Icon Packs
Icons pack for Drivers based on flat_wcmicons and flat_FileIcons.
1.Using TweakTC (Icons).
2.In the file wincmd.ini in section [Configuration], insert:
DriveLib=...path to Total Commander...\Drives.dll
2 KB - Updated: 8.08.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 10670 times
Icon library for Total Commander in flat style.
Extract zip file to Total Commander folder
Restart TC
84 KB - Updated: 26.05.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 20910 times
Flat icon pack for Total Commander.
Extract zip file to Total Commander folder
Under part [Configuration] of Ini file
add or edit Iconlib value to
Restart TC
36 KB - Updated: 23.05.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 11833 times
This icon set is based on Arvid Axelsson's Qute theme for an old Firefox version.
Additional icons are created by me (X-Byte)
The icon set is provided with a sample Button Bar file for easy installation & use. Also comes with a TC7+ compatible .inc file for easy command association.
Read the included X-Qute_ReadMe.txt for further information on usage and installation!
The icons are created for use with Windows XP/2000 (alpha channel) with
32x32 pixel and 16x16 pixel which also scale nice at 24x24 pixel.
If you need additional button icons, feel free to request them in this thread: http://ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?t=8991
577 KB - Updated: 20.03.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 76804 times
Icon library for Total Commander (16x16 RGB/A). Icons have some classical bias.
Additional icons for internal associations (*.reg, *.pdf, *.rtf, *.doc, *.docx, *.txt, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.csv, *.ppt, *.pptx, etc.). To use them you have to edit your wincmd.ini (example included).
14 KB - Updated: 12.03.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 11338 times
Disk icon library for Total Commander.
Variant 1: Use utilit TweakTC.
Variant 2:
- Open file wincmd.ini,
- find section [Configuration] and past:
DriveLib=C:\...path to Total Commander...\Drives.dll
- Save and close file wincmd.ini
- Restart Total Commander
3 KB - Updated: 27.12.2011 - x32 - Downloaded 13515 times
Icon library for Total Commander in style Windows 7.
Variant 1: Use utilit TweakTC.
Variant 2:
- Open file wincmd.ini,
- find section [Configuration] and past:
IconLib=C:\...path to Total Commander...\Seven32.icl
- Save and close file wincmd.ini
- Restart Total Commander
94 KB - Updated: 14.11.2011 - x32 - Downloaded 21163 times
Icons toolbar for plugin Imagine v.1.0.8 style Phoenity Classic
133 KB - Updated: 26.09.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 14477 times
Icons toolbar for plugin Imagine v.1.0.7 style Phoenity Classic
130 KB - Updated: 21.09.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 7727 times
All the icons (file and disk icons) are replaced by the standard resources of Windows 7 were selected to maximize the similarity (identity) of the files window, disk toolbar Explorers 7 with Total Commander.
Install - 1. Use TweakTC
2.Open file
wincmd.ini in a text editor, in the section [Configuration]
IconLib = C: \ ... path to Total Commander ... \ Fileicons.dll
DriveLib = C: \ ... path to Total Commander ... \ Drives.dll
345 KB - Updated: 10.08.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 17523 times
Total7 Fugue icons (Toolbars & Menus)
Replaced all default toolbars & menus icons(Wcmicons.dll) by Fugue icons(16x16 ONLY and only for default panels Total)
Recomended to use with Total7 Icons for disks and files - http://wincmd.ru/plugring/Total7_icons.html
based on fugue icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane (p.yusukekamiyamane.com/)
Replace file Wcmicons.dll in the totalcmd folder
367 KB - Updated: 2.08.2011 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 15717 times
Replacement icon library for internal file list icons and drives in Total Commander
Icons are in multi-format libraries 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
Drive icons are in 32bpp
These icons are covered under the Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
333 KB - Updated: 1.04.2010 - x32 - Downloaded 18987 times
My first ico-pack for Total Commander. All icons were drawn by myself, with Adobe Illustrator. Some Icons were redrawn.
929 KB - Updated: 18.09.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 19578 times
Mac exe ICL.
(by: bender)
82 KB - Updated: 17.09.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 10935 times
GNOME icon theme
(windows icons taken from Tango Patcher 2600)
Theme itself is from GNOME 2.19.90; see http://art.gnome.org/themes/icon if you need source of this theme (but originally icons are in PNG format). Theme license is GPL (see LICENSE.txt).
29 KB - Updated: 30.07.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 12220 times
Icons pack for Total Commander 7.5.
Package contains about 320 icons for almost all of the commands.
127 KB - Updated: 11.07.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 14127 times
Icon pack (a lot of icons) for TC.
(by: Claude Charries)
763 KB - Updated: 10.06.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 10660 times
Windows Vista icons for Total Commander (16x16 RGB/A).
14 KB - Updated: 16.11.2005 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 53649 times
Windows XP icons for Total Commander (16x16 RGB/A).
9 KB - Updated: 16.11.2005 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 60047 times
Opera 7.5x icons for Total Commander (16x16 RGB/A).
8 KB - Updated: 16.11.2005 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 23662 times
Opera 7.2x icons for Total Commander (16x16 RGB/A).
8 KB - Updated: 16.11.2005 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 14734 times
Opera 7.2x, Opera 7.5x, Windows XP and Windows Vista icons for Total Commander (16x16 RGB/A).
39 KB - Updated: 16.11.2005 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 24493 times
IconLib for Total Commander with nice icons from The Bat! mail client. 16x16 True Color only.
7 KB - Updated: 9.10.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 18064 times
Collection of 32bit icons for Total Commander’s button bar in WinXP style. Package also contains many additional nice icons for your button bar.
101 KB - Updated: 8.10.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 33852 times
IconLib for Total Commander with nice icons from MS Office 2003. 16x16 True Color only.
4 KB - Updated: 8.10.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 20944 times
Set of icons (icl-library) for Total Commander 5.1-new. Allows to replace standard icons of objects of files panels, and also an icon of the window of the program.
In a set there are all possible icons on a transparent background (the sizes 16 and 32). Icons are created in WinXP (32-bpp) format in style Windows XP, and intended for use in Windows XP, 2003 and later operational systems.
Recommended for a light background of panels (light-grey, white, beige).
The set is developed within of project "Total Commander iMP-pack".
For classical operational systems (non XP) it is necessary to use another, 256-colors (8-bpp) a set of icons "Object icons TC WinClassic".
For replacement of standard badges of buttons of drives TC, i recommend to use my set "Drive buttons TC DriveXP".
(See below: "Author: AnexeR (3)")
Copyright look in sections "Copyrights" and "In detail" in ReadMe (WinXP_eng.txt).
76 KB - Updated: 1.05.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 33176 times
Set of icons (icl-library) for Total Commander 5.1-new. Allows to replace standard icons of objects of files panels, and also an icon of the window of the program.
In a set there are all possible icons on a transparent background (the sizes 16 and 32). Icons are created in 256-colors (8-bpp) format in style Windows Classic, and intended for use in any 32-bit Windows.
Recommended for a light background of panels (light-grey, white, beige).
The set is developed within of project Total Commander iMP-pack.
For Windows XP and later operational systems i recommend to use more beautiful and suitable set of icons "Object icons TC WinXP".
For replacement of standard badges of buttons of drives TC, i recommend to use my set "Drive buttons TC DriveXP".
(See below: "Author: AnexeR (3)")
Copyright look in sections "Copyrights" and "In detail" in ReadMe (WinClassic_eng.txt).
58 KB - Updated: 1.05.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 18134 times
Set (dll-library) of bmp-pictures for Total Commander 6.x-new. Allows to replace standard badges of buttons of drives in the program.
In a set there are all possible bmp-pictures for buttons of drives. Icons are created in True Color (24-bpp) format in style Windows XP, and intended for use in any 32-bit Windows.
The set is developed within of project Total Commander iMP-pack.
For replacement of standard icons of objects of files panels TC, it is necessary to use a corresponding suitable set (icl-library) of icons. I recommend the: "Object icons TC WinXP" for Windows XP and newer operational systems; and "Object icons TC WinClassic" for classical operational systems (non XP).
The copyright of all elements of a set belongs to the author.
16 KB - Updated: 19.04.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 28685 times
The icons library in Windows XP style for Total Commander. It includes both ICL file for changing the files and folders appearance, and DLL file with pictures for drive buttons. All the pictures (except drives') are present in two variants - 16x16 and 32x32, in 32-bit color mode with alpha channel of transparency. This is why the library is suited only for Windows XP and later versions: the previous ones do not support correct work with transparency.
One surely will ask, what a need is there in one more XP-styled library when there are several such ones already? I'll answer:
1. The package contains both 16x16 and 32x32 icons that is not very common among the TC icons libraries.
2. In some libraries the icons were edited very inaccurately, and that caused appearance of "denticles" or black border around the pictures. In XPStyle pack you won't see this.
3. All the images (except for the main icon) are taken from Windows itself and were edited so that they correspond the main single style and are minimally different from the WinXP style itself. (Of course, this point is a very subjective one, but this is inevitable.)
4. This package contains both ICL and DLL files that gives the possibility to set at one step the XP style both for drive buttons and for the main interface.
26 KB - Updated: 30.03.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 40575 times
Icons library for Total Commander's file panels taken from famous GANT icon pack.
30 KB - Updated: 9.03.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 25294 times
Set icons for change of appearance of folders and files Total Commander.
The sizes icons 16x16 and 32x32, a palette - WinXP.
15 KB - Updated: 25.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 22690 times
This is an iconpack for Total Commander drive buttons.
28 KB - Updated: 25.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 17729 times
This is an iconpack for Total Commander drive buttons.
29 KB - Updated: 25.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 15686 times
This is an iconpack for Total Commander drive buttons.
29 KB - Updated: 25.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 15501 times
28 KB - Updated: 12.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 36228 times
A set of nice icons for Total Commander I'm using in everyday TC's life. Them were been collected on the net, you can freely use them.
451 KB - Updated: 24.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 42843 times
1 KB - Updated: 6.01.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 20549 times
5 KB - Updated: 6.01.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 23079 times
28 KB - Updated: 4.01.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 32687 times
64 KB - Updated: 12.11.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 7148 times