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Text Editors

CudaText 1.125.0

Cross-platform text editor. Flat look. Lite interface.

* Supports syntax highlighters from SynWrite (230+ lexers).
* Config system in JSON files: you need to open "default" config, copy lines to "user" config and edit lines in it.
* Multi-carets, multi-selections.
* Flat UI.
* Command palette.
* Python plugins.

12845 KB - Updated: 16.02.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  23823 times

CudaText - Addons pack 2019.12.24

Collection of addons/plugins for CudaText editor.
To install any plugin from zip, open zip in CudaText.

31294 KB - Updated: 24.12.2019 - x32 - Downloaded  30895 times

SynWrite - Addons pack 2017.06.18

Archive with major addons for SynWrite, except binary plugins.
To install a zip/rar file, open it in SynWrite and confirm installation.

18714 KB - Updated: 19.06.2017 - x32 - Downloaded  16944 times

SynWrite - Binary plugins pack 2016.07.31

Archive with major binary plugins for SynWrite editor.
To install any plugin, open RAR/ZIP file in SynWrite and confirm installation.

27919 KB - Updated: 31.07.2016 - x32 - Downloaded  7733 times

SynWrite Lite 6.1.185

SynWrite editor - Lite package.

Lite version offers same SynWrite executable, but with predefined settings: lots of menu items are hidden, Tree panel is hidden, some files are removed (plugins Explorer/SynFTP, Emmet, Color Picker, Html Tidy, source-code, tutorials, etc).

Installer creates portable folder.
4650 KB - Updated: 18.12.2013 - x32 - Downloaded  5358 times

PSPad 4.5.7

PSPad is an advanced text, HTML, programmer editor. The main features of PSPad are:
work with projects;
unlimited length of edited text files;
work on several documents at the same time (MDI);
Save desktop session to later reopen all open files;
FTP client - you can edit files directly from the web;
macro recorder to record, save and load macros;
search and replace in files;
text difference with color-coded differences highlighted;
templates (HTML tags, scripts, code templates...);
installation contains templates for HTML, PHP, Pascal, JScript, VBScript, MySQL, MS-Dos, Perl,...;
syntax highlighting auto set by file type;
user-defined highlighters for exotic environments;
auto correction;
full HEX editor;
call external programs, different for each environment;
external compiler with catch command output, log window, log parser for each environment for "IDE" effect;
color syntax highlight printing and print preview;
integrated TiDy library for formatting and checking HTML code, conversion to CSS, XML, XHTML;
integrated free version of top CSS editor TopStyle Lite;
export with highlight to RTF, HTML, TeX format into file or clipboard;
column block select, bookmarks, line numbers, ...;
reformat and compress HTML code, tags char case change;
line sorting with ability to sort on defined column, with option to drop duplicates;
ASCII chart with HTML entities;
Code explorer for Pascal, INI, HTML, XML, PHP, and more in future;
spell checker;
internal web browser with APACHE support;
matching bracket highlighting and many more other features.
4565 KB - Updated: 6.05.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  38734 times

EmEditor 4.13

EmEditor 4.0 is an advanced text editor with syntax highlighting and unicode support. Among key features of EmEditor are powerful search and replace in files with regular expressions support, plugins support, clickable URLs and e-mail addresses, box-select mode, keyboard, toolbar, menu, font and color customization. With EmEditor Professional 4.0, you can create functionally-rich macros using JavaScript or VBScript, allowing you to define most operations. Not only can you define a macro which records keystrokes that you use and reference repeatedly. The macros are based on the Windows Scripting Host (WSH) engine, so you can use all of the powerful, robust objects available under the WSH.
1540 KB - Updated: 1.04.2004 - x32 - Downloaded  22196 times

EditPlus 3.7.0

EditPlus is an Internet-ready 32-bit text editor, HTML editor and programmers editor for Windows. While it can serve as a good replacement for Notepad, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers.

Syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, Perl, C/C++, Java, JavaScript and VBScript. Also, it can be extended for other programming languages based on custom syntax files.

Seamless Web browser for previewing HTML pages, and FTP commands for uploading local files to FTP server.

Other features include HTML toolbar, user tools, line number, ruler, URL highlighting, auto-completion, cliptext, column selection, powerful search and replace, multiple undo/redo, spell checker, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and more.
1958 KB - Updated: 25.03.2004 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  27692 times

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