Michael Diegelmann's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Michael Diegelmann Homepage: http://www.fh-rosenheim.de/~diegelmann/index_English.htm All Plugins and Files by Michael Diegelmann
Lister plugin for the Total Commander file manager (image viewer for JPG files and 20 other image file types)
• Supported image file types: ANI, BMP, CUR, EMF, EPS, GIF, ICO, JPEG, JPG, PCX, PIC, PNG, PSD, PSP, PSPIMAGE, SCR, SGI, TGA, THM, TIF and WMF (WMF safety gap taken care of)
• Rules for automatic resizing of images to fit the viewer window can be selected independently for images which are either too small or too large
• Optional automatic orientation of images according to the orientation information contained in the Exif meta data (above ca. 4 megapixels image size somewhat time consuming)
• Optional anti-aliasing (suppression of moiré effects with down scaled pictures)
• Loading speed of JPG files improved by a factor of 3 to 4 if compared to version 1.0
• Easy copying of images to the clipboard (EMF and WMF as a vector graphic and as a bitmap, all other image file types as a bitmap only)
• Easy printing of images (user-defined printer page layout)
• Supported languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Danish and Swedish (derived from the language selected in Total Commander)
• From Total Commander version 6.5 onwards simplified installation by double clicking the download file ImgView.zip
572 KB - Updated: 7.06.2012 - x32 - Downloaded 29669 times