Alexander Cherenkov's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Alexander Cherenkov Homepage: All Plugins and Files by Alexander Cherenkov
This plugin allows you to view and to extract some specific resources from some kinds of the "game archives".
You may open an archive file with Ctrl+PageDown.
The PRO version of GAUP also can add files to game archives!
List of supported formats!
284 KB - Updated: 25.08.2009 - x32 - Downloaded 205070 times
Allows work with multipage (one page also;-) icon files as archive files.
Supports extract/add/delete single icons or group of icons from/to multipage icon files. Also can creating new multipage icon from single icons.
13 KB - Updated: 15.10.2008 - x32 - Downloaded 11868 times
Packer plugin for TC to support GCA archive format
51 KB - Updated: 18.10.2007 - x32 - Downloaded 7589 times
Packer plugin for Total Commander to work with 7z packed files.
7z plugin can work with self-extracting archives as well using Ctrl+PgDn.
You also need the 7za.exe, that you must copy to the plugin directory. 7za.exe can be found in 7z installation package.
16 KB - Updated: 6.01.2005 - x32 - Downloaded 86552 times