little-brother's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: little-brother All Plugins and Files by little-brother
View XML files
* Mixed tree and grid view
* Column filters
* Sort data by column click
* Beautifier and highlighting
* Supports ANSI, UTF8 and UTF16
* Open source
63 KB - Updated: 4.12.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 15231 times
View CSV files
* Auto-detect codepage and delimiter
* Column filters
* Sort data by column click
* Supports ANSI, UTF8 and UTF16
* Open source
47 KB - Updated: 26.01.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 15179 times
View Json files
* Mixed tree and grid view
* Column filters
* Sort data by column click
* Beautifier and highlighting
* Supports ANSI, UTF8 and UTF16
* Open source
97 KB - Updated: 21.01.2024 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 13305 times
View SQLite3 files (*.db, *.db3, *.sqlite, *.sqlite3)
* Quick column filters
* Sort data by column header
* Data editing (off by default)
* Doesn't require SQLite library (built-in)
* Supports huge tables
* Open-source
The plugin has standalone version.
698 KB - Updated: 21.11.2023 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 14875 times
View Access (*.mdb, *.accdb), Excel (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsb) and Data Source (*.dsn) files through ODBC interface. 64-bit version requires Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable or 2016.
* Quick column filters
* Sort data by column click
* Open-source
45 KB - Updated: 21.11.2023 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 13310 times
View deleted rows in SQLite3 files.
* Quick column filters
* Sort data by column header
* Maximum database size is 10Mb (for free version)
* Only UTF8 encoding
* BLOBs are unsupported
59 KB - Updated: 18.12.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 3156 times