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Total Updater (Final)

Total Updater (Final)

Total Commander & plugin updater.

What is it good for?

Total Updater is a small tool that helps you to keep your Total Commander & its plugins up-to-date.

Main Features:

- [NEW!] Support downloading files directly from SkyDrive (from 0.8.5)
- [NEW!] Install TC & upgrade its downloaded plugins (may need admin rights)
- [NEW!] Self-updating mechanism (may need admin rights)
- [NEW!] Support downloading over SSL: you simply need to put "libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll" files to the utility's directory (DL: x86 / x64)
- Multilingual support with a bunch of supported built-in languages
(English, Chinese Simplified, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian)
- List all of the currently installed plugins / addons / utilities
- Advanced version detection routine: detect version even if embedded verinfo field doesn't exists
- Advanced version compare routine: compare the files based on local&online version and date (if update found), to minimize the number of false alarms
- Check latest online versions of all the plugins & tools by a single click
- Download selected / marked plugins quickly & easily
- Internal Plugin Database, which helps the utility to detect the plugins online ID based on filename
- You can add custom new items to UserDB (just search their ID on, and they're going to override the matching original DB entry)
- You can simply click on "Marked items" / "Confirm updatable item(s) as latest" to avoid false alarms
- Display additional info of every plugin by double-clicking on it (in English / Russian language - based on system's current locale)
- Infobox feature - display verinfo & icon of each plugin (right click on the list & choose Show Infobox)
- Exclude from list option
- Full Unicode support
- Portability
- ... and much more!


- Basically any Total Commander version (heavily tested under 7.57a & 8.01)

Translators needed:

Do you feel you could translate this utility to your (native) language? It's actually pretty easy - just download this language file, unzip & open it with Notepad (or any other lightweight text editor), then post the finished work on the official forum / mail me, and your language file will be available in the next public version.

A simple guide to correctly fill a new UserDB entry:
Click here for the image (you simply need to find a plugin's webID on using Search).

Official Forum topic: click here
Please report all the bugs and "Unknown." entries in your list (Ctrl + Shift + C to copy their data to clipboard).
Suggestions and feature requests are also very welcomed.

Category: TC Utilities
Status: freeware
Author: Bluestar
Added: 8.02.2013
Updated: 2.04.2015
Downloaded: 155223 times
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