Total Commander Application Starter 1.3
Total Commander Application Starter 1.3
Total Commander Application Starter - manager to run the application from the shell of TC. With the Application Starter, you can launch applications, open files and folders. In the configuration file are written the way to start the installed application, and the path to its installation. Application Starter will try to find the installed application and run it. If the application is not installed, the Application Starter starts the installation program. There's also a opportunity (after installing the program) open any additions or folders with a few additions, in the shell of TC. Parameters passed to Application Starter with startup, also will be passed to program file executable. Application Starter supports two languages: Russian and English.
A sample of configuration file:
AppPath = c:\AppStart\Test3.exe; 'full filename of the program file executable
AppParam = -param; 'parameters of the program file executable
Setup = Test1.exe; 'filename of setup executable
SetParam = /param; 'parameters of setup executable
Addon = Test2.exe; 'filename of addition
AddParam = ; 'parameters of addition
Language = En; [En/Ru] 'select language
Setup.en = Install;
Close.en = Close;
Addon.en = Addition; = Установить; = Закрыть; = Дополнения;
In the case of a few additions:
Addon = C:\Total Commander XP\Totalcmd.exe;
AddParam = "c:\AppStart\Test"; 'opens a directory with additions in the shell of TC
Category: TC Utilities
Status: freeware
Author: BOOG
Added: 8.11.2011
Updated: 8.11.2011
Downloaded: 8968 times