Kovács Endre János's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Kovács Endre János All Plugins and Files by Kovács Endre János
This is a simple TC packer interface to KillCopy (available at http://killprog.narod.ru/killcopye.html), a utility made by Killer which claims to be able to speed up copying of large files. Source code included.
13 KB - Updated: 21.06.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 18326 times
Webshots Plug-in for Total Commander is an archive format plug-in for Total Commander which supports the file formats used by Webshots software (WB0, WBO, WBD, WB1, SPV, WBC, WBP, WBZ).
44 KB - Updated: 8.06.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 17895 times