LTAR 1.0
LTAR 1.0
This plugin allows to extract/view/create LTAR v3 format archives.
For example, it's used in "F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (Fear 2)" and "Condemned 2 - Bloodshot" games.
Plugin can extract, view and create Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) and PC LTAR archives.
In the extract/view mode it's recognise PS3 and PC versions automatically.
For creating specific type of archive there is an "Options" dialog,
accessible through the "Pack files" dialog of Total Commander by pressing
"Configure" button in it, where you can configure Extract and Create options
of this plugin.
How to install the plugin in Total Commander:
1. Double click on the plugin zip file within Total Commander
2. Follow the instructions
There is a "gaup.wcx" - Game Archive UnPacker PRO by Alexander Cherenkov
GAUP plugin can view LTAR v3 PC archives, but extracts files from them incorrectly !
Category: TC Packer Plugins
Status: donateware
Added: 5.01.2012
Updated: 5.01.2012
Downloaded: 5122 times
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