Lefteous's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Lefteous Homepage: http://lefteous.totalcmd.net/tc/ All Plugins and Files by Lefteous
ShellDetails displays all Windows Explorer fields in Total Commander.
131 KB - Updated: 10.06.2019 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 90755 times
- SQX is a powerful packer which allows the user two balance between high compression ratio and fast compression
- To increase compression ratio and speed many options can be set. Special compressors are provided for multimedia-, audio-, text- and executable files. In addition solid archives can be created.
- Multi-volume archives can be created based on predefined or userdefined sizes. Each type of self-extracting archives can be created as multi-volume archive.
- Archives can be encrypted with up to 256 Bit (AES). As a German product it's not restricted to the strict Swiss cryptography export laws.
- Recovery data can be added to the archive or saved externally to enable repairing of damaged archives.
- The packer features 3 types of self-extracting archives. They can customized through many options.
- Additional information like archive- and file comments, security attributes as well as extended timestamps and file streams can be saved.
- The packer is almost completely localizable. Currently English, German, French, Danish, Dutch and Russian are included.
1252 KB - Updated: 24.01.2016 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 26847 times
File can be used to exclude certain files from being selected, find out if a file is contained in a stored file list and to find file siblings.
104 KB - Updated: 19.12.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 19338 times
DirSizeCalc Charts displays a list of all files and folders contained in a folder sorted descending by size. A bar chart is displayed next to the items to illustrate the size dimensions at first glance.
The linked download is the standalone version of DirSizeCalc Charts. Alternativelly you may download the addon version. Please make sure the latest version of DirSizeCalc is installed:
434 KB - Updated: 19.08.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 14060 times
DirSizeCalc is a content plug-in for the file manager Total Commander. It provides several numeric calculation for directory contents. The calculations can be started automatically while entering a directory or explicitly by the user.
315 KB - Updated: 19.08.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 146407 times
xPDFSearch can be used to perform full text search in PDF files.
In addition xPDFSearch provides meta data information from PDF files.
910 KB - Updated: 11.01.2015 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 49801 times
Total SQX allows you to use information from SQX archives in several functions in Total Commanders supporting content plug-ins.
83 KB - Updated: 13.12.2013 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 10857 times
Permissions can be used to find out if the current user is allowed to read, write or execute a certain file or directory.
70 KB - Updated: 20.05.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 13116 times
Summary allows you to read and write the Summary information known from Explorers' file properties dialog.
125 KB - Updated: 17.05.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 13649 times
ShareInfo provides information about shared directories on the local machine.
66 KB - Updated: 17.05.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 5906 times
NicePaths can be used to increase the readability of paths in search results.
173 KB - Updated: 17.05.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 5632 times
FileContent can be used in the search function in Total Commander.
Navigate to the plugin tab and add one of the fields to the list.
What's so great about this? There are the same options one the main search tab.
Well you can add all three fields and search for all supported files encodings at once. Try that using TC! It's limited to one encoding at once.
43 KB - Updated: 17.05.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 6361 times
ShellInfo displays file and folder names as in Explorer and the file's type.
65 KB - Updated: 17.05.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 5876 times
Use this plugin to compare images by content in synchronize directories. In addition fields for image dimensions are provided.
64 KB - Updated: 17.05.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 7144 times
IconLibrary displays the number of icons in a file.
4 KB - Updated: 17.05.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 5550 times
FileGroups can be used to group files and sort by these groups.
95 KB - Updated: 17.05.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 6066 times
Attributes shows for each of the simple file attribute whether it's set.
4 KB - Updated: 17.05.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 5680 times
Volume displays volume information. This is especially useful when you have mounted volumes into a directory.
44 KB - Updated: 7.02.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 5651 times
Extracts the file behind a link.
87 KB - Updated: 7.02.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 22073 times
Directory can be used to avoid selection of certain files.
42 KB - Updated: 19.01.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 18371 times
Shortcut provides properties of Windows shortcuts (LNK files).
111 KB - Updated: 19.01.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 15512 times
Age can be used to search for files where the file age is roughly known. The normal search (extended tab) can be used to find files not older than a certain time span. That's fine but insufficient for many tasks. You can't find files older than a certain time span this way.
99 KB - Updated: 17.01.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 11816 times
DateNames provides the names of months and days of week of file dates. The three file dates creation date, write date and access date are supported.
71 KB - Updated: 17.01.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 15392 times
Misc is a plugin which contains which currently doesn't fit into any other category.
73 KB - Updated: 12.01.2012 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 8560 times
This menu file has been built from Totalcmd.inc (TC 7.00 BETA 2) to support designers of command icon libraries (WCICONEX.DLL) in creating a command<––>icon mapping file (WCICONEX.INC).
21 KB - Updated: 25.11.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 14239 times
Total Commander 7 introduces a new user command system. This little tool allows you to convert your old start menu entries to user commands. User commands can be used as hotkeys, in the directory menu, the buttonbar and in the main menu. For more information please take a look in the TC help.
16 KB - Updated: 3.11.2006 - x32 - Downloaded 11631 times
Launch TC is a tool to help you starting Total Commander from a USB stick or a CD-ROM drive.
20 KB - Updated: 18.03.2004 - x32 - Downloaded 22213 times
"List To Clipboard" is an enhancement to cm_CopyFullNamesToClip and related commands. Features: Convert local path to network path.File extension can be omitted. Limit the path depth.The backslash at the end of the path can be omitted.Insert text before the path.Append text to the path.Replace text parts.Use a Total Commander parameter of your choice
34 KB - Updated: 9.12.2003 - x32 - Downloaded 16090 times