatic resizing of images to fit the viewer window can be selected independently for images which are either too small or too large
• Optional automatic orientation of images according to the orientation information contained in the Exif meta data (above ca. 4 megapixels image size somewhat time consuming)
• Optional anti-aliasing (suppression of moiré effects with down scaled pictures)
• Loading speed of JPG files improved by a factor of 3 to 4 if compared to version 1.0
• Easy copying of images to the clipboard (EMF and WMF as a vector graphic and as a bitmap, all other image file types as a bitmap only)
• Easy printing of images (user-defined printer page layout)
• Supported languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Danish and Swedish (derived from the language selected in Total Commander)
• From Total Commander version 6.5 onwards simplified installation by double clicking the download file
572 KB - Updated: 7.06.2012 - x32 - Downloaded  29694 times

LogViewer 1.1.2

LogViewer 1.1 - this is Lister-plugin to view the text log files, with autoreload (tail, as in the Far manager).

- Ability to view very large files (5Gb or more)
- Quick, does not load the processor and memory
- Ability to set text color, depending on the content of strings
- Text searching and filtering

Default extensions for viewing are equal [. Log] and can be customized in settings.

Hot keys:
Ctrl F - search
F3 - find next
Ctrl F3 - find backward
W - word wrap

Free for personal non-commercial use, for other categories require a license to use.

LogViewer Home Page

* In this version correctly displays only non-unicode encodings, in unicode - only Latin symbols.
1980 KB - Updated: 23.05.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  36625 times

xBaseView 10.0

xBaseView.wlx - xBaseView Database Explorer (DLL version)
Version 10.0 (January, 2012)

xBaseView Database Explorer (DLL version) is a Lister plug-in for the Total Commander.

xBaseView Database Explorer has a Windows Explorer-like user interface, supports the typical operations for databases and data export/import. Also it supports the context menus.

A databases list and file extensions
- Borland Client Data Set .CDS
- CSV Text .CSV
- Paradox .DB
- Clipper .DBF
- dBase .DBF
- FoxPro .DBF
- TAB Text .TAB
- Borland Data Packet XML .XML
- Microsoft ADO XML .XML

The plug-in supports conversion between the specified types of databases and export to MS Excel and plain text.

The plug-in supports these languages for GUI: English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Kazakh, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian.

English Forum

Home site
999 KB - Updated: 28.01.2012 - x32 - Downloaded  314292 times


The main features of the XSudoku plugin are:
- display most Sudoku file formats
- fast Sudoku solution
- unlimited number of undo/redo actions
- show/hide pencil marks
- show/hide hint for a single cell or show solution for entire puzzle
- highlight all cells of a particular value, hint or pencil mark
- print bitmap of puzzle
- copy bitmap of puzzle to clipboard

The XSudoku plugin is based on the XSudokuWnd classes by Hans Dietrich.
107 KB - Updated: 4.11.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  20247 times

OpenOffice/DOCX/FB2 Viewer 1.7.2

Plugin allows to view OpenOffice, MS Word 2007, FB2 documents with formatting. Documents are converted to XHTML form, you can see them with most of formatting. Not all document styles are supported currently, because of underlying XSL stylesheets work.

Plugin works more correctly in Universal Viewer (in Lister some keys don't work).
3003 KB - Updated: 8.10.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  150483 times

OpenOffice Simple Viewer 1.2.0

This plugin allows to view documents. Document contents is currently shown without formatting - only plain text! The following file extensions are handled:
1517 KB - Updated: 5.10.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  181186 times

EventLog 2.5

EventLog is set of two plugins, Lister EventLog.wlx) and FileSystem (EventLog.wfx), for viewing Windows NT/2000/XP/Win7 event logs
735 KB - Updated: 4.10.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  31827 times

LinkInfo 1.52

This is a combined project consisting of 2 parts:
1. LinkEditor - Program for modifying LNK-files.
2. LinkInfo - Lister-plugin for viewing and editing them from TC
309 KB - Updated: 2.10.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  51819 times


This plugin allows to view in graphical form the content of files
created by the program "Japan Crosswords 5.3". More details about this program you can
see on the author's homepage.
229 KB - Updated: 1.10.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  15642 times

URL Shortcut Viewer

The URL Shortcut Viewer plugin uses the Internet Explorer browser component to display the website of URL files (Internet shortcuts) in the lister window of Total Commander.

Internet Explorer 5.0 is at least required.
47 KB - Updated: 29.09.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  24280 times

dirtyJOE 1.5 (c359)

dirtyJOE - Java Overall Editor is a complex editor and viewer for compiled java binaries (.class files).

dirtyJOE is free for non-commercial use.

dirtyJOE is entirely written in C++.

dirtyJOE is using Python library as a script engine.

Main features:
* Viewer for: constant pool, methods, fields, attributes
* Editor for: constant pool, bytecode, file header, attributes
* Python scripting for encrypted strings
1287 KB - Updated: 21.09.2011 - x32 - Downloaded  8735 times

uLister 4.0.0

uLister is a powerful document viewer which can open more than 500 file formats.
Supported files formats
Many popular word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, raster and vector image.
Full list:

This software are provided "as-is". No warranty provided.
This plugin is freeware, but libraries from Oracle® is not, you must accept license
before using.
32 KB - Updated: 20.09.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  65257 times

sLister 1.1.2

sLister it is PDF,DJVU,XPS,CBZ,CBR viewer based on SumatraPDF.
1891 KB - Updated: 20.09.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  65821 times

decMetaExpertWLX 1.4

Shows meta information in jpg files.

(by: Dec)
1133 KB - Updated: 5.06.2011 - x32 - Downloaded  6686 times

DBLister 2.01

This plugin enables to browse and edit database tables of several types.

Native mode direct access:
- PostgreSQL
- Firebird
- Interbase
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Sybase ASE
and more.

(by: Commsoft)
1046 KB - Updated: 21.05.2011 - x32 - Downloaded  16712 times

AKPic 1.6

Shows images, based on XnView's library LibGFL.
Shows alpha channel in thumb.

(by: A. Konoplev,
1328 KB - Updated: 16.05.2011 - x32 - Downloaded  7300 times

tLister 1.2.0

tLister add tabs support to Lister. Place it on first place in wlx plugins list.
32 KB - Updated: 11.05.2011 - x32 - Downloaded  15308 times

decFastThumbs 1.9

Plugin to get thumbnails for:
bmp, gif, png, jpeg, wmf, emf, ico, cur, RIFF-based (wav, avi, cdr, ani...), crd, OLE2-based (doc, fpx, xls, sldasm, slddrw, sldprt...), Zip-based (cdr, odt, docx, iWork Numbers), psd, tiff, dng, eps, max, mp3.

(by: Dec)
1258 KB - Updated: 24.04.2011 - x32 - Downloaded  20967 times

decThumbsDBViewer 4.7

Lister plugin which allows to view thumbnails from *thumb*.db plus caches of many applications (list in Readme).

Author: Dec
2735 KB - Updated: 15.04.2011 - x32 - Downloaded  41159 times

Sumatra PDF based plugin 0.8.1

Integrated Sumatra PDF based PDF viewer. No external apps required.

(by: j @
1644 KB - Updated: 26.09.2010 - x32 - Downloaded  58959 times

MultiLister (former PDF Filter) 1.50a

The MultiLister plugin allows converting arbitrary file from one format to text, picture (BMP or GIF), and HTML, via appropriate converter and display it within the TC's Lister.
Multiple instances of Lister windows using the
ActiveX controls are supported as well.
291 KB - Updated: 6.04.2010 - x32 - Downloaded  67563 times

M3U view 

Works with M3u playlists.

(by: Tir Na Nog)
10 KB - Updated: 9.03.2010 - x32 - Downloaded  7982 times

NFOViewer 0.8

Plugin to view .nfo .diz.

(by: MovieZ)
66 KB - Updated: 8.02.2010 - x32 - Downloaded  16605 times

Excellence 1.20

This is a Total Commander Lister plugin which displays text and numbers from spreadsheet files created by OpenOffice Calc, Microsoft Excel and similar programs. It does not require any program or library to be installed on your system. Plugin supports following formats:
* xls - Microsoft Excel (common binary format)
* xlsx, xlsm - Microsoft Excel 2007 (office open xml)
* xlsb - Microsoft Excel 2007 (new binary format)
* xml - Microsoft Excel 2003 (unpopular xml format)
* ods, sxc - OpenOffice Calc (open document format)
* gnumeric - Gnumeric (new format)
* ksp - KSpread (native format)
* uof, uos - Chinese spreadsheet programs (uniform office format)
* csv - Various programs (comma-separated values)
* sylk, slk - Various programs (symbolic link)
* dif - Various programs (data interchange format)
372 KB - Updated: 4.02.2010 - x32 - Downloaded  126742 times

DDS_DD_Plugin 05.06.2006

Allows to view 1Cv7.DDS and 1Cv7.DD files.

(by: Kucher A.A.)
357 KB - Updated: 27.09.2009 - x32 - Downloaded  9048 times

GSF View 1.0

Plugin to view Gedemin setting (GSF) files.

(by: Yuri Strokov)
205 KB - Updated: 27.09.2009 - x32 - Downloaded  10138 times

wLx_SQLLite 17.02.2009

SQLite database viewer.


(Îò: HuKTO,
169 KB - Updated: 28.08.2009 - x32 - Downloaded  16175 times


Plugin is Putty hack.

(by: 4ekict)
1264 KB - Updated: 18.07.2009 - x32 - Downloaded  17733 times


Lister plugin to view Jsg-segments of jpeg files.

(by: Dec)
261 KB - Updated: 30.06.2009 - x32 - Downloaded  8156 times

GSA Lister 1.02.2

This plugin is a source code viewer with highlighting and some features. It is based on Scintilla and delphisci Delphi component.
720 KB - Updated: 17.06.2009 - x32 - Downloaded  10460 times

ObjView 1.2

Viewer plugin for INTEL OMF-51 object files.

(by: Andreas Ziemer)
46 KB - Updated: 7.06.2009 - x32 - Downloaded  6975 times

decFLTViewer 1.1

Graphic viewer, which uses FLT: Office filters.

[Note: author is Dec.]
20 KB - Updated: 2.04.2009 - x32 - Downloaded  13412 times


Plugin is dicontinued.
For newer version, please take a look at:
Office 2007.wlx plugin allows to view Microsoft Office 2007 files (DOCX, PPSX, PPTX, XLSX) as plain text in lister window.

Headers and footers are not displayed yet.

MS Office 2007 is not required for this plugin to work!
134 KB - Updated: 14.03.2009 - x32 - Downloaded  78642 times

SVGwlx 0.0.2

This plugin allows to view SVG / SVGZ files thumbnails.

For proper work it requires Inkscape (which converts SVG to temporary PNG).

Please remember to set valid Inkscape path in INI file.
337 KB - Updated: 12.02.2009 - x32 - Downloaded  10726 times


Plugin shows log files tail. If file with log changes, plugin updates its tail.
364 KB - Updated: 15.05.2008 - x32 - Downloaded  13907 times

PalmDump 0.02 beta

A plugin to dump content of executable and database files for Palm OS. (prc and pdb extensions)
ver 0.02 add pqa files
29 KB - Updated: 14.02.2008 - x32 - Downloaded  11976 times

Boot Screen View 1.1 release

NOTICE! The plugin has been temporarily removed due to antivirus detects.

Windows XP boot screens preview plugin. Features:

• Previews “.bootscreen”, “.bootskin”, “.tbs” skin files, screens from kernels “ntoskrnl.exe”, “ntrnlmp.exe”, “ntkrnlpa.exe”, “ntkrpamp.exe”.
• Automatic detection of palette and progress bar position for all versions of Windows XP kernels.
• Conversion (also batch conversion) between skin formats (conversion to Windows XP kernel is not possible, but conversion from it is.) “.tbs” skins can be unprotected from editing.
• Information from INI files (skin properties) is displayed and edited.
• Thumbnails creation.
• Explorer integration: context menus of skin files.
• Imitates technical limitations: palette, screen border, specific artefacts (except “.bootskin” skins which do not imply kernel modification.) Overlays (Pro/Home etc.) are displayed according to the installed version of Windows.
• Progress bar animation.
• Respects Lister view options (centering, fitting of images etc.)
• Zoomimg with antialiasing.
• Help in Russian and English.
666 KB - Updated: 10.02.2008 - x32 - Downloaded  73104 times

Imagine (beta) beta 10

Imagine - Image/Animation Viewer for Windows

*** Features ***

- Views image/animation files with the fastest speed
- Numerous image formats supported
- Shows information of image/animation files
- Shows EXIF information
- Shows transparency
- Extracts a frames from animation file
- Exports Animation file
(Animated GIF file/AVI/Flic/Pro Motion Animation)
- Manipulates image
(Flip,Grayscale,Negative,Change color depth,Swap colors,Rotate,Resize,
Effect filter,Edit palette,Transparency set, etc.)
- Tiny & Fast & Pure & Neat executable
- Fully customizable
- Plugin add-on available
- Multilingual support
- Unicode support
- Shell extension support
- Provides Total Commander lister plugin
472 KB - Updated: 14.01.2008 - x32 - Downloaded  34434 times

edt-pack for tcCalendar 22.12.07

Pack of extended date sets for tcCalendar. Before using download and install tcCalendar.
Saint's days (French; Paul)
Internationals & Worlds Days (English,French; Paul)
Name-day (Czech; Petr Skach)
Celebrities (Russian; Demon™)
Memorable dates (Russian; Demon™)
Name-days (Russian; Demon™)
Orthodox calendar (Russian; Eavasi)
Name-days (Slovak; Ivo Seki)
Name-days (Polish; djk)
Saint's days (Hellenic; Panos)
Name-days (Hellenic; Panos)
Signs of the zodiac (Hellenic; Panos)
Danish unofficial holidays (Danish; Petermad)
Saints of Serbian Orthodox church (Serbian; Melita)
Angel (Dutch; Marieke Pannekeet)
Italian saints (Italian; Dario)
Internationals days (Russian, Ukrainian; Paul, Anatoly Goncharov)
Signs of the zodiac (English, Russian, Ukrainian; Maximus)
Swedish flag days (Swedish; Tauno Pinni)
Signs of the zodiac (German, Latin; Martin Seibert)
177 KB - Updated: 26.12.2007 - x32 - Downloaded  37633 times

scrlist 1.0

Allows viewing screen savers (files with the extension *. scr) on the F3 or Ctrl+Q
17 KB - Updated: 3.11.2007 - x32 - Downloaded  17495 times

wlx_fb2 1.11

Lister plugin to view covers from fb2 books in thumbnails mode.

(by: bookmist)
346 KB - Updated: 28.10.2007 - x32 - Downloaded  4467 times


This plugin is to view variable information about archives: size, number of files, folders, size of dictionary, compression method, ration, comments, etc.

Support archives:

Support wcx-plugins Total Commander.

Source code Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
106 KB - Updated: 28.09.2007 - x32 - Downloaded  73197 times

CBxThumbs 0.24b

CBxThumbs : CBxThumbnails(lister) plugin for total commander (6.5x I guess and 7.x).

- This plugin is freeware and permit to see thumbnails from .CBZ & .CBR (by default) files.

- What is a CBZ file ? CBZ file is a ZIP file which have simply been its extention renamed : .ZIP to .CBZ. That kind of archive containing generally pictures, and tend to be viewed as a comic/photo album/ect.. using related software, like the excellent freeware : "CDisplay 1.8"
- Since 0.23b, you can also use it for other usages, like showing the first .JPG found on the archive from zipped albums or whatever.
362 KB - Updated: 11.08.2007 - x32 - Downloaded  13956 times

gswlx 0.2 beta6

gswlx is intended to view in Lister and quick view panel of Total Commander files that can be processed by Ghostscript, an interpreter for the PostScript page description language:
* PostScript printer files (extension PS or PRN),
* Encapsulated PostScript (EPS),
* Portable Document Format (PDF).
* Adobe Illustarator documents (AI). Not guaranteed.
Also it can generate and show sample for Type 1 PostScript fonts (extension PFB). For all file types plugin can generate thumbnails.
66 KB - Updated: 6.07.2007 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  35293 times


* Show images in Total Commander.
* Supported formats:
BMP; JPEG; PNG; GIF (animation too); TIFF (not all compressions supported); PSD; TGA; PCX; PCD; PSP; EMF; WMF.

* Features:
- intelligible interface;
- easy navigation;
- full screen view;
- slideshow;
- random view mode;
- antialiasing for fitted images;
- view animation in GIF;
- multilingual user interface (English, French, German, Hungarian, Korean, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian);
- copying, moving, deleting image files;
- open current image in any application;
- copy image to and paste from Clipboard;
- save images to BMP or JPEG;
- image operations (rotate, mirror, etc.);
- basic function for print images;
- support ijl15.dll for fast JPEG load;
- support libgfl220.dll and libgfle220.dll for JPEG Lossless Transform and thumb's view TC mode;
- and many more!

For fast JPEG load you may use Intel JPEG Library (ijl15.dll). Also enable it in Setup window on "JPEG" page. Loading JPEG files increasing to more times! Copy this dll to SGViewer\Plugins folder or SGViewer folder, or Windows folder.

Support available via e-mail.
844 KB - Updated: 15.12.2006 - x32 - Downloaded  165588 times

Syn 1.5

Improvement ideas of SynPlus plugin. Features are:
* PHP external macros (like in PHPExpertEditor)
* Support codepages: WIN(1251),DOS(866),KOI8,ISO(8859-5),MAC(10007),UTF-8,Unicode
* Multistring Search/Replace with Regular Expressions support
* Code folding & Indent guides
* Auto complete function names & function parameters help (Need to download extentions for needed languages from site)
* Context Help(Ctrl-F1) for PHP (needs official php_manual.chm)
* History of file positions, selection, bookmarks & wordwrap
* Quick tags B, I, U, BR
* Ask to reload file, if it was modified outside
* Auto close brackets [({"'
* Auto complete { on ENTER
* Quick insert HTML form tags, Entities & Color
* Document error check by external application
* Autoclose tag on
734 KB - Updated: 31.10.2006 - x32 - Downloaded  43808 times

anytag 0.97

anytag.wlx is a lister plugin for Total Commander which displays metadata (like 'Artist', 'Title', ...) and technical info of audio files.

It supports the following audio formats: AAC, APE, FLAC, MP3, MP4, MPC, OGG, OFR, OFS, SPX, TTA, WMA, WV.
1167 KB - Updated: 2.07.2006 - x32 - Downloaded  65929 times

SWF Lister 2.0

With SWF Lister you can view Shockwave Flash files by Adobe Macromedia LLC.,
as well as FLV - Flash video files.

Additionally you can do resources
extraction from them(JPEG images, MP3 sounds is currently supported),
Compress/Decompress and produce silent SWF movies by stripping off sound
info from a movie. Since Total Commander v6.5
SWF Lister supports thumbnails view for swf-movies and exe-projectors.

Visit for more info on
SWF Lister usecases, hints, resources, etc.
816 KB - Updated: 10.06.2006 - x32 - Downloaded  96622 times

Media Show 0.9.5

Total Commander lister plugin for viewing Media files and playlists
SCHM-DSP v1.1 filer (EXE installer)
SCHM-DSP v1.1 filter (RAR archive)
519 KB - Updated: 11.05.2006 - x32 - Downloaded  61403 times

HTMLView 1.1

Version of IEView plugin, intended for viewing only HTML documents.
61 KB - Updated: 9.05.2006 - x32 - Downloaded  28972 times

mplayer4tc 0.2

Plugin for viewing video with MPlayer. For work it is necessary to have MPlayer, it is possible to take it on or optimized for you processor on For DiVX, XViD, mpg codecs are not required, for the others types see readme.
Sourse included
39 KB - Updated: 24.04.2006 - x32 - Downloaded  26391 times

VisualDirSize 1.2

VisualDirSize provide a graphical overview of the files/folders in a selected directory. You can view a chart by putting cursor on any directory and pressing 'Ctrl+Q'. Selected directory will be scanned and files/folders size will be displayed as a bar chart in the Quick View panel. Such bar chart is useful for showing the relative size of files/folders. For instance: you can quickly locate the biggest file/folder in directory.

If you have any suggestions please post them on official TC forum. Thank you.
474 KB - Updated: 24.03.2006 - x32 - Downloaded  73895 times

DVI Simple Viewer

The DVI Simple Viewer plugin displays device independent TEX output in the lister window of Total Commander.
104 KB - Updated: 16.03.2006 - x32 - Downloaded  15102 times

DMF Lister 1.0

With DMF Lister you can view DemoForge movies by DemoForge LLC,
refer to for more info about *.dmf movies.
With DemoForge studio you can create
lightweight software demos.
650 KB - Updated: 28.02.2006 - x32 - Downloaded  9683 times

Mathematica Link

The Mathematica® Link plugin acts like a simple Mathematica front end. It is able to load and evaluate files which are either in Mathematica input format (InputForm, .mlif) or in Mathematica binary format (DumpSave, .mx).

Evaluation requires a running connection to the Mathematica kernel provided by the MathLink® interface.
285 KB - Updated: 26.02.2006 - x32 - Downloaded  12902 times

tcCalendar 2.0u10

Development terminated!
Try analog – Ultimate Calendar
Universal calendar.
Allows to use common and personal dates with different their categories and possibility to limit displaying.
For most of date types provided special formats:
- relatively Orthodox
- Catholic Easter
- by number of week day in month
- Julian calendar dates
- movable dates
- cyclical dates
- particular dates
You can configure almost any element of calendar as you like.
You can export calendar table into Excel or save it as bitmap (BMP), and save dates list as RTF or plain text.
Using external module SunMoon tcCalendar can get information about Sun and Moon.
Calendar has multilingual interface (Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hellenic, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Ukrainian).

Module SunMoon, Additional dates sets, Hellenic tcCld.lct here
597 KB - Updated: 8.02.2006 - x32 - Downloaded  87323 times

WDXGuideInLister 1.01

WDX Guide is a nice tool for testing WDX plugins for Total Commander. I wanted to use this utility as a Lister plugin, so I wrote WDXGuideInLister. The purpose of this plugin is to launch WDX Guide inside the Lister window. May be someone will find this plugin useful too.
53 KB - Updated: 15.12.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  12394 times

File Thumbnails 1.0.2

File Thumbnails is Total Commander Lister plugin, that allows to display thumbnails for various files.
It is able to handle the following file types:

- Video File (*.AVI,*.MPG,*.MPEG,*.DIVX,*.OGM,*.MKV,*.M2V,*.DAT,*.VOB,*.ASF,*.WMV)
- AutoCAD Graphics (*.DWG)
- CorelDRAW Graphics (*.CDR)
- Adobe Acrobat PDF (*.PDF)
- Digital Camera Raw Files (*.CAM,*.CCD,*.CR2,*.CRW,*.RAW)
- TrueType Fonts (*.TTF)
32 KB - Updated: 24.11.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  59119 times

Scintilla Lister 0.1.1

This is SciTE-like lister plugin. It uses portion of SciTE/Scintilla to display
text and it needs to be placed into SciTE installation folder since it shares same
configuration files and SciLexer.dll.

This plugin is read-only. Use SciTE editor to edit files.
156 KB - Updated: 18.10.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  15568 times

GisLister 1.0.4

Allows to view following formats of the files:
- MapInfo MIF/MID
- MapInfo TAB
- MapInfo WOR (limited,only open tables)
- AutoCad DXF
542 KB - Updated: 29.09.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  33124 times

TorrentLister 0.02

TorrentLister lets you list the contents of Torrent files, including name, date, size and the files that are included. This display can be customized by editing a HTML template.

All source code is included.
232 KB - Updated: 5.08.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  26404 times

tcCalendar 1.3 - German files 

This archive contents German files for the TC Lister plugin tcCalendar 1.3
5 KB - Updated: 20.07.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  9433 times

IEView 1.94a

This plugin should be used only if the computer is powerful enough, otherwise delays may be pretty significant. The plugin uses MS WebBrowser control to view files, so it automatically supports all formats which IE supports. This includes, of course, native to IE file types like HTML/XML, many MS Office file types if you have the MS Office installed, PDF through AcrobatReader/IE integration, all the formats Quick View Plus supports if you have the QVP installed, and so on. Even more, if you enable this plugin to open directories, then in QuickView mode select a directory, the second panel magically becomes fully functional Windows Explorer 8-)

This plugin is a changed and updated version of the plugin of Yuri Gershanov which is not updated any more.
67 KB - Updated: 14.07.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  81763 times

OriginView 1.20

Lister plugin for Total Commander 5.51-6.x.
It is meant for viewing files of Origin 6
and higher (*.OPJ, *.OGG).
Several graphs in single OPJ-file supported.
With old versions of thumbnails view is not supported)
221 KB - Updated: 7.07.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  16822 times

CDRView 0.95

Lister plugin for Total Commander 5.51-6.x.
It is meant for viewing files of CorelDRAW 7 - 12 (*.CDR, *.CMX).
CorelDRAW should be installed on the system in order to use this plugin.
185 KB - Updated: 25.06.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  33351 times

CDR thumbnail 1.0

COREL Draw files (*.CDR) thumbnail view
28 KB - Updated: 6.06.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  26880 times

WSZView 2.95.522

WSZView is designed to view Nullsoft WinAmp 2.xx skins using Lister built-in into the Total Commander by C.Ghisler.

You may save your own presets (opened windows, their position and sizes and some items) from WinAmp. When creating a preset, WinAmp must run non-minimized. For creating presets only WinAmp 2.xx can be used. Last used preset is saved as default and will be used next time you'll view a skin.

Use the right mouse button for context menu to choose: view preset, create new preset, or view skin properties. You may also use hotkeys Ctrl-0..9 to switch between presets and Ctrl-Shift-0..9 to assign new ones. Double-click on skin in Lister window displays the content of readme.txt (if there is such file in skin) in copyable mode.
49 KB - Updated: 4.06.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  12201 times


Views TTF-fonts (TrueType Font). Allows installing of fonts being viewed. You may change demonstration of font (separate glyphs or text with changeable sizes, styles, weight by simply editing tags in special file (à' la HTML)!). You can also view information about current file (Copiright, Version info etc.). Starting from version 6.5 of the TC it supports thumbails-mode.
This plugin has been tested on Win95, Win98SE, Win2000, WinXP, Win2003Server.
There are readme and language-files in Russian, English, French, Spanish and Romanian in archive.
215 KB - Updated: 7.04.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  79846 times

PdbView 0.1.1

Plugin for Total Commander to view PalmOS .PDB and .PDC files. PDBView also can save PDB files as text. Unfortunately this plugin cannot view PDB files created with iSilo, zTXT, ToGo conversion software. Sources of plugin included.
257 KB - Updated: 6.04.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  22011 times

MyViewPad 4.1

Plugin/stand-alone application for viewing, editing and converting images. Easy user interface with skins. Supports more then 100 raster and vector formats. Converts between image formats, captures images from scanner. Full screen mode, slide show, set as wallpaper, etc. A number of useful editing features, color correction, etc. Supports transparency and alpha channel.
4530 KB - Updated: 31.03.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  24127 times

WaveView 1.0.0

WaveView - Total Commander Lister plugin to view PCM wave files. Available functions: opens wave files with any number of channels, arbitrary sampling rate and 8 or 16 bit PCM sample encoding; display of the waveform, markers and regions (compatibility with popular sound editors e.g. Sound Forge, Audition); possibility to zoom by horisontal and vertical scales; playback of the whole signal or from the current position or selected region; information about the wave file and selected region displayed in the status line.

166 KB - Updated: 23.03.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  14927 times

FileView v2.0 alpha

- Hexadecimal editor:
can edit in HEX and ASCII modes:
switch modes by TAB key or by the left button of your mouse over accordingly region.
- Convenient HEX view:
at the bottom of the plugin window it is displayedcurrent cursor position in the file, current byte in different notations (DEC,HEX,BIN).
- Jump to address
(click the down status bar)
- Scroll on the file by scroll bar (plugin
also supports mouse wheels)
- Save:
1. Autosave when the current page is changed.
2. By F2 key, and from menu.
- Open new file from menu and by F3 key.
- Change of palette
14 KB - Updated: 5.03.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  39340 times

MD2wlx 1.0

This listerplugin is a simple modelviewer (*.md2) for all game based on the Quake2 engine
351 KB - Updated: 10.02.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  12026 times

Multimedia Factory Preview 0.9

It is Preview only. Difference from 0.8 version is in MP3 tab only. Please write me about this idea.
255 KB - Updated: 23.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  13032 times


Allows to view InterBase database files (*.gdb)
370 KB - Updated: 18.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  20825 times

WebView 0.7

The given plug-in allows to look through Web-pages (*.htm, *.html). It is based on Gecko (Mozilla) engine. For work presence in system Mozilla ActiveX Control is necessary.
282 KB - Updated: 9.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  30602 times

Wise Tracker 2.2

For playing MOD; MDZ; NST; STM; STZ; S3M; S3Z; IT; ITZ; XM; XMZ; MTM; ULT; 669; FAR; AMF; OKT; PTM; MO3 files in Total Commander
402 KB - Updated: 1.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded  26248 times

NFO View 1.5

Lister plugin to view nfo and diz files which are usually located in downloaded archive files.
268 KB - Updated: 30.12.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  66990 times

AmpView Classic 1.1 RC5

AmpView plugin plays audio files of the following formats: mp3, ogg, wma, wav, mp2; loading m3u, m3u8 and pls playlist; and also (if used Winamp© plugins) - mod, mo3, mid, midi, rmi, kar, asf, sid. It also shows many useful information about current playing file: frequency, bitrate, channels number (stereo/mono), song's name and artist (from mp3 ID1, ID2 and OGG Vorbis tags); and also editing ID3v1 and ID3v2. AmpView has a nice WinAmp-like design. Also supported Winamp© DSP-plugins.

This plugin is no longer being developed and supported. Sources can be downloaded separately
846 KB - Updated: 26.12.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  20691 times

TxQuickView 1.30

TxQuickView is a universal file viewer plugin for Total Commander. It embeds Windows Media Player, QuickTime and RealPlayer for multimedia files and shows all information (including resources) for executable files. The viewer for Delphi forms can be easily extended with your own derived Delphi classes by adding them to TxQuickView.ini. TxQuickView hosts the Internet Explorer for viewing HTML and PDF. If a folder is selected in TC, TxQuickView displays a tree view with subfolders and their sizes. Support for many file formats: Image files, Multimedia files, Delphi forms, Executable files including resources, Font files, HTML files
554 KB - Updated: 4.12.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  49886 times

Torrent 1.3

Quick view of a "torrent file":
-- Tracker url (and backup tracker)
-- Author of the file (1st seeder)
-- Creation Date
-- Comment
-- Size of pieces
-- SHA
-- Directory
-- File Name
-- File Size

Available language : French, English, Spanish
221 KB - Updated: 2.12.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  37860 times

DSView 1.3.1

For viewing Media files
(AVI, MPG, MPEG, DAT, MP1-MP3, WAV, WMA, ASF, OGG, MID, KAR, Winamp-playlist). Edit MP3 Tags (external modul)
183 KB - Updated: 20.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  47683 times

Multimedia Factory 0.8.3

This plugin allows you view/edit information tags in multimedia files. It supports ID3v1, ID3v2, MPEG info, WMA, OGG.
247 KB - Updated: 12.10.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  90519 times

SWF Lister lite 1.5

With SWF Lister lite you can view Macromedia
Shockwave Flash files. Key features:
- Show original movie size
- Full screen view support
- FSCommand support
- Quick view support
- Track bar
- You can capture current movie state
as jpeg or bitmap image.
379 KB - Updated: 27.09.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  37729 times

ruDwgPreview 1.1

ruDwgPreview Ver 1.1

Author: Serg Zuev aka ShaggyDoc


ruDwgPreview - Lister plugin for AutoCAD DWG files.
Show Thumbnail stored in files version R13 (without WMF-thumbnail),
R14, R2000, R2000i, R2002, R2004, R2005.

- Total Commander 5.51 or later.

- Choose "Configuration" -> "Options".
- Choose the "Edit/View".
- Click "Configure internal viewer...".
- Click [LS-Plugins] button.
- Click [Add] button and select the ruDwgPreview.wlx.
- Or add these two lines to the [ListerPlugins] section of the wincmd.ini file:
k_detect="FORCE | EXT="DWG""
and correct the number and path.
169 KB - Updated: 8.09.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  26636 times

Office 1.1

This plugin is intended for viewing MS Word, Excel, Write and other files for which a convertor into RTF format is installed and configured in the office.ini file. Convertors for Word, Excel, Write and HTML formats come with MS Office and can be found in \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextConv directory.
11 KB - Updated: 22.08.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  67519 times

IEView 1.0

IE-based file viewer plugin for Total Commander. The plugin uses MS WebBrowser control to view files, so it automatically supports all formats which IE supports. This includes, of course, native to IE file types like HTML/XML, many MS Office file types if you have the MS Office installed, PDF through AcrobatReader/IE integration, all the formats Quick View Plus supports if you have the QVP installed, and so on. Even more, if you enable this plugin to open directories, then in QuickView mode select a directory, the second panel magically becomes fully functional Windows Explorer 8-) WARNING: Since HTML and MS Office files can contain macros or scripts, measures must be taken to prevent possible script/macro viruses from working. By default, scripting is disabled in the IEView.ini file. If you enable scripting, then make sure a good antivirus program is installed on your system, or DO NOT use IEView for viewing files of unknown origin that can contain malicious scripts or macros.
18 KB - Updated: 22.08.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  28484 times

AmpView Lite 1.2

AmpView plugin plays audio files of the following formats: mp3, ogg, wma, wav, mod, xm, it. It also shows many useful information about current playing file: frequency, bitrate, channels number (stereo/mono), song's name and artist (from mp3 ID1, ID2 and OGG Vorbis tags); and also editing ID3v1 and ID3v2.
336 KB - Updated: 17.08.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  18612 times

MXP Lister 1.2

Allow you to view content of Macromedia eXtensions Packages(*.mxp files), and extract selected files.
594 KB - Updated: 2.08.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  18753 times

3D File viewer 2.040524

Show different 3d file formats (3DS,LWO,DXF,STL,OBJ,DAT,AC,PLY,PFZ) using Progressive Fans Technology.
The file format supported are:
- 3DS 3d studio format
- LWO Lightwave object 1 & 2 (Partially)
- DXF Autocad (drawing interchange)
- STL stereolithography format (Binary and Ascii)
- OBJ Wavefront
- DAT Ldraw lego file
- AC3D
- PLY Polygon File Format also known as the Stanford Triangle Format
- PFZ Progressive fans representation
208 KB - Updated: 25.05.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  64733 times


This is a lister plugin for Total Commander that allows you to display info about
archives in the Lister or the QuickView window of Total Commander.
Currently supported archive types: RAR, ZIP, JAR (Java archive) (ACE, 7Z and ... planned).
574 KB - Updated: 22.05.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  33909 times

EML Viewer 0.6

Plugin to view files of email messages in format*.msg/*.eml
375 KB - Updated: 10.04.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  101996 times

SymbolView 2.1.2 beta

Dumps .lib export maps (exported functions),IDL of COM objects and PE file structures, contained inside .ocx, .tlb, .dll or .exe in a human readable way (it uses the Microsoft's Interface Description Language).
Supported extensions: .lib, .ocx, .tlb, .exe, .dll and all PE file (starting with "MZ" signature)
All executable PE format files, are recognised by this application, them are recognised using the "MZ" signature (the first two bytes in ascii are "MZ").

Unique feature, also with respect to FileInfo is the dump of COM, OCX TLB and Lib files too.
588 KB - Updated: 24.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  19993 times

MP3 TAG editor 1.1

External module to S-DSPlayer and DSViewer for editing MP3 TAGs.
Allows to edit TAGs version 1 and 2. Support Lyrics3 (text, list and etc)
249 KB - Updated: 3.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  27675 times

FlashView 1.4

Lister plugin for Total Commander to view Shockwave Flash files(SWF). Required Macromedia Flash Player installed
212 KB - Updated: 1.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  56158 times

GDBView 0.0.3

Allows to view and edit InterBase and FireBird files (*.gdb):

Main features:
- View/edit of table data.
- View/edit system tables data
- Export to clipboard (as text), html, xls, txt, rtf, csv, vcldbif
- Import from txt, vcldbif
- Auto fit col width
- Execute SQL script
- SQL editor auto code comletion
- Print table range
- View table fields data
- View procedures text and params
- Commit/Rollback transactions
Known issues:
- InterBase/FireBird must be installed
565 KB - Updated: 21.01.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  30725 times

ActivePDFView 1.0

ActivePDFView is a lister plugin (WLX) for Total Commander V5.5 or greater. It allows the user to preview an Adobe Acrobat PDF file in either the TC QuickView panel or in the floating TC lister window and with much of the utility of the standalone Acrobat viewer. The free Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed on your system before attempting to use ActivePDFView to view a PDF.
138 KB - Updated: 3.01.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  41217 times

ActiveSnapView 1.0.1

ActiveSnapView is a lister plugin (WLX) for Total Commander V5.5 or greater. It allows the user to preview a Microsoft Snapshot file (*.snp) in either the TC QuickView panel or in the floating TC lister window and with all of the utility of the standalone Microsoft Snapshot Viewer.
204 KB - Updated: 2.01.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  14435 times

CSV Viewer 0.6.1

Plugin useful for display CSV-files
(Comma separated columns format)
253 KB - Updated: 22.12.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  50500 times

BaseView 1.2

Allows to view and edit dBase and FoxPro files (*.dbf). No need in additional libraries/packages (like BDE, ODBC, ADO).
354 KB - Updated: 21.12.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  36129 times

mp3tag 0.98

mp3tag.wlx is a basic lister plugin for Total Commander 5.5x to display ID3v2- and ID3v1-tags of MP3-files.
Please note, that this plugin is superseded by anytag.wlx.
208 KB - Updated: 15.12.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  21156 times

Script plugin-maker 0.5.1

With this plugin you can write your own plugins using script languages.
Supported: JScript è VBScript
236 KB - Updated: 1.12.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  17404 times

ImageLister 1.00

This plugin lets you view images of many different file formats:
* TIFF images (*.tif)
* Truevision images (*.tga)
* ZSoft Paintbrush images (*.pcx)
* Kodak Photo-CD images (*.pcd)
* CompuServe images (*.gif)
* Standard Windows bitmap images (*.bmp, *.rle, *.dib)
* Photoshop images (*.psd)
* Paintshop Pro images (*.psp)
* Portable network graphic images (*.png)
It also lets you resize images from 1:32 to 32:1. You can also convert your images to either JPEG or BMP format.

PS. I wouldn't recommend using it, as far as it is too crude.
262 KB - Updated: 21.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  24612 times

IEWebLister 1.01

This plugin is just an integration of the standard web browser into a lister plugin. The internal lister does HTML, but there's nothing wrong with seeing the pages with images and styles.
222 KB - Updated: 14.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  15674 times

Winamp Playlist Lister 1.01

This plugin enables you to browse the playlists used by Winamp 3+, stored in XML format in files with .b4s extension.
214 KB - Updated: 14.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  14567 times

IniView 1.2 beta

Lister plugin to view and edit ini-files. Views ini files in tree structure. Beta version!!! Only for presentation. Do not risk! Backup ini-files before editing them with this plugin.
226 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  19115 times

SystemInfo 3.0

This plugin retrieves a lot of system informations through different sources and ways (more that 15) and shows it when viewing files with .systeminfo extension
204 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  22884 times

SynUs 1.6

View files with highlighted syntax: ObjectPascal, C++, Fortran, Java, Visual Basic, HTML document and many more. Export to HTML, RTF and copy to clipboard. Print files with highlighted syntax. And many more...
1090 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  31684 times

ListDoc 1.2

Views MS Words texts in Total Commander lister very fast without formatting. No need of Microsoft Word to be installed or any additional libraries.
25 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  82152 times

SMViewer 1.4.1 b

SMViewer - lister plugin for Total Commander for viewing Media files (AVI, MPG, MPEG, DAT, MP1-MP3, WAV, WMA, ASF, OGG, MID, KAR)
587 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  23838 times

DBF-view 1.20

View DBF database files (Dbase, Paradox etc.). Very small and fast plugin.
32 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  36534 times


Autodesk Flic Animation(FLC/FLI) Lister Plugin for Total Commander. Extracts a frame to BMP/GIF/TGA file. Exports to Animated GIF file/AVI/Pro Motion Animation.
19 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  16344 times

hpg_ed 0.5.13

Viewer AND Editor with syntax highlighting support of 9 different programming languages and text formats. Other features: 10 bookmarks, undo, creation of backup files, auto association in lister.
820 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  24041 times

Playlist 1.06

Displays and plays the contents of m3u and pls files. For every song in the list, it displays file location, duration, filesize and id3tag info. You can copy either list or song info to clipboard
201 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  16746 times

Font 0.08

This is a lister plugin for Total Commander that allows you to display the glyphs and some additional properties of a font in the Lister or the QuickView window of Total Commander. It has been tested with Total Commander 5.51 on Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Any older version of Windows is not supported. Features:
* Support for Raster, Vector, TrueType, TrueType Collections, OpenType and PostScript Type 1 fonts.
* Display the first 256 glyphs.
* Support for Character Sets.
* Support for Unicode blocks.
* The font info can be selected and copied to the clipboard.
* The font is displayed as a grid of glyph and as a sample text.
* Zoom function of an individual glyph.
171 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  31314 times

SyntaxColorizer 1.1

It colorize C and C++ sources, using standard colors. It colorizes also .rc, .mak and .def files. Supported extensions: .c, .cpp, .h, .hpp, .hxx, .cxx,. mak, .def
20 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  20903 times


This listerplugin is a simple modelviewer (*.mdl) for all game based on the Half-Life engine (such as Conterstrike, Day of Defeat, etc.) It is based on the Half-Life SDK. Sourcefiles included.
117 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded  19378 times

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