TC Utilities
Extended directory & file creator utility (F7 replacement) for Total Commander.
What is it good for?
In a few words: This small utility extends your Total Commander's directory creating capabilities - after installing it, you can create a bunch of (even multi-leveled) directories and/or files with a single click, with numerous possibilities...
Main Features:
- [ NEW / 1.7 ] File creation capability
- [ NEW / 1.6 ] Ability to create your own plugins (special variables)
- [ NEW / 1.6 ] Ability to set the directory/file attributes
- [ NEW / 1.6 ] Batch directory creation (Decimal / Roman / ABC)
- Normal & Extended directory creation mode
- Full integration to Total Commander (F7, Shift + F7, or any other key combination)
- Support for multi-leveled directory creation (create directories with more than one subdirs)
- Templates - create directory with predefined templates (e.g. "New Directory (%D-%N-%y)")
- Replacements: use environment variables (like %OS% or %USERNAME%) in the name of the directory
- Basic & special variables: use vars like %s (current second), %h (current hour), %x (unix time), {pc} (current PC name) etc
- Built-in installer & uninstaller for easier usage (run the utility out of TC's directory to activate the installator)
- Multi-language support (Translators needed: click here if you'd like to translate the utility to your (native) language)
- English, Hungarian, Russian, Dutch, Spanish, German, Danish, Chinese, Ukrainian & Korean language support (built-in)
- Configuration & Template Manager dialogs
- 6 built-in window color themes (optional)
- Ability to create & use your own color themes (more info on the forum)
- Realtime replacements (optional)
- Full portability
- ... and much more! (see the complete list at the official forum topic)
- >= Total Commander 7.00 (heavily tested under 7.56a & 8.01)
Known bugs, limitations:
- Installation problems? Run this utility with administrator rights directly from Total Commander (out of Total Commander's directory)
- Limitation: lack of Unicode support atm (unicode version is already under development)
- Complete documentation will be ready in the final 1.6.5 version!
632 KB - Updated: 10.02.2025 - x32 - Downloaded 24003 times
TCIMG - utility to execute a certain command Total Commander and perform additional actions.
Powerful tool to extend the functionality Total Commander and other programs.
Aims to automate monotonous operations associated with the file, system, software, window operations. Fully portably, ie requires no installation and does not contribute to the registry or anywhere else for more information.
The archive utility to help the description of all the teams and more than 16.600 examples of the utility.
• Allows you to issue commands Total Commander + internal + custom + special
• Opens the specified path in the right panel + + in a new tab + support opening multiple paths in new tabs + support go directly to the file
• Emulates keystrokes in the active window
• Switches keyboard
• Delays at the time of executing the following command
• Supports Clipboard + Writes text to the clipboard + Returns the text from the clipboard + Modifies and adds the information to the clipboard + Converts search and replace with regular expression support + encodes, decodes + Encrypts, decrypts + Stores, cleans + more than 30 sub-parameters
• Summons + program, depending on the bit system. +, Depending on the system name. + + Allows the parameters to pass to parameters in the cycle list of objects + allows the transmission parameters of the way objects + allows the transmission line parameters from the clipboard window + hide + wait for the completion of the program + use a progress bar to show progress
• support for special folders
• Allows you to work with ini files + rename, delete, record + clean, replace section
• Works with the registry + Opens the specified branch in the registry + Imports. reg file to the registry + Exports the specified section / option in the reg-file + recursively copies the section, including sub-sections and parameters + Delete key or value + Creates a registry key or value in the registry
• Renames + elements with different conditions (size, attributes, masks, templates ...) + c addition of information from wdx plugins + for regular expressions + + correction coding using clipboard + with + input the necessary information to support display all the files without subdirectories ...
• Copies the elements + with + display progress bar with customizable conditions + renaming + registered in the folders you create ...
• Move items + more than 30 sub-parameters
• Creates lists from different parts of the selected items + more than 30 sub-parameters
• Restarts + Total Commander + program by process name
• Create a folder in the list + + with the transition to the newly created folder + + with the necessary conditions of a predetermined number
• Drops files + + empty the contents of the clipboard + encoded + list + template • Create a library of icons
• Extract icons from files
• Opens the link in a given browser
• Clears the cart on all drives
• Allocates + different objects from the list, clipboard with ... + different conditions (size, attributes, masks, templates ...)
• Removes / Sets attributes for files and directories + with different conditions (size, attributes, masks, templates ...)
• Deletes files and folders + with different conditions (size, attributes, masks, templates ...)
• Has the language file (may be translated into other languages)
• Creates a pop-up window with the image
• Works with window classes + allows click on the buttons in different windows without emulation keystrokes + show / hide the specified window + prohibit / allow access / drawing window + set + to change the transparency of the window title bar text. + Assign attribute "top" + read information from windows + expect + to expect the appearance of the window closes the window + expect + availability window element set the text to the specified items + transfer window focus to the window / window element
• Create Shortcut + regular + relative + + more than 15 sub-parameters opens a relative path shortcut in Total Commander
• Assigns folders icons
• Changes the modification, creation, last access 15 + more subparameters
• archives using WCX plugins Total Commander + with specified conditions + with automation actions under the same names in the background + + expects completion packaging
• Batch changes in text files information
• Batch add / remove / replace the object comments
• Manages Winamp
• Advances tray slides or CD-drive
• Uploads reference list
• Add / Remove associations in Total Commander
• Batch extracts / converts and stores various information contents of text files
• Combines text files with advanced formatting
• Creates customized popup with text
• Creates varying difficulty entering information dialogs + + + select information display information
• Plays mp3, wma (mini player)
• Viewing color codes + reads codes any place of the screen displays the color code + Clipboard + supports selecting and configuring the color prints + color code to the clipboard in a specified format
• Turns on / off / volume Changes in the system
• Changes the title text of the specified window
• Sets the size / weight of the font in Total Commander
• Set the size of the icons in the file panels in Total Commander
• Displays various information objects, system, Total Commander
• Makes switching between the circle
• Changes Total Commander + menu highlights one of the system colors + sets / clears the status unavailable (gray) menu + is specified menu item
• Completes / Restarts process
• Closes / keeps tabs Total Commander
• Starts the help files CHM, with the introduction of the search string and the transition section.
• Encrypts / decrypts files
• Runs the list of commands from a file + + section of
• Archives / unzip zip
and more ...
Discussion ¹1 -
Discussion ¹2 -
Discussion ¹3 - (Telegram)
Online Help -
Help with dark style
Help in Chinese (translation Li Zhijun)
21075 KB - Updated: 4.01.2025 - x32 - Downloaded 443899 times
The utility allows you to open any panel (bar) and display it together with the main panel, i.e. essentially open several bars (panels) at the same time
First, run the program without parameters, a dialog box for selecting paths will open:
- the main bar file (which is the default)
- the folder where all Total Commander bar files are located
Change and click the 'Save and exit' button
1) Place the program (BarPanel.exe file) in the root folder of Total Commander
2) Create a button (by dragging the BarPanel.exe file onto the Total Commander toolbar)
3) In the button settings, in the 'Parameters' field, specify the name of the bar file you want to open (see the example, for example,
When you click on the button for the first time, the panel opens, and the second time, it closes.
Example of a button:
Optimization Menu
2134 KB - Updated: 22.10.2024 - x32 - Downloaded 5323 times
New version based on work by Alexey Torgashin (
This program tests all Content plugins installed in Total Commander. You can easily switch between plugins and see how a plugin processes selected file.
"Test filename" can be passed in command line. So it's recommended to add button to TC toolbar with command Guide.exe and parameters %P%N.
19126 KB - Updated: 21.03.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 4718 times
Collection of scripts to compare, convert, copy, move, rename, create, edit, select, operate and etc using file or directory path lists.
Designed to be used with the Total Commander version 9.51 and higher, but can be adopted to use with, for example, Double Commander.
Sources contains Total Commander button bar files and 32x32 icon files.
You have to install at least once `tacklebar--external_tools` before install `tacklebar`.
See Discussion link for details.
* github:
* sourceforge:
* github:
* sourceforge
3147 KB - Updated: 30.04.2023 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 2556 times
Systray launcher tool for portable Total Commander.
This systray program allows to run a portable totalcmd folder (for example running from an USB key), without the need of any installation even if local system has already an installed totalcmd with its own settings.
The goal is to run a portable folder containing totalcmd and third apps, via a virtual drive with a fixed drive letter (T:\ by default) with additional features like an autorun list.
- minimal installation in the host pc :
totalrun.exe (main systray application)
totalrun.ini (settings)
totalrun.icons.dll (icons library, optional)
vdsrun40.dll (required dll for main app)
one task scheduler "totalrun" if starting with windows is desired
- dedicated virtual drive (T:\ by default, customizable in totalrun.ini)
- systray icon showing current file manager status
- clicking in the systray icon will run the totalcmd normally (totalcmd.exe /O)
- double clicking in the systray icon will always open a new totalcmd window (/N)
- an autorun list from totalrun.ini (this list is run when virtual drive is mounted or via the menu)
294 KB - Updated: 22.11.2022 - x32 - Downloaded 35447 times
This is a command line utility to quickly synchronize external console current folder with the folder in one of Total Commander panels.
Run "tccd" to print current folders in the left and right panels.
Run "tccd l" or "tccd r" and "cd c:\left_or_right_folder" string will be sent to your current console window.
The utility works by capturing text directly from Total Commander window control. It is a compiled AutoIt script.
428 KB - Updated: 6.10.2022 - x32 - Downloaded 1010 times
An alternative to ChoiceEditor, OFSTC, F4Menu: program that allows to open for editing all the selected files instead of the one under cursor, and also to use different editors for different file extensions.
The key difference from the tools mentioned is emphasis on maximum compactness and performance.
25 KB - Updated: 12.01.2022 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 29484 times
A tool for closing message boxes with No button instead of Cancel button by Esc.
2 KB - Updated: 13.09.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 1941 times
New version of utility based on work by Roman Korcek (
The ReDate Addon is something like the counter [C] in TC's Multi-Rename Tool, however, it is for file dates (and times). Using ReDate you can change the dates of multiple files incrementally (or randomly).
1179 KB - Updated: 2.07.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 12752 times
New version of utility based on work by Roman Korcek (
The AddTime Addon is used to change the time and date of multiple files by a specified amount.
1053 KB - Updated: 2.07.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 8719 times
Command-line compression utilities can be configured as external packers so that Total Commander can compress in other formats. Currently, Total Commander can compress in ARJ, LHZ, RAR, UC2, and ACE provided that these external packers are available. Please note that UC2 is disabled in Total Commander when running on 64-bit Windows. The last known version to have it enabled is [Total Commander 7.55](
All external packers are 32-bit ONLY except RAR, which is provided in 32-bit and 64-bit.
The latest LHA version that works on Windows 10 64-bit that I could find is 2.67.00 (unfortunately, I could only find it in Japanese). Files compressed with 2.67.00 are known not to be compatible with versions older than 2.13, which is why this older version is also available in the package.
* LHA is free and was obtained here:
* ARJ is free and was obtained here:
* RAR and ACE are trial/shareware. They are free to distribute, but if you want to keep using them, you must register.
* UC2 is free and can be obtained from different links provided by it's author:
If you want to pick just the one(s) you are interested in, the separate downloads are available here:
For suggestions or to report issues, please visit
To set it up, see the example in the screenshot below:
1485 KB - Updated: 18.06.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 2580 times
ViATc emulates the work-flow of Vim editor and web browser plugins like Vimium or better yet SurfingKeys.
What ViATc does to Total Commander:
- adds more functionality, supports all that AutoHotkey does, not just TC
- adds more shortcuts, you can add and reconfigure them
- it’s only a separate addition, easily disabled, it doesn’t modify TC
Author of the original version 0.4.1 is linxinhong, he made a lot of work but the project was abandoned years ago. With the permission of the author I took over the development on GitHub. This is it a fork developed further. Now the ViATc 0.5.5 is improved in every way: functionality, user interface, help, simplified installation, more compatibility with modern TC.
Download and read more:
The below download file contains an exe file, I promise that it is clean, however compiled AHK scripts trigger antiviruses so you might have to add an exception.
The source file is identical but without exe so you will need AutoHotkey.
521 KB - Updated: 16.06.2021 - x32 - Downloaded 1795 times
This addon uses a combination of tar pipes and netcat to send files or directories (up to 9 items selected in the same directory) over the network to another Total Commander PC.
Send button (screenshot below):
- Command: %COMMANDER_PATH%\addons\sendReceive\send.bat
- Parameters: %S
- Icon file: %COMMANDER_PATH%\addons\sendReceive\icons.icl
Receive button (screenshot below):
- Command: %COMMANDER_PATH%\addons\sendReceive\receive.bat
- Parameters: %P
- Icon file: %COMMANDER_PATH%\addons\sendReceive\icons.icl
It should work on Windows Vista/8/10.
To make it work on older Windows versions or transfer between Total Commander and Linux machines, please visit for more detailed instructions.
By default, the sender will request the receiver's IP and won't allow any other IP to receive the content. If you want to change this behavior, open the "config.txt" file and change
After this change, the sender won't request the receiver's IP anymore. It will accept requests from any IP.
In the same "config.txt" file, you can also change the default port (it needs to be the same in the sender and the receiver):
For suggestions or to report issues, please visit
2716 KB - Updated: 3.06.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 2284 times
Download torrents TRANSPARENTLY!
This button will allow you to select a torrent file and download it without actually opening the application or clicking on anything. By default, it will download the torrent to a folder with the same name of the torrent file at the same location (make sure you have permission to write there). If you want to move, rename or delete the content you downloaded, be aware that it may be locked for a few seconds while the download finishes and the program closes.
For the 64-bit version, just download the file below, uncompress it and set up your button as follows:
Command: "Path_to_this_utility\torrent.bat"
Parameters: %P%N
Run minimized: check
Icon file: "Path_to_this_utility\qbittorrent.exe"
Check the screenshot below.
This utility uses qBittorrent behind the scenes. qBittorrent is a small free, open-source BitTorrent client.
qBittorrent supports running as a portable application. In addition to set it up as a portable app, there are some settings that need to be configured to automate everything plus a batch script to be used to run it. If you wish to do it personally instead of downloading the package available here, following the instructions here:
Please report any issues at
For more information, please visit
0 KB - Updated: 19.05.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 3 times
Script to be used as a button to copy the contents of the selected file to the clipboard.
For image files, it transfers the image to the clipboard. For text files (txt, log, bat, etc.), it transfers the text. Image formats supported are bmp, gif, jpg/jpeg, png, and tiff.
This only works on computers with GDI+ installed (in Windows XP or newer it is installed by default). So for Windows versions newer than XP, this will work out of the box.
For older Windows versions, GDI+ is hard to find. I found the latest version here:
You can download it from there and try it at your own risk. I am also providing the same file downloaded from there, here, for convenience:
I have also found some references saying that it could be part of .NET framework, so I would rather try that first and see if it works.
It is based on NirCmd features that copy contents of different file types to the clipboard. I'm providing a script to make the parameters independent of the file type, together with nircmdc.exe.
NirCmd is a small free command-line utility that can be downloaded directly from the original website. If you want to update it, just download the newest version and replace nircmdc.exe.
Please report any issues at
For more information, please visit
This is how to set up the button.
Command: "Path_to_this_utility\Copy File Contents.bat"
Parameters: %S
Run minimized: check
See the screenshot below as an example:
41 KB - Updated: 18.05.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 2702 times
Extracts buttons from .bar as .lnk files
At start without arguments will be added button in menu bar with default arguments
-p= path to source bar file. In TC button use -p="%P%N" (required parameter)
-t= path to the target directory. In TC button use -t="%T". If not specified,
matches the .bar file directory
Default button arguments -p="%P%N" -t="%T"
If target folder is not defined .lnk files will be placed in the .bar folder
The same will be if drag .bar file on app button.
8462 KB - Updated: 19.12.2020 - x32 - Downloaded 2172 times
Utility for creating a bar file from lnk files in a directory.
Works in TC only.
At first start (run from TC) creates a panel (.bar) with 2 program buttons with attributes. Also, the program, if possible, will install this panel as a button in the main TC panel. Restarting TC may need. If not installed, add it bay yourself dragging the bar file on the panel. If you mark "as menu" in the settings of button, there will be a drop-down list with buttons by default:
"Add to bar"
"Overwrite bar"
"Add to bar" - add lnk files from the directory to the existing bar file, or creates new if the bar file is missing (or the name is different from the directory name). If you add the same shortcuts several times, they will be added to the existing panel.
those, after adding, you can delete already added shortcuts.
The directory name and bar file name must match.
"Overwrite bar" - overwrites the bar file again, including only those lnk files that are in the directory. And it tries to append the new panel as a drop-down menu to the main TC panel.
A txt file is also created with help on command line arguments.
If there are no shortcuts in the directory, the program exits.
Button arguments
-p="%P\" - get path from active panel
-o=over - if exist, overwrite bar file by all lnk in directory, otherwise add all lnk to bar.
-i=ins - experimental, try to add new button bar to main TC panel
Default button arguments
"Add to bar" -p="%P\"
"Overwrite bar" -p="%P\" -o=over -i=ins
10933 KB - Updated: 17.12.2020 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 2135 times
The program for generating a *.bar file from the *.lnk files contained in the catalog.
-First of all, place in one folder the shortcuts of the programs that you want to place on new panel.
-Select the directory containing *.lnk files ("Select catalog" Button). it doesn't matter how many *.lnk files will be selected. All shortcut files from the directory will be automatically taken.
By default *.bar filename is the same as the catalog name. You can give it manually in the yellow box.
-Generate bar file ("Generate" Button)
2 files will be created in the folder with shortcuts. *(file name)*.bar and *(file name)*.txt
Also the data for pasting the button by right-clicking will be copied to the clipboard.(After right-clicking on a TC panel select "Paste"). This will add the new panel as a menu.
If for some reason the necessary information is not copied to the clipboard, it can be copy manually from the bottom part of the TCbarGen program window, or from *(file name)*.txt file.
-You can also link the *(file name)*.bar file directly by drag&drop with mouse.
-If you just generated a *.bar file, then it can paste automatically into the current TC toolbar by select current clicking "Select *.bar" and add "Link to *.bar".
Button will be added to the end of the current toolbar.
-On first launch, the program creates the TCbarGen.ini settings file.
It will contain the last used path to *.lnk files and the path to *.bar file in which you added the new panel.
The shortcuts in the folder should point to executable files (*.exe) it's does not tested with other shortcuts
P.S. the program is provided for free use without any guarantees.
I made it for myself, If the program is in demand, then plans to add functionality.
13664 KB - Updated: 6.12.2020 - x32 - Downloaded 2423 times
Tool allows controlling TC window modes:
+ maximize/restore window
+ move/resize window
+ hide/show window title
+ enable topmost window mode
+ hide/show any TC interface item
+ change dirs in panels
+ move file panels separator
+ send keypresses
+ undo last action using backup command
+ etc...
Program works with both 32-bit and 64-bit TC versions.
All predefined functions are in TCFS2.Core.ini file and may be changed at any moment, so please keep your own functions in user-defined file TCFS2.ini. Configuration files must be placed near application and have same name and extension INI.
Tool uses features of additional module TCFS2Tools.
(discussion is here, more detailed description see in Readme file)
36 KB - Updated: 11.11.2019 - x32 - Downloaded 28295 times
Tool for NTFS links creation:
+ supports junctions, hardlinks and symbolic links
+ allows duplicating first levels with regular folders
+ allows keeping directory structure (for objects from multiple dirs)
+ elevation request when admin rights needed
+ supports silent mode w/o any windows
+ Unicode and long paths support
You can get information about NTFS links and edit link target paths using NTLinks content plugin.
(discussion is here)
27 KB - Updated: 17.07.2019 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 21398 times
Please Donate 🌹
Ultra TC Editors package include the following programs:
1. Main Menu Editor: for editing Total Commander main menu.
2. Start Menu Editor: for editing Total Commander start menu.
3. Directory Menu Editor: for editing Total Commander directory menu.
4. Extended Commands Editor: for editing Total Commander extended commands.
5. Button Bar Editor: for editing Total Commander main button bar.
6. Vertical Button Bar Editor: for editing Total Commander vertical button bar.
7. History Editor: for editing history sections in Total Commander configuration files (Wincmd.ini and Wcx_ftp.ini)
8. Configuration Editor: database for all Total Commander configuration keys.
9. Hotkeys Editor: for modifying Total Commander hotkeys.
Help files
2572 KB - Updated: 19.06.2019 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 163392 times
TC Changes Viewer displays the contents of the Total Commander history file but in a convenient way.
92 KB - Updated: 25.03.2019 - x32 - Downloaded 8785 times
Tool allows 64-bit Total Commander to use 32-bit WCX plugins. Setup program installs host exe file and creates necessary 64-bit WCX plugins.
3535 KB - Updated: 9.02.2019 - x32 - Downloaded 3273 times
0 KB - Updated: 23.10.2017 - x32 - Downloaded 228192 times
This tool get a list of file, build batch file according to some options {mini macro language} and parameters allows to edit it or not and execute it or not....
More details :
this is a lst2multi replacement with Much More features !
This is a makeBat replacement that also allows to get info on the file from WDX plugins.
A) Why should i use it ?
- I want to execute some command from TC toolbar with more than one file (the %l %L).
- the command i want to execute is an internal shell command.
- I want to execute more than one command at the time.
- I want to do dedicated action depending on the file extension or size or type ....
- I want to produce an output using WDX from a list of file
Personnaly I use inside TC to launch a lot of imagemagick command resize,rotate,contrast...integrated inside a nice toolbar ;)
I also use it to concatenate all the file together, rename/copy folder and files,...
unzip all selected file into a target folder
B) is it easy to use ?
- if you know how to do thing with a dos console you are able to use it !
C) Why a bat/cmd file is used :
- you can use all system command (echo, ren, copy, move, .... ) depending of your command interpreter.
You can either use only the command line or an ini file where you can store your "script template" with much more feature !
-e option allow you to edit in notepad the created batch in order to complete / modify before execution.
The program is fully functional in 32bit as only support of 32bit wdx is done.
The program only support ANSI file list and ini.
You can get more info at
694 KB - Updated: 26.06.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 5520 times
Expands TCFS2 functionality by allowing to:
+ show/hide main menu
+ temporary show main menu on menu call
+ show main menu as popup menu on user command
+ get/set file panel separator
+ get current view modes for panels
+ get system metrics via function GetSystemMetrics
+ get width and height of desktop work area
You must send messages to TC window in order to use module features. Module is designed for using together with TCFS2 tool.
Old module name is Autorun_HideMenu.
15 KB - Updated: 5.06.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 24329 times
Allows entering command line parameters in GUI dialog. Entered parameters may be inserted into command line of process to be started in any order and ammount. You can set dialog title, prompt text and set of suggested strings for drop-down list. Environment variables in suggested strings are expanded automatically before asking corresponding parameter value.
Environment variables are expanded anywhere: in started application path, in suggested strings, in full parameter string passed to that application, and in dialog caption and hint text.
Example (button to shutdown PC after specified number of seconds):
Command: AskParam.exe
Parameters: /c"Shutdown computer after timeout" /t"After 10 minutes: 600" /u"After an hour: 3600" /t"After two hours: 7200" /c(1)"To Be" /c(2)"Not To Be" /p(h)"Shutdown timeout in seconds:" shutdown -s -t %%1
(discussion is here)
6 KB - Updated: 17.05.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 19434 times
This tool fixes last write time of PE binary files and COFF libraries to internal timestamp. See "ReadMe.txt" to install.
17 KB - Updated: 6.05.2016 - x32 - Downloaded 5411 times
The tool is designed to expand the active panel to the percentage set in the settings.
It does not require any other modules.
To the utility was launched with total commander can use Autorun plugin and add to startup with the line:
ShellExec "%COMMANDER_PATH%\Utilites\WideActivePanelTC\WideActivePanelTC.exe"
ini settings:
active = 1
1 - the program runs, 0 - no.
position = 70
The percentage of the width. Warning, if you enter 100, you can not switch to another panel.
sleep - delay in switching. 1000 = 1sec.
animation = 1
animation when switching panels.
speedanim = 20
animation speed. The more - the slower the animation works.
playaudio = 0
playing sounds when activated panels.
The utility automatically unloaded from memory, if closed Total Commander.
SettingWidePanel.exe file is used to configure the program.
336 KB - Updated: 28.02.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 5771 times
Purpose of the utility is to simplify the handling of several editors. When selecting file editors.exe of the package as editor, it is possible to choose an editor for every file extension.
Chooseeditor.exe is an extensive configuration program for the utility.
The program is freeware.
73 KB - Updated: 23.02.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 8271 times
NewFiles is a batch files/folders creation tool developed by Loogle (E-mail: ,replace # with @) since 2009.
Main features:
1. Batch create files and folders. One item one line, and folder(s) must end with \ or /;
2. Support relative or absolute path creation, support multi-level path or trans-drive creation;
3. Support template file creation, you need to place template file, e.g., SomeFile.docx or Temp.xls, in Template folder in advance.
And many many more.
If you need to create user command, here is the example:
menu=New Folder Only...
param=-onlyDir %P%S
Then you can asign shortcut, e.g. F7, to em_NewDirs. The parameter -onlyDir means to force to create folder even no \ or / symbol at the end.
menu=New File & Folder...
Then you can asign shortcut, e.g. F8, to em_NewFiles.
See readme file (Chinese) for detailed usage.
Important notes before your downloading:
The download file version in current page is, it has only Chinese interface (Actually what you need most is just two buttons: OK, Cancel), but it's compatible with pure Windows XP without dotnet environment.
If you need multi-language version ( and later, including English) and you already installed dotnet 3+(or 4+) in your system, then you can download from Baidu Cloud NetDrive link below:
390 KB - Updated: 8.11.2015 - x32 - Downloaded 5176 times
TweakTC is designed for advanced configuration of Total Commander (more than 65 options) without manual editing its INI files (usually wincmd.ini and wcx_ftp.ini).
Also you may try my freeware utility:
Registry Trash Keys Finder v.3.9.3
(release date: 12/25/2014)
86 KB - Updated: 25.09.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 148346 times
Total Commander & plugin updater.
What is it good for?
Total Updater is a small tool that helps you to keep your Total Commander & its plugins up-to-date.
Main Features:
- [NEW!] Support downloading files directly from SkyDrive (from 0.8.5)
- [NEW!] Install TC & upgrade its downloaded plugins (may need admin rights)
- [NEW!] Self-updating mechanism (may need admin rights)
- [NEW!] Support downloading over SSL: you simply need to put "libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll" files to the utility's directory (DL: x86 / x64)
- Multilingual support with a bunch of supported built-in languages
(English, Chinese Simplified, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian)
- List all of the currently installed plugins / addons / utilities
- Advanced version detection routine: detect version even if embedded verinfo field doesn't exists
- Advanced version compare routine: compare the files based on local&online version and date (if update found), to minimize the number of false alarms
- Check latest online versions of all the plugins & tools by a single click
- Download selected / marked plugins quickly & easily
- Internal Plugin Database, which helps the utility to detect the plugins online ID based on filename
- You can add custom new items to UserDB (just search their ID on, and they're going to override the matching original DB entry)
- You can simply click on "Marked items" / "Confirm updatable item(s) as latest" to avoid false alarms
- Display additional info of every plugin by double-clicking on it (in English / Russian language - based on system's current locale)
- Infobox feature - display verinfo & icon of each plugin (right click on the list & choose Show Infobox)
- Exclude from list option
- Full Unicode support
- Portability
- ... and much more!
- Basically any Total Commander version (heavily tested under 7.57a & 8.01)
Translators needed:
Do you feel you could translate this utility to your (native) language? It's actually pretty easy - just download this language file, unzip & open it with Notepad (or any other lightweight text editor), then post the finished work on the official forum / mail me, and your language file will be available in the next public version.
A simple guide to correctly fill a new UserDB entry:
Click here for the image (you simply need to find a plugin's webID on using Search).
Official Forum topic: click here
Please report all the bugs and "Unknown." entries in your list (Ctrl + Shift + C to copy their data to clipboard).
Suggestions and feature requests are also very welcomed.
1535 KB - Updated: 2.04.2015 - x32 - Downloaded 154746 times
This utility starts a TC with copies of the configuration files, beforehand
having copied all INI-files from TC root directory to subfolder in %TEMP%
5 KB - Updated: 18.12.2014 - x32 - Downloaded 101256 times
20 KB - Updated: 17.02.2014 - x32 - Downloaded 7144 times
244 KB - Updated: 16.02.2014 - x32 - Downloaded 5072 times
10 KB - Updated: 16.02.2014 - x32 - Downloaded 4007 times
This is an application, which allows to use Total Commander lister plugins from Windows Explorer.
The program depends on .NET Framework 4.0.
The program with several preinstalled plugins
4183 KB - Updated: 12.02.2014 - x32 - Downloaded 5489 times
TCMetadataViewer is an addon for TC for viewing (and editing) metadata, which can be embedded in many file types (e.g. EXIF information in pictures, which are taken with a digicam). TCMetadataViewer doesn't extract these metadata itself, but needs the external tool ExifTool for reading (and writing) them.
Additionally, TCMetadataViewer shows a preview on image files. TCMetadataViewer itself supports only BMP, JPG and (not-animated) GIF files. In order to provide previews on more file types, TCMetadataViewer optionally (configurable) uses the external tool IrfanView, NConvert or ImageMagick for generating preview images.
TCMetadataViewer.exe is a compiled version of the AutoIt3 script TCMetadataViewer.au3. This script is written for AutoIt3 V3.3.4.0. TCMetadataViewer.exe is a standalone executable and doesn't need an installed AutoIt3.
TCMetadataViewer trys to simulate / to act like a lister plugin's quickview. It opens a borderless window, which fits into and overlays one of both file panels. When TC's main window is moved or the file panel with the pseudo quickview is resized, TCMetadataViewer's window will readjusted automatically.
TCMetadataViewer shows the metadata and a preview image for the file, which is focussed in TC in the opposite file panel. When the name or the path of the focussed file changes (e.g. by navigating the filelist with Down/Up or by changing the directory), then TCMetadataViewer's view will be refreshed.
The Executable (TCMetadataViewer.exe), source code (TCMetadataViewer.au3) and a (almost finished, but slightly out-dated) ReadMe file (poor english) are included
Note: Version 2.0 of TCMetadataViewer isn't a final release but rather a snapshot build. But it should be stable enough for daily use.
Note: Image is from old version v1.2
1408 KB - Updated: 13.12.2013 - x32 - Downloaded 9539 times
F4Menu pops up a context menu upon pressing F4, the user then chooses an appropriate editor for the selected file. Certainly, it is also possible to run F4Menu in the background without showing the menu and automatically open a file with its associated editors.
(by: Shanny)
74 KB - Updated: 22.10.2013 - x32 - Downloaded 11598 times
Additional mouse functions for Total Commander:
Long press left button > View file in Lister
Long press middle button > Edit file
Double click middle button > Select files with same ext.
(by: ZeLen1y)
314 KB - Updated: 16.10.2013 - x32 - Downloaded 5437 times
Micro tool that allows starting elevated process (or from another user if elevation is not available).
2 KB - Updated: 21.09.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 14452 times
Utility that adds "Open in Total Commander" in menu of folders, disks, shell link's and any files.
1095 KB - Updated: 31.08.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 38368 times
TC Plugins Manager is a utility for Total Commander which allows to easily manage TC plugins. Allows to:
- Manage plugins of all types
- Install plugins, even from zipped packs and nested folders
- Disable/enable plugins - TC cannot do it
- Run/restart Total Commander
- Log installation operations
904 KB - Updated: 28.08.2013 - x32 - Downloaded 294650 times
Utility for a simple choosing of Total Commander color scheme based on kIT Universal Presets
91 KB - Updated: 14.08.2013 - x32 - Downloaded 9261 times
The utility allows you to apply configuration changes to any programs and the operating environment in general.
The process of change is fully customizable with script-like files — presets.
Already supported features:
• manipulation of the INI-file;
• manipulation of the registry;
• manipulation of files and folders;
• manipulation of the process and much more.
In addition:
• possible to use in console mode, but there is simple user interface;
• full support for environment variables and relative paths;
• support for all major encodings (ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16LE/BE) for the presets and for manipulating text files;
• tiny size, low resource consumption, fast start-up.
There is a draft specification at program's web-page, only in russian.
Size of utility: ~100 KB.
Archive contains examples of presets. Presets suitable for use in Total Commander 8+ (32/64), because there are using of variables %COMMANDER_EXE% and %COMMANDER_INI%.
303 KB - Updated: 9.06.2013 - x32 - Downloaded 10845 times
A command-line tool for unpacking archives using Total Commander packer plugins. The author of this tool is Adam Blaszczyk; the version published here was updated to support the Unicode WCX API. In addition, some bugs were fixed.
The new version does not support Win9x. If you need to work in this OS, please, use the original version 1.02.
9 KB - Updated: 27.04.2013 - x32 - Downloaded 9695 times
Viewer for text log files. Features include:
* Fast scrolling, eats low memory
* Supports any file size (4 Gb and larger)
* Multitabbed interface
* Log auto-reloading
* "Follow tail" mode
* Allows to highlight some lines (e.g. "errors", "warnings")
* Support for multiple encodings: ANSI, OEM, UTF-8, Unicode LE/BE etc.
* File search (both forward and backward)
* Creation of filtered log
* and more.
642 KB - Updated: 2.02.2013 - x32 - Downloaded 22894 times
What is viatc?
viatc is an advanced tool for those who want to use VIM keys in Total Commander. like Vimperator for firefox ,Vimium for google chrome .
like vim , you can switch between three modes in viatc
1.VIM Mode
VIM mode allows you to take advantage of VIM keys such as"hjkl". VIM mode is turned on by default. press Esc to switch from command line mode to VIM mode.
2.Command Mode
In command line mode, you can use TC native command line such as "cd", in the meantime, viatc command is enabled as well. press ";" to enable command line mode, press ":" to enable command line mode and insert ":".
3.Edit Mode
Press "r" to rename file . this time , hjkl to move and x or d to delete character . If you need to add character , please press i again , to edit-input mode . press Esc to edit mode and press Esc again to vi mode .
To Enable/Disable viatc, press ALT+Esc
You can also use "hjkl" to navigate in help window. press Esc to close help window.
Esc : Enable Vim mode
; : Enable command line mode
: : Enable command line mode and insert ":"
i : Enable edit mode
Alt+Esc : Enable/disable all vim shortcuts
Moving around
j : Move down by times
k : Move up by times
h : Move to left by times
l : Move to right by times
J : Select files down from current
K : Select files up from current
G : Go to line
H : Back
L : Forward
u : Upper directory
U : Go to root directory
o : Open the left drive list
O : Open the right drive list
d : Directory hotlist (Like ctrl+d)
` : Display directory history
~ : Save directory history
r : Rename Only
R : Multi-rename
i : Edit text at rename mode
I : Create a folder
y : Copy the file name to clipboard
Y : Copy the file name and path to clipboard
x : delete file
X : Force delete files
a : Change attributes
A : Files associate
Search and Tools
/ : Quick search
?: Advanced search
= : Target = source
v : view change
q : Quick view
w : Compare directories
W : Mark Newer ,Hide same files
e : Show context menu
E : Open command prompt window
p : Pack
P : Unpack
t : Open new tab
T : Open new tab in backgroud
Mark files
[ : Select all
] : Unselect all
\ : Invert selection
| : Hide files which aren`t selected
, : Temporarily save selection
. : Selection before last operation
# : Select group : just files
$ : Unselect group : just files
% : Select group : just folders
^ : Unselect group : just folders
& : Select all files with same name
* : Unselect all files with same name
( : Select all files with same ext.
) : Unselect all files with same ext.
{ : Select Group
} : Unselect Group
Group Key£º
zm : Maximize TC
zn : Minimum TC
zr : Restore TC
zi : Maximize the right panel
zo : Maximize the left panel
zz : Split panel window
zv : Vertical¡¡arrangment
cl : Clear left history
cr : Clear right history
cc : Clear command history
sn : sort by file name
se : Sort by extension
sd : Sort by date
ss : Sort by size
sr : Reverse¡¡order
s1 : Sort by 1st Column
s2 : Sort by 2nd Column
s9 : Sort by 9th Column
gt : Switch to next Tab
gT : Switch to previous Tab
gc : Close tab
gC : Close all tab
gg : Swap panels
gG : Swap all Tabs
gn : Open dir under cursor in tab
gN : Open dir under cursor (other window)
gl : Turn on/off tab locking
gL : Same gl but with dir changes allowed
g1 : Activate first tab
g2 : Activate second tab
g9 : Activate 9th tab
Vb : Show/Hide button bar
Vd : Show/Hide drive buttons
Vo : Show/Hide two drive button bars
Vl : Flat icons
Vi : Flat user interface(button bar configured separately
Vr : Show/Hide drive combobox
Vw : Show/Hide folder tabs
Vc : Show/Hide current directory
Vp : Show/Hide clickable path parts("breadcrumb bar")
Va : Auto-open when moving mouse over it
Vh : Show/Hide buttons for history list and hotlist
Vt : Show/Hide tabstop header
Vs : Show/Hide status bar
Vn : Show/Hide command line
Vf : Show/Hide function key buttons
Vx : Windows XP theme background(menu+all bars)
Command :
You can type in these commands in TC command window
:set Open VIATC options
:config Open TC options
:q Quit viatc
:w Save the current selection
:r Restore the current selection
:d Delete saved selection
:! Open a command line (CMD.exe)
:pwd Show current path
:top Turn on/off "Always on Top"
:download Background transfer manager
:sy Synchronize directories
212 KB - Updated: 2.02.2012 - x32 - Downloaded 5627 times
Total Commander Application Starter - manager to run the application from the shell of TC. With the Application Starter, you can launch applications, open files and folders. In the configuration file are written the way to start the installed application, and the path to its installation. Application Starter will try to find the installed application and run it. If the application is not installed, the Application Starter starts the installation program. There's also a opportunity (after installing the program) open any additions or folders with a few additions, in the shell of TC. Parameters passed to Application Starter with startup, also will be passed to program file executable. Application Starter supports two languages: Russian and English.
A sample of configuration file:
AppPath = c:\AppStart\Test3.exe; 'full filename of the program file executable
AppParam = -param; 'parameters of the program file executable
Setup = Test1.exe; 'filename of setup executable
SetParam = /param; 'parameters of setup executable
Addon = Test2.exe; 'filename of addition
AddParam = ; 'parameters of addition
Language = En; [En/Ru] 'select language
Setup.en = Install;
Close.en = Close;
Addon.en = Addition; = Óñòàíîâèòü; = Çàêðûòü; = Äîïîëíåíèÿ;
In the case of a few additions:
Addon = C:\Total Commander XP\Totalcmd.exe;
AddParam = "c:\AppStart\Test"; 'opens a directory with additions in the shell of TC
131 KB - Updated: 8.11.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 8921 times
This program allows to create hard links and junctions on NTFS volumes directly from Total Commander. The program can be installed in Start menu or on the buttonbar and is called for creating links on the selected files/folders in the opposite panel, i.e. it behaves absolutely identically to the commands of copying (F5), moving (F6) and so on. The feature of the program: you can set nesting level for subfolders, on which the program will create junctions (see help for details).
The program allows to read/save settings either in system registry, or in INI-files; it is multilingual (there are English, Russian, Ukranian, German languages and two Spanish dialects in archive).
For installing the program, just set the following command-line parameters:
"%WL" "%T\" /i=ini_file_name
(parameter /i is optional). For details see English help file (.\Help\NL_eng.chm), topic "Program Setup".
Some programs, specifically Windows Explorer, cannot recognize junctions correctly! That's why when you try to remove a junction from Explorer, all the contents of the original directory will be removed! This is NOT a bug of NTFS Links, it is a feature of the programs that cannot work correctly with junctions. Please, check you application for correctness before using it with junctions!
Total Commander works correctly with junctions, that's why it is strongly recommended to use it instead of Windows Explorer.
335 KB - Updated: 26.10.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 41603 times
Utility allows you to organize the simplest form of portability to non-portable programs.
Utility runs the program (and any executable files) and makes certain actions before run and/or after exit this program:
• import reg-file before running;
• remove existing registry keys before importing;
• backup of existing keys in the reg-file before deleting;
• memorization of existing keys and restore them after program exited;
• save the registry keys after program exited but before restoring.
In addition:
• full support for environment variables and relative paths;
• UNICODE support for import/export reg-files;
• fast start-up, tiny size, low resource consumption.
22 KB - Updated: 1.10.2011 - x32 - Downloaded 8505 times
Replacer for NOCLOSE.EXE designed for running console applications without closing the window (start with Shift+Enter). NoClose Replacer allows to use alternative command processors, and also use several different programs assigned to specific additional hotkeys.
The comprehensive description of settings see in ReadMe file.
72 KB - Updated: 26.09.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 26675 times
One main feature is that you can create buttons that run macros. The other main feature is that buttons can run different commands if you hold down modifier keys like Ctrl, Alt and Shift if you click on the button. (Or if you use different mouse buttons clicking on it.)
Either watch this Video or read the included PDF to get informations about installation and usage.
1147 KB - Updated: 22.09.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 19369 times
Set timestamp of folders and archives from newest/oldest file inside. Set timestamp of files from filename or metadata.
410 KB - Updated: 19.07.2011 - x32 - Downloaded 9155 times
It is possible to create lists files of catalogues with the help of standard tools of TotalCommander.
Special Plug-ins are usually able not only to create, but also to read the lists-files . If you hasn't at hand TotalCommander or the plug-in which has created the list, this utility will help you.
1. this utility is able to read lists-files (versions on which work is guaranteed are specified in brackets):
1) TotalCommander (v 7.03)
2) Structures of a tree treeinfo.wc
3) Plug-in Catalog Maker (v 2.4, v 3.1.5)
4) Plug-in Disk Dir (v 1.1)
5) Plug-in Disk Dir Extended (v 1.32, v 1.55)
6) lists-files created by a "dir" command (supported keys: A, C, L, N, O, S, T, 4 and without keys)
7) lists-files created by a "tree" command with keys and without
8) lists-files created by a dir command from DosBox
2. Fast search with different options. (search in folders' names, in files' names , in attributes)
3. Two types of interface: the list and the tree.
4. Auto detection and manual definition of a file format. (íå ïîíÿëà ÷òî ýòî òàêîå)
5. The expanded search in a separate window.
6. Start by command line: FileListViewer.exe list_File_Path.
7. Saving(preservation) of all options.
8. Speed of parsing is comparable to speed of the first call by a corresponding plug-in in the list. Speed of transition on folders is much higher.
9. Export of the loaded list.
202 KB - Updated: 17.06.2010 - x32 - Downloaded 20640 times
MultiLister Configuration Tool
653 KB - Updated: 6.04.2010 - x32 - Downloaded 12928 times
Intended to run all files, passed via filelist to this program.
(by: Tir Na Nog)
48 KB - Updated: 13.03.2010 - x32 - Downloaded 5774 times
Adds selected files to players.
(by: TC2MP)
346 KB - Updated: 2.03.2010 - x32 - Downloaded 7741 times
This setup is nothing else that C. Ghislers TotalCommander application - as a MSI installation routine.
This is not (!) the official setup from C. Ghisler but a rebuild one, based on the Microsoft Windows Installer technologie.
This means that if you have any installation issues don't bother C. Ghisler as he is neither responsible for that setup, nor does he can help for installation issues.
If you experience any program issues or you need help for the TotalCommander application have a look at - check appropriate forum.
If you have any suggestions what plugins you might want to have added as a feature to the MSI setup let me know.
Total Commander Application Version: 7.50a
MSI Package Revision: 00
4357 KB - Updated: 23.01.2010 - x32 - Downloaded 9011 times
This program tests all Content plugins installed in Total Commander. You can easily switch between plugins and see how a plugin processes selected file.
"Test filename" can be passed in command line. So it's recommended to add button to TC toolbar with command Guide.exe and parameters %P%N.
346 KB - Updated: 13.01.2010 - x32 - Downloaded 31443 times
1. XML->HTML converter for MultiLister WLX plugin. Converts XML to HTML based on an XSL template. DOCX, ODT, and FB2 templates are included. User extendable.
Can also be used without MultiLister plugin as a standalone application
2. Small utility finding index of a CHM file to be sent as an URL for MultiLister for preview and thumbnails of CHM files by MultiLister plugin
818 KB - Updated: 14.12.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 12541 times
Small clipboard manager.
The program is almost full analogue of the utility camp ( The Principal cause of a writing of the given program - camp does not work under OS Windows Vista.
By default ClpBrd copes with the help of 6 hotkeys:
1) <WIN>+LEFT - viewing of the previous element of clipboard history
2) <WIN>+RIGHT - viewing of the following element of clipboard history
3) <WIN>+UP - moving of a current element of clipboard history on one position upwards
4) <WIN>+DOWN - moving of a current element of clipboard history on one position downwards
5) <WIN>+HOME - display of a current element of clipboard history
6) <WIN>+DELETE - removal of a current element of clipboard history
However in the program possibility of change of shortcut keys, and also disconnectings of response to any of operations is provided.
Under the program has the English interface. To replace language on Russian it is necessary to start the program with êëþ÷åì "/lang=russian" (for example, clprd.exe/lang=russian).
Known problems:
- probably incorrect display of the Russian text in pop-up helps (balloons);
- incorrect capture of the data at their copying from Microsoft Excel is possible;
- at copying data from Microsoft Excel incorrect check on their identity;
213 KB - Updated: 10.11.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 11271 times
TC Log Viewer opens Total Commander logging file and show its contents in the following three parts:
Dropdown list: shows all dates in the log file.
Source panel: shows all file operations happened within the selected date.
Target panel: shows the target path for operations like Copy, Move, Unpack etc...
183 KB - Updated: 16.08.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 15833 times
Utility for the simple choosing of Total Commander color scheme.
(by: Impomezia)
379 KB - Updated: 26.07.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 17269 times
Program for viewing TC log file. Supports Unicode. Stores data into SQLite-base. See readme.
(by: van Dusen)
1302 KB - Updated: 24.07.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 6449 times
Clears history in TC ini-file.
(by: KiSh)
159 KB - Updated: 18.07.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 8695 times
Clear History Total Commander
This program allows to delete history from file Wincmd.ini and Wcx_ftp.ini
(file names can be customized)
In file Wincmd.ini deletes (at will):
History command line
History selection
History search for
History search in
History find text
History rename mask
History rename search for
History rename replace with
History left tabs
History right tabs
History left panel
History right panel
History new directory
History split sizes
At presence of the file Wcx_ftp.ini deletes (at will):
History FTP join (not netlist)
The Patterns of the files and rest patterns do not delete!
For working the program necessary to do following:
Extract archive in one folder c Wincmd.ini file or folder, located next to Wincmd.ini
Run CH4TC.exe
Choose necessary history for removing and press "OK / clear"
Command line:
If start program with a parameter /all ALL history deletes from Wincmd.ini and Wcx_ftp.ini without showing window program
If you run with a parameter /set remove story of Wincmd.ini and Wcx_ftp.ini without a display window, using the previously saved settings for clearing.
Start program with a parameter /reg for searching files settings on record from registry
To change the filenames of files Wincmd.ini Wcx_ftp.ini run with a parameter /ini
It Is Recommended start the program under switched off Total Commander, since Total Commander writes certain history in file Wincmd.ini when closing.
Program was tested under OS Windows ME, Windows XP and Total Commander version 6.x, 7.x
203 KB - Updated: 6.12.2008 - x32 - Downloaded 22614 times
Open File shell For TC is a utility for Total Commander that opens specific executable for each file extension when pressing F4 to edit selected file. E.g. pressing F4 on text files will launch selected text editor, on graphic files - graphic editor, on office documents - word proccessor, etc.
635 KB - Updated: 4.09.2008 - x32 - Downloaded 54884 times
SM2BT is a program that can work with all windows in your system.
You can:
automatically close useless windows (ex. Error messages, notifications), get the error text and show it in own window (log, console...).
automatically send specified keystroke to any window you want;
and else more.
So, the main features of SM2BT are:
Ability of processing windows, which uses child windows for text output;
Ability of processing VCL-based windows, which uses TLabel component for text output;
Low processor's time usage;
Support of windows finding plugins (DrawText, MessageBox, ShowWindow hooks);
Support of plugins for windows processing (i. e. closing, sending keystrokes, etc);
Support of output plugins (Popup, Log, etc);
Support of command line plugins (Autorun, Switch);
Multilingual interface (English, Russian).
NB! All documentation is on Russian now. If you want to use the program and can't understand anything, link with me via e-mail, ICQ (prefer) or post a comment here.
66 KB - Updated: 29.11.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 10671 times
BarEditor is a editor of *.bar files.
It looks like TC dialog "Change button bar".
Support some additional abilities:
Copy\Paste in TC clipboard format
Useful to edit bar files separately of TC.
210 KB - Updated: 2.11.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 14666 times
The program is designed for vieweing files and supports:
1) text and binary modes;
2) large number of text encodings;
3) automatic detection of number of encodings for Russian and languages similar to it (Windows 1251, DOS 866, KOI8-R/U, ISO 8859-5), and also some Unicode modes (UTF-8, UTF-16);
3) vieweing files of arbitrary size (>4 Gb) (not all encodings);
4) opening names file streams on NTFS;
5) pasting text from clipboard;
6) searching in file for text and binary values;
7) using "bookmarks" for quick navigating through file.
The program has built-in convertors for extracting text from documents of some common formats:
1) HTML;
2) Microsoft Word and Excel, including XML-based (WordML);
3) RTF (Rich Text Format);
4) arbitraty XML-documents (structure can be shown).
It is also possible to integrate the program into Windows Shell with adding context menu item "View64" in Windows Explorer.
PS: Author of the program is Alexey Chernobaev.
589 KB - Updated: 17.10.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 20721 times
(c)Lev Freidin, 2007
The program should select the duplicates of files in the panel with the Search results. It works only with TC 7 or newer.
The identification of files equality is done using the third panel column. For the simple cases it is enough to switch on the Full view mode (the identification would be provided by the files size), for more reliability it is recommended to create a custom column of a checksum plugin, for example, wdHash [] (it is slow for big size files, wait for all checksums calculation before applying the utility). Sinse the checksum is not calculated for the zero size files you should add something to the plugin field, like - "0[=wdhash.MD5]" (there will be "0" before all sums).
The program can also work in the current directory (you don't need to make a precomparing), copies of the files which have duplicates in the directory will be selected.
172 KB - Updated: 20.08.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 19076 times
ToFroWin is a Windows Shell Extension that is able to convert multiple text files from DOS to UN*X (and vice-versa) line endings right from the context menu.
44 KB - Updated: 8.02.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 8383 times
This menu file has been built from (TC 7.00 BETA 2) to support designers of command icon libraries (WCICONEX.DLL) in creating a command<––>icon mapping file (WCICONEX.INC).
21 KB - Updated: 25.11.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 14239 times
Total Commander 7 introduces a new user command system. This little tool allows you to convert your old start menu entries to user commands. User commands can be used as hotkeys, in the directory menu, the buttonbar and in the main menu. For more information please take a look in the TC help.
16 KB - Updated: 3.11.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 11631 times
The original ChoiceEditor.exe (included and renamed to ChoiceEditor.exe.orig) includes some
hardcoded accelerator shortcuts which make it impossible to use A, O and U as
standard hotkeys throughout the program.
In this patched version this annoyance has been fixed by stripping the & from
the following strings:
Button: &other program...
Checkbox: &Use as additional
Checkbox: &Always use this program to open this filetype
Also the Button O&K has been changed to &OK.
All credits go to mozers for coding ChoiceEditor -- -- and for giving his OK to
release this patched version!
56 KB - Updated: 26.10.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 13658 times
The simple utility which allows you to decrypt all encrypted FTP passwords (as well as passwords for accessing to firewall) usually stored in Total Commander wcx_ftp.ini file.
Also you may try my freeware utility:
Registry Trash Keys Finder v.
(release date: 7/20/2012)
16 KB - Updated: 22.10.2006 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 154082 times
NOTICE! The plugin has been temporarily removed due to antivirus detects.
FavMenu is Windows OS enhancer and application launcher. It stores information about your favorite folders and executables and let you quickly use your favorites within system dialogs (Open/Save, Browse For Folder, Office2003 dialogs), Console (cmd.exe), Widows Explorer and Total Commander.
Format of the menu configuration file is compatibile with the Total Commander file manager directory menu, and was originaly written to work as addon for this file manager. Almost all features of the TC directory menu are supported, including plugins and pseudovariables. Furthermore, TC doesn’t need to be started.
If you don’t use Total Commander Favmenu can be set to work with Windows Explorer. This option will be automatically offered on first start-up if TC is not detected.
Menu Editor can be used to create, edit, delete and organise menu items. This is also complete replacement of TC’s internal directory menu editor witch adds many new options. It can be used together with FavMenu or separate.
Developing page
Supported dialogs
506 KB - Updated: 18.09.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 20527 times
Calculator - utility for Total Commander.
This calculator is based on Lua script engine. Supports libraries, plugins.
Standart plugins:
+ Logger - Logging a Math Expression;
+ Graph - Graphing a Math Expressions;
428 KB - Updated: 5.08.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 39531 times
This is Total Commander utility. It will make TC favorites available in the system.
Main feature is Open/Save dialog enhancer. If dialog is active folder will be changed in dialog, not the the TC.
Developing page
208 KB - Updated: 14.06.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 9691 times
Total Commander settings fast changer
It is intended for fast updating "under itself" existing installation on set of machines
Possible to use as Total Commander restarter
37 KB - Updated: 2.01.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 16782 times
Small application, which allow you to move any window for any its part (how it made in Linux XWindows).
171 KB - Updated: 30.11.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 14025 times
This program will create Total Commander button bar files ( 2 up to 20).
Each button bar will start with predefined number buttons which you will use to switch from button bar to another.
The active button bar number will be pushed and colored by red to easily know what is the current button bar you are using.
54 KB - Updated: 29.10.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 14615 times
52 KB - Updated: 11.07.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 14453 times
Sorry, no description avialable now.
306 KB - Updated: 5.07.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 31039 times
The manager of plugins will allow fast to find, to connect plugins to Total Commander, and also to operate already by connected plugins. Compatible with exists managers.
Save list of connected plugins to your profile.
Make backup wincmd.ini
326 KB - Updated: 3.07.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 40601 times
This program is destined for advances users and programmers and it may
be configured for the following purposes:
- automatic cleaning of the temporary folders, recycle bin
etc. on the schedule or manually;
- deinstallation of the programs which haven't own one for
some reason;
- creation of deinstaller for your own programs
and so on.
Values of this program are its flexibility, universality, velocity and
small size.
Archive contains a demo-example of the script cleaning common temp
51 KB - Updated: 10.04.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 19204 times
The program get parameter and convert it from short (8.3) to long file format.
It can need if launched application, like BSPlayer show file name on title. If
drag&drop file to Total Commander tool bar button, application run with short name
parameter. This tool can fix it.
14 KB - Updated: 29.03.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 11333 times
Show information on WinAmp, LightAlloy, MEDIA Show, DSPlayer, SMPlayer playlists in TipInfo manner. Works as in Total Commander (see in TC options), so and in Windows explorer.
1. Unpack archive in some folder
2. Start reg.bat for registration in system
159 KB - Updated: 21.03.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 12826 times
Small utilities for alternate usage content plugins.
262 KB - Updated: 6.02.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 12670 times
Camp 1.4
Very simple clipboard maneger + fast winamp use.
1) Selecting key for each action.
2) You can turn off Baloons ..,
3) Saving configuration to %path to program%/camp.ini
4) Automatic delete of the same elements.
If You OS isn't XP - download this
(this update is for displaying tooltips as a baloons...)
You need msvcrt70.dll to start program
200kb of RAM
WMZ to: Z497761853700
13 KB - Updated: 2.02.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 15997 times
This is a Total Commander freeware utility that allows to run TC from any USB stick, CD-ROM drive or network mapped folder. It also allows to define custom folders to be opened at TC startup.
207 KB - Updated: 11.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 30621 times
177 KB - Updated: 26.12.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 34716 times
TCALLO is a small and easy to use utility for Total Commander and Apollo mediaplayer users. Just run TCALLO.exe, and title of currently played track will shown in Total Commander window caption.
Note: use "TCALLO.exe /active", for active window mode (currently played track will shown in active window caption).
148 KB - Updated: 20.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 13752 times
TCAMPER is a small and easy to use utility for Total Commander and WinAmp users. Just run TCAMPER.exe, and title of currently played track will shown in Total Commander window caption.
Note: use "TCAMPER.exe /active", for active window mode (currently played track will shown in active window caption).
148 KB - Updated: 20.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 16594 times
TCFS (Total Commander Full Screen) - The small external program which can turn TC in the "full screen" (switching off all TC panels (command line, function keys, buttons bar, drive buttons, tabstop header, status bar etc.) and back in one click.
393 KB - Updated: 20.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 26172 times
This utility allows you to assign any program installed on your system to open various filetypes via Total Commander.
As a result, whenever you hit F4 in Total Commander your file will be opened in the program you selected earlier and which you consider to be the most appropriate for viewing or editing that filetype.
26 KB - Updated: 5.11.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 36678 times
ReloadTC features:
1) operates exactly with TC copy from which ReloadTC was called
2) ReloadTC command line translation into TC command line
3) special command line parameter for ReloadTC - /w=xxxx, where xxxx is numeric value for number of milliseconds (by default 300) on which the start of TC will be delayed.
Also you may try my freeware utility:
Registry Trash Keys Finder v.
(release date: 7/20/2012)
13 KB - Updated: 8.09.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 25528 times
This program allows to restart Total Commander in single click. Program uses
command line parametrs so it is easy to create a button or menu item.
Main advantage of program is its small size (only 4608 bytes).
31 KB - Updated: 21.08.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 14418 times
It converts images using IrfanView.
IrfanView 3.91
Visual Basic 6 Runtimes.
Copy nucov.exe together to I_VIEW32.EXE, create a button in the Total Commander's button bar and you *MUST* add %L under parameters in uppercase
Now you can drag & drop images over Nucov's icon and press Enter or click the button.
It's quick and easy to convert images.
39 KB - Updated: 2.06.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 15457 times
Utilitie for visual skin creation for AmpView (Lister plugin for Total Commander)
321 KB - Updated: 22.05.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 12813 times
This app is not longer available
0 KB - Updated: 20.05.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 10200 times
The ReDate Addon is something like the counter [C] in TC's Multi-Rename Tool, however, it is for file dates (and times). Using ReDate you can change the dates of multiple files incrementally (or randomly).
191 KB - Updated: 21.04.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 13760 times
The AddTime Addon is used to change the time and date of multiple files by a specified amount.
164 KB - Updated: 21.04.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 15695 times
Simple tool restarting Total Commander. Unzip the TCrestar.exe to the Total Commander directory and create a button on the toolbar or menu item to easily find and launch. Nice utility for those who need editing wincmd.ini often.
21 KB - Updated: 28.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 14997 times
Correctly launch WinAmp 3.0 and following on selected files in TC. New version of WinAmp 3.0 and 5.0 doesn't work well with TC, because it's not able to read lists created by TC with %L or %l (see TC help). So this program takes the list sent by TC and append an header to create a temporary m3u list.
All these operations happens in the TC's temporary folder and all produced temporary files are deleted just after WinAmp read them.
The optimal usage is in a button in TC, that once pressed sends the selected files to WinAmp.
An interesting usage is with CTRL-B selecting only those files you area interested to ear.
In this archive there are also the setting to be used for the button.
43 KB - Updated: 24.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 13817 times
Launch TC is a tool to help you starting Total Commander from a USB stick or a CD-ROM drive.
20 KB - Updated: 18.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 22213 times
Tool to set the locations of the settings files wincmd.ini and wcx_ftp.ini. This works only with the 32-bit version of Commander 4.53 and later.
24 KB - Updated: 19.02.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 30910 times
Utility for creating (editing) Total Commander's menu.
186 KB - Updated: 16.02.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 23930 times
25 KB - Updated: 24.12.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 13525 times
234 KB - Updated: 15.12.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 25061 times
Program to edit settings (hidden and not) Total(Windows) Commander.
Working with Total Commander 6.0, and i thing earlies versions
Edit settings of Total Commander;
Automatic finding locations ini files
Hidden settings marked green color
Support Presets.ini file from program Aezay TC Color Presets
263 KB - Updated: 15.12.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 27863 times
160 KB - Updated: 11.12.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 101168 times
"List To Clipboard" is an enhancement to cm_CopyFullNamesToClip and related commands. Features: Convert local path to network path.File extension can be omitted. Limit the path depth.The backslash at the end of the path can be omitted.Insert text before the path.Append text to the path.Replace text parts.Use a Total Commander parameter of your choice
34 KB - Updated: 9.12.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 16090 times
This tool will find your "wcx_ftp.ini" file, where all ftp connections
are defined, and connect to them, just to check if it's still working.
138 KB - Updated: 8.12.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 15647 times
152 KB - Updated: 26.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 34058 times
73 KB - Updated: 17.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 24811 times
Wincmd Directory Menu Customizer (widimec) is a tool you can use only to customize the Directory Menu of Total Commander (formerly known as Windows Commander).
278 KB - Updated: 16.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 19623 times
Old version of Inireloc for Windows Commander.
23 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 17029 times
395 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 27403 times
23 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 21841 times