Peter Lupo's plugins and utilities on TOTALCMD.NET
Author Profile: Peter Lupo Homepage: All Plugins and Files by Peter Lupo
Command-line compression utilities can be configured as external packers so that Total Commander can compress in other formats. Currently, Total Commander can compress in ARJ, LHZ, RAR, UC2, and ACE provided that these external packers are available. Please note that UC2 is disabled in Total Commander when running on 64-bit Windows. The last known version to have it enabled is [Total Commander 7.55](
All external packers are 32-bit ONLY except RAR, which is provided in 32-bit and 64-bit.
The latest LHA version that works on Windows 10 64-bit that I could find is 2.67.00 (unfortunately, I could only find it in Japanese). Files compressed with 2.67.00 are known not to be compatible with versions older than 2.13, which is why this older version is also available in the package.
* LHA is free and was obtained here:
* ARJ is free and was obtained here:
* RAR and ACE are trial/shareware. They are free to distribute, but if you want to keep using them, you must register.
* UC2 is free and can be obtained from different links provided by it's author:
If you want to pick just the one(s) you are interested in, the separate downloads are available here:
For suggestions or to report issues, please visit
To set it up, see the example in the screenshot below:
1485 KB - Updated: 18.06.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 2660 times
Batch script that integrates Total Commander into Windows.
When executed, it presents the following menu:
0: Exit.
1: Replace Windows Explorer with Total Commander.
2: Undo 1.
3: Add option to open with Total Commander to Windows Explorer context
4: Undo 3.
5: Associate the Recycle Bin to open with Total Commander.
6: Undo 5.
7: Add Total Commander as an AutoPlay option.
It basically automates what is available here:
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2 KB - Updated: 3.06.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 2059 times
This addon uses a combination of tar pipes and netcat to send files or directories (up to 9 items selected in the same directory) over the network to another Total Commander PC.
Send button (screenshot below):
- Command: %COMMANDER_PATH%\addons\sendReceive\send.bat
- Parameters: %S
- Icon file: %COMMANDER_PATH%\addons\sendReceive\icons.icl
Receive button (screenshot below):
- Command: %COMMANDER_PATH%\addons\sendReceive\receive.bat
- Parameters: %P
- Icon file: %COMMANDER_PATH%\addons\sendReceive\icons.icl
It should work on Windows Vista/8/10.
To make it work on older Windows versions or transfer between Total Commander and Linux machines, please visit for more detailed instructions.
By default, the sender will request the receiver's IP and won't allow any other IP to receive the content. If you want to change this behavior, open the "config.txt" file and change
After this change, the sender won't request the receiver's IP anymore. It will accept requests from any IP.
In the same "config.txt" file, you can also change the default port (it needs to be the same in the sender and the receiver):
For suggestions or to report issues, please visit
2716 KB - Updated: 3.06.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 2323 times
Download torrents TRANSPARENTLY!
This button will allow you to select a torrent file and download it without actually opening the application or clicking on anything. By default, it will download the torrent to a folder with the same name of the torrent file at the same location (make sure you have permission to write there). If you want to move, rename or delete the content you downloaded, be aware that it may be locked for a few seconds while the download finishes and the program closes.
For the 64-bit version, just download the file below, uncompress it and set up your button as follows:
Command: "Path_to_this_utility\torrent.bat"
Parameters: %P%N
Run minimized: check
Icon file: "Path_to_this_utility\qbittorrent.exe"
Check the screenshot below.
This utility uses qBittorrent behind the scenes. qBittorrent is a small free, open-source BitTorrent client.
qBittorrent supports running as a portable application. In addition to set it up as a portable app, there are some settings that need to be configured to automate everything plus a batch script to be used to run it. If you wish to do it personally instead of downloading the package available here, following the instructions here:
Please report any issues at
For more information, please visit
0 KB - Updated: 19.05.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 3 times
This script uses a portable version of Cygwin when Windows Subsystem for Linux is not available to provide Linux bash emulation in Windows environments. It will open bash in the current directory of the target panel.
The script will work only if the Windows Subsystem for Linux is installed or if Cygwin portable is available in the same directory. It was designed to work with Cygwin Portable that is installed using this script:
The script works in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions and is available in the download below.
To set it up, either you will have to:
1- Download Portable Cygwin and install it in a separate directory.
2- Download the file available here.
3- Extract "LinuxShell.bat" from the downloaded file.
4- Copy "LinuxShell.bat" to the directory where you installed Portable Cygwin in the first step.
This is how to setup the button (see screenshot below):
Command: Path_to_this_utility\LinuxShell.bat
Parameters: "%P"
Start path: Path_to_this_utility\
Run minimized: check
You can choose to adopt Cygwin's icon (go to the directory where it was downloaded and go to Path_to_this_utility\App\cygwin\Cygwin.ico or any icon of your preference. In the screenshot below, a Tux icon is being used. It was downloaded from and available in the download below.
Please report any issues at
For more information, please visit
57 KB - Updated: 18.05.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 1047 times
Script to be used as a button to copy the contents of the selected file to the clipboard.
For image files, it transfers the image to the clipboard. For text files (txt, log, bat, etc.), it transfers the text. Image formats supported are bmp, gif, jpg/jpeg, png, and tiff.
This only works on computers with GDI+ installed (in Windows XP or newer it is installed by default). So for Windows versions newer than XP, this will work out of the box.
For older Windows versions, GDI+ is hard to find. I found the latest version here:
You can download it from there and try it at your own risk. I am also providing the same file downloaded from there, here, for convenience:
I have also found some references saying that it could be part of .NET framework, so I would rather try that first and see if it works.
It is based on NirCmd features that copy contents of different file types to the clipboard. I'm providing a script to make the parameters independent of the file type, together with nircmdc.exe.
NirCmd is a small free command-line utility that can be downloaded directly from the original website. If you want to update it, just download the newest version and replace nircmdc.exe.
Please report any issues at
For more information, please visit
This is how to set up the button.
Command: "Path_to_this_utility\Copy File Contents.bat"
Parameters: %S
Run minimized: check
See the screenshot below as an example:
41 KB - Updated: 18.05.2021 - x32/x64 - Downloaded 2753 times