TC AkelPad Plugin 1.16
TC AkelPad Plugin 1.16
Plugin for viewing text files in Total Commander.
The TCAkelPad plugin allows you to use AkelPad in both x86 and x64 bits.
Moreover, they can be used both with Total Commander x86 and x64.
You can use AkelPad of one bit depth for both bit depths at once
Total Commander.
The plugin allows you to use AkelPad in two modes. In edit mode and
in viewer mode.
The plugin provides double use of the keys '1'..'8', 'N' and 'P'.
When focus is in TC Lister, '1'..'8', 'N' and 'P' work as in TC Lister.
If the focus is in the AkelPad window and editing mode is enabled, the keys
'1'..'8', 'N' and 'P' are used to enter text.
Switch focus between TC Lister and AkelPad using the Ctrl+Tab key combination.
ATTENTION: The performance of the plugin directly depends on the AkelPad
settings. If you are using pseudo multi-window mode (PMDI) in the AkelPad, you
must allow the launch of multiple copies of AkelPad. To do this in
the file AkelPadL.ini and/or AkelPadQ.ini in the [Options] section set the value
SingleOpenProgram=0. Otherwise the plugin will not be able to process files
correctly if there is a separate running copy AkelPad.
Category: TC Lister Plugins
Status: Freeware
Author: Valery Kurenkov
Added: 30.09.2023
Updated: 10.08.2024
Downloaded: 10029 times
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