SWF Lister 2.0
SWF Lister 2.0
With SWF Lister you can view Shockwave Flash files by Adobe Macromedia LLC.,
as well as FLV - Flash video files.
Additionally you can do resources
extraction from them(JPEG images, MP3 sounds is currently supported),
Compress/Decompress and produce silent SWF movies by stripping off sound
info from a movie. Since Total Commander v6.5
SWF Lister supports thumbnails view for swf-movies and exe-projectors.
Visit http://www.wisefm.com for more info on
SWF Lister usecases, hints, resources, etc.
Category: TC Lister Plugins
Status: shareware
Author: ShurikSoft
Added: 22.06.2004
Updated: 10.06.2006
Downloaded: 96622 times
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