Total Commander PowerPack by BuKoX 1.41
Total Commander PowerPack by BuKoX 1.41
Total Commander PowerPack is extended version of Christian Ghisler's Total Commander. It contains own installer with many options, over 60 automatically installed and configured plugins, rebuilded toolbar, main and directory menu, predefinied own columns and search patterns, new layout and skins. It's configured for advanced users and contains english and polish language packs.
Plugins and addons in TC PowerPack 1.41:
Total Commander 6.52
WCX plugins: 7zip 0.4.4a, avi, bzip 1.0, chmDir 0.40 beta 5, cpio 1.5, dbx 1.0 beta9, deb 1.0, dirCopy 1.04, diskDir 1.32, dsp 1.0, gif 1.1, icl, img 0.9 beta, iso 1.7.3 beta 2, lzx 1.1, mdb 0.7.1, mht 0.1.1, msi 0.4, reg 1.4, resExtract 1.1.1, rpm 1.5, Z 0.2
WLX plugins: arcview, eml 0.6, FileInfo 2.05, FlashView 1.4, IEView 1.93 a, Imagine beta 9, INI Editor 1.1, LinkInfo 1.51, ListDoc 1.2, SynPlus 2.7.1, Torrent, xBase 6.04
WFX plugins: ADOds 1.3, Calendar 1.02, ext2fs 1.2, EventNT 1.3, FSNetStat 1.0, HTTP Browser 1.1, ntfs5tc 1.2, pop3 1.2, ProcFS 2.0, Registry 2.6.1, SecureFTP, Services 2.5 beta 1, Shared Files 1.0.2, StartUp Guard, TCBurner 0.9.3, TConsole 2.1, Uninstaller 1.7.3, Versions 1.51, Virtual Disk 1.3 beta 2
WDX plugins: CDocProp 1.1, DirSizeCalc 1.13, Exif 1.45 beta, FileDiz 1.2, FileX 1.4, ImageInfo 1.2, Media 0.6.1
Addons: Notepad2 1.0.12, Volkov Commander
Category: Other downloads
Status: shareware
Author: Adam Bukowinski [BuKoX]
Added: 12.05.2005
Updated: 5.07.2005
Downloaded: 35764 times
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