(c)Lev Freidin, 2007
The program should select the duplicates of files in the panel with the Search results. It works only with TC 7 or newer.
The identification of files equality is done using the third panel column. For the simple cases it is enough to switch on the Full view mode (the identification would be provided by the files size), for more reliability it is recommended to create a custom column of a checksum plugin, for example, wdHash [http://www.totalcmd.net/plugring/wdhash.html] (it is slow for big size files, wait for all checksums calculation before applying the utility). Sinse the checksum is not calculated for the zero size files you should add something to the plugin field, like - "0[=wdhash.MD5]" (there will be "0" before all sums).
The program can also work in the current directory (you don't need to make a precomparing), copies of the files which have duplicates in the directory will be selected.
Category: TC Utilities
Status: freeware
Author: Lev Freidin
Added: 20.08.2007
Updated: 20.08.2007
Downloaded: 19144 times