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WANG Aiyong's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET

Author Profile: WANG Aiyong

All Plugins and Files by WANG Aiyong

SmartNewFile 0.01

A small tool to create folders or text files in Total Commander

Total Commander has a built-in folder creation function (default: F7) and several plugins to extend its functionality.

* Features

1. Replaces the F7 function, invoking this tool to create either a folder or a file.
2. Folder creation:
- If the input has no extension (e.g., `subfolder`), pressing Enter creates a folder.
3. File creation:
- If the input includes an extension (e.g., `.txt`, `.ini`, `.md`), pressing Enter creates a file.
4. Toggle action (Shift+Enter):
- Switches behavior—e.g., create a file named `subfolder` or a folder named `name.txt`.
5. Two Toggleable options:
- Write clipboard content (F1): Pastes clipboard text into the new file (ignored for folders).
- Open after creation (F2): Opens the created file with the default Windows program, or folder in totalcmd.
6. Two Manual buttons:
- Folder (Enter): Forces folder creation, regardless of input.
- File (Shift+Enter): Forces file creation, regardless of input.
7. Configuration file (`NewFile.ini`):
- Automatically generated when pressing F1/F2 to save preferences.
- This part uses [ini-parser]( (credits included).
8. Reverse "open after" behavior (Ctrl+Enter):
- If "open after" is enabled, skips opening; if disabled, opens the file/folder. Useful when you don't want to change the `Open after creation (F2)` option.
9. Custom file extensions (`txtformat`):
- Default: Text files (e.g., `.txt`, `.md`, `.ini`).
- Add extensions manually in the INI file (e.g., `.mp4`, though not meaningful), separated by commas.
10. Total Commander path:
- Must specify `totalcmd.exe` or `totalcmd64.exe` path in the INI file.

* Example INI File

autowriteclipboard = True
autoopenaftercreated = True
totalcmd = C:\Path\To\TOTALCMD64.EXE
txtformat = .txt,.md,.ini,.py,.xml,.cs

* How to use this?

1. Download the `NewFile.exe`, put it under `%COMMANDER_PATH%\Plugins\addons\newfile\*`.
2. Create a command in `usercmd.ini` like:

3. Configure the totalcmd shortkey `F7` to `em_F7`.
488 KB - Updated: 26.03.2025 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  152 times


GisViewer Lister plugin for Total Commander

1. What's this?
This is a lister plugin for Total Commander, to view ESRI shapefiles.

2. How to install?
For this to work, you need first to install .Net Framework (>=4.5.2), and .Net Interface 1.4 for Total Commander (only need to install once). Links is provied at the end.

Then install the plugin itself.

3. How to use?
Move the cursor to any of the collection files of a shapefile, view it like any other lister. It can properly tell if a file belongs to a shapefile or just a single file. So try giving this a high order at the lister list.

Accepted extensions: .shp, .shx, .prj, .dbf, .sbn, .sbx, .shp.xml

4. Contact

5. Links:
● GisViewer:
● Official website of .NET:
● Official website of .Net Interface 1.4 for Total Commander:
● You can also download and install the interface from:
13711 KB - Updated: 7.02.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded  5328 times

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